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[A-infos-index24] A-Infos-index of last 24 hours

Date Mon, 19 Mar 2012 23:59:01 +0100 (CET)

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Latest Headlines:

(it) nuove uscite elèuthera marzo 2012: nestor machno, bandiera nera sull'ucraina
a-infos-it@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Mar 19 19:15:10 GMT 2012

nuove uscite el&#xE8;uthera marzo 2012<br>
nestor machno: bandiera nera sull'ucraina alexander shubin -NOVITA'<br>
2012-15,00 euro-EAN 978-88-96904-07-7<br>
guerriglia libertaria e rvoluzione contadina<br>
scheda libro: <a rel="nofollow" href="http://www.eleuthera.it/scheda_libro.php?idlib=297";>http://www.eleuthera.it/scheda_libro.php?idlib=297</a><br>
nuovo filmato sul canale youtube di el&#xE8;uthera:<br>
nestor machno e la rivoluzione anarchica in ucraina di h&#xE9;l&#xE8;n chatelain<...

(it) Domenica No Tav tra Susa e Torino, la solidariet&#xE0; dei lavoratori del Regio
a-infos-it@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Mar 19 19:13:23 GMT 2012

Domenica No Tav tra Susa e Torino, la solidariet&#xE0; dei lavoratori del Regio<br>
Susa 18 marzo. Giornata di lotta, autogestione, riconsegna alla citt&#xE0; di<br>
spazi abbandonati.<br>
Nonostante la pioggia tanti No Tav hanno partecipato al corteo con tanto<br>
di banda, che, dopo aver attraversato le vie cittadine, si &#xE8; recato alla<br>
Colombaia, vecchia costruzione militare abbandonata al degrado da molti<br>
anni e l&#x2019;hanno occupata.<br>
Per una giornata il luogo, che do...

(en) Venezuela, Press release by Revolutionary Anarchist Federation of Venezuela - FARV , about the represion of the citizens of Barquisimeto city
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Mar 19 16:49:08 GMT 2012

FASCISM FASCISM IS ALWAYS COMPADRE ---- On Tuesday 13 March, in an action with fascist
overtone, were evicted by the city police Iribarren (Barquisimeto) and the National Guard
&quot;Bolivarian&quot; the occupants of the land around the airport located southeast of the city of
Barquisimeto. About 500 families suffered the onslaught of state agencies INSECURITY the
direct instructions of the mayor of the municipality Iribarren Amalia Saenz, violating the
human rights of these companions...

(en) Croatia, Zagreb 2012 A bookfair program
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Mar 19 15:33:42 GMT 2012

hi, bookfair program is done, although we might find some time and space for last minute
things, as every year... ---- you can see program here:
<a rel="nofollow" href="http://www.ask-zagreb.org/program2012engleski.htm";>http://www.ask-zagreb.org/program2012engleski.htm</a> ---- also, all of you coming, please let
us know as soon as possible how many of you and when you plan to arrive. ---- see you
soon! ----
---- <a rel="nofollow" href="http://www.ask-zagreb.org";>http://www.ask-...

(en) Greece, Patras: anarchists storm and trash the newly-opened offices of neo-nazi group
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Mar 19 10:34:19 GMT 2012

They trash the newly-opened offices of neo-nazi group &#x2018;Golden Dawn&#x2019; in broad daylight The
neo-nazi group &#x2018;golden dawn&#x2019; (chrysi augi) is projected to enter the parliament for the
first time in the upcoming elections. Ahead of these elections, the group has been trying
to open offices across greece and on Monday (March 12) they opened their office in the
centre of the port city of Patras. In response, two days later anarchists marched to the
building in broad ...

(ca) [Argentina] Video-debate: Reg&#xED;strese, arch&#xED;vese y comun&#xED;quese
a-infos-ca@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Mar 19 09:37:05 GMT 2012

Video-debate: Reg&#xED;strese, arch&#xED;vese y comun&#xED;quese -- Viernes 23 de<br>
Marzo a las 20 hs. -- Proyecci&#xF3;n del documental: REGISTRESE, ARCHIVESE<br>
Y COMUNIQUESE -- Contrapicada | Argentina, 2009 | 67 min.<br>
Documental sobre la estrategia de control y censura en el &#xE1;mbito<br>
educativo por parte de la &#xFA;ltima dictadura c&#xED;vico-militar. Realizado<br>
sobre la base del documento &#x201C;Subversi&#xF3;n en el &#xC1;mbito Educativo<br>
(Conozcamos a nuestro ene...

(tr) &#x130;stanbul: Polisin gaz&#x131;, Newroz ate&#x15F;ini s&#xF6;nd&#xFC;remez
a-infos-tr@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Mar 19 08:16:22 GMT 2012

18 Mart 2012 - Devletin valisinin Newroz kutlamalar&#x131;n&#x131; bug&#xFC;n<br>
yapt&#x131;rmayaca&#x11F;&#x131; a&#xE7;&#x131;klamalar&#x131;na ra&#x11F;men, sabah&#x131;n erken saatlerinden<br>
itibaren Topkap&#x131; ve &#xE7;evresinde toplanan binlerce ki&#x15F;i Newroz'u<br>
serhildana &#xE7;evirdi. Ba&#x15F;ta Halklar&#x131;n Demokratik Kongresi, KESK olmak<br>
&#xFC;zere bir &#xE7;ok devrimci &#xF6;rg&#xFC;t, siyasi parti ve sendikalar&#x131;n yan&#x131; s&#x131;ra<br>
Devrimci Anar...

(tr) Yunanistan, Patras: Antifa&#x15F;ist do&#x11F;rudan eylem
a-infos-tr@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Mar 19 08:16:20 GMT 2012

Bug&#xFC;n 15 Mart. Saat 13.00 civar&#x131; b&#xFC;y&#xFC;k bir grup anar&#x15F;ist ve<br>
antifa&#x15F;ist, Patras &#x15F;ehrinin merkezinde, Germanou Caddesinde bulunan<br>
neo-nazi partisi Chrissi Avgi/Golden Dawn'&#x131;n ofisini bast&#x131;lar.12<br>
Mart'ta a&#xE7;&#x131;lan bu fa&#x15F;ist yuvas&#x131;, a&#xE7;&#x131;lmas&#x131;ndan hemen sonra par&#xE7;alanm&#x131;&#x15F;<br>
oldu.Ayr&#x131;ca, neo-nazi materyaller da&#x11F;&#x131;t&#x131;l&#x131;p, sokaklara at&#x131;l&#x131;rken<br...

(tr) IWA-29-30-31 Mart Eylem G&#xFC;nleri
a-infos-tr@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Mar 19 08:16:19 GMT 2012

IWA-29-30-31 Mart Eylem G&#xFC;nleri<br>
Uluslararas&#x131; &#x130;&#x15F;&#xE7;iler Birli&#x11F;i (IWA), 29-30-31 Mart'&#x131; Eylem G&#xFC;nleri<br>
olarak belirledi.<br>
Eylemler k&#xFC;resel, b&#xF6;lgesel ve yerel sorunlara odaklanan uluslararas&#x131;<br>
bir bak&#x131;&#x15F; a&#xE7;&#x131;s&#x131;yla, kemer s&#x131;kma politikalar&#x131; gibi kapitalist<br>
&#xF6;nlemlere, s&#xF6;m&#xFC;r&#xFC; ve zulme kar&#x15F;&#x131; yap&#x131;lacak. IWA'n&#x131;n eylemleri,<br>

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