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[A-infos-index24] A-Infos-index of last 24 hours

Date Wed, 28 Mar 2012 23:59:02 +0200 (CEST)

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Latest Headlines:

(en) Russia, Anarchist Black Cross of Moscow - Letter of Maria Alyekhina from prison
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Mar 28 18:16:24 GMT 2012

This letter was given to Masha's friends by one of her lawyers, Nikolay Polozov. It was
written back when she didn't have an opportunity to pass letters to anyone. She was
transferred to a more desnely-populated prison cell after. - March 12, 2012 ---- Second
day of pre-trial detention. ---- My only cell-mate Nina and I sleep on metal beds in
outdoor clothes. She sleeps in a fur coat, I sleep in a coat. It's so cold in the cell our
noses get red and our feet are ice cold, but we are no...

(en) Britain, Catalyst* #29 p3- Electricians beat back BESNA + Women council workers win + Interview: John Foley, + Employment tribunal rules
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Mar 28 17:42:34 GMT 2012

Electricians beat back BESNA ---- Firms drop proposed 35% pay cut after direct action
campaign from &#x2018;Sparks&#x2019; ---- Electricians are celebrating a major breakthrough in their
battle to stop a coordinated attempt by some of Britain&#x2019;s biggest construction firms to
deskill their jobs and impose pay cuts of up to 35% after main players Balfour Beatty and
NG Bailey threw in the towel. A source told a trade magazine that &#x201C;one thing is definite,
BESNA is finished.&#x...

(en) Ireland, anarchist paper Workers Solidarity #126 - What is the Fiscal Compact: Smoke &amp; Mirrors
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Mar 28 17:24:47 GMT 2012

As the flames from the latest round of rioting in Greece die down, the incapacity of the
mainstream media to tell the story of the current Eurozone crisis leaves us as much in the
dark as before the Molotov&#x2019;s lit up the nightly news. ---- Much of last year was taken up
by endless rounds of Euro chiefs crisis meetings, followed by announcements that this time
they had fixed the problem. Each announcement caused a brief market rally before, a few
weeks later, another crash as the ...

(tr) &#x130;stanbul: Davet- Do&#x11F;a ve Ya&#x15F;am i&#xE7;in m&#xFC;cadele eden kad&#x131;nlar bulu&#x15F;uyor
a-infos-tr@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Mar 28 13:13:31 GMT 2012

DAVET - Do&#x11F;a ve Ya&#x15F;am i&#xE7;in m&#xFC;cadele eden kad&#x131;nlar bulu&#x15F;uyor<br>
Zordur kad&#x131;n olmak, pe&#x15F;i s&#x131;ra s&#x131;ralanm&#x131;&#x15F; da&#x11F;lar&#x131;n aras&#x131;ndan ge&#xE7;en zor<br>
patikalar gibidir ya&#x15F;amlar&#x131;...<br>
Hamur yo&#x11F;urur, odun k&#x131;rar, inek besler, ah&#x131;r i&#x15F;ini yapar, tarla s&#xFC;rer,<br>
bah&#xE7;e yapar, &#xE7;ay f&#x131;nd&#x131;k toplar, a&#x11F;a&#xE7; budar ve her&#x15F;eye ra&#x11F;men<br>

(tr) [Medya] Avrupal&#x131; anar&#x15F;istler &#x130;slamofobiye kar&#x15F;&#x131;
a-infos-tr@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Mar 28 13:13:28 GMT 2012

&quot;Wall Street'i &#x130;&#x15F;gal Et&quot; eylemlerinin Frankfurt aya&#x11F;&#x131;n&#x131;, ikinci nesil<br>
G&#xF6;&#xE7;t&#xFC;rklerden Hayati Ko&#xE7; koordine ediyor. &#x130;&#x15F;galciler, bug&#xFC;nlerde<br>
Avrupa'n&#x131;n yeni &#x131;rk&#xE7;&#x131;l&#x131;&#x11F;&#x131; kabul edilen &#x130;slamofobi ile de m&#xFC;cadele<br>
28 Mart 2012 &#xC7;ar&#x15F;amba 00:02 Kaynak: Aksiyon ZAFER &#xD6;ZCAN,<br>
Avrupa Birli&#x11F;i'nin finans ba&#x15F;kenti kabul edilen Fran...

(tr) K&#xFC;r&#x15F;ad K&#x131;z&#x131;ltu&#x11F; &#x130;le S&#xF6;yle&#x15F;i
a-infos-tr@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Mar 28 13:13:27 GMT 2012

K&#xFC;r&#x15F;ad K&#x131;z&#x131;ltu&#x11F; &#x130;le S&#xF6;yle&#x15F;i: 'Heteroseks&#xFC;el erkekler, patriyarkay&#x131;<br>
kendi meseleleri olarak g&#xF6;rmediler.'<br>
K&#xFC;r&#x15F;ad K&#x131;z&#x131;ltu&#x11F; ile toplumsal cinsiyeti,erkekli&#x11F;i,anar&#x15F;izmi ve &#x15F;iddet<br>
konular&#x131;n&#x131; konu&#x15F;tum. Fakat s&#xF6;yle&#x15F;iyi yaparken h&#x131;z&#x131;m&#x131;z&#x131; alamad&#x131;k ve<br>
ortaya &#xE7;ok uzun bir s&#xF6;yle&#x15F;i &#xE7;&#x131;kt&#x131;. S&#...

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