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[A-infos-index24] A-Infos-index of last 24 hours

Date Sun, 18 Mar 2012 23:59:02 +0100 (CET)

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Latest Headlines:

(en) Britain, BRISTOL ANARCHIST FEDERATION Vs LibDem Cllr Woodman - Swindon cleaners fight back against racist bosses
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Mar 18 17:48:00 GMT 2012

For the past month cleaners and other staff at the GBH hospital in Swindon have been
campaigning against racism bullying and unfair treatment by their employer carillion. The
campaign has included 12 days of strike action by over 100 workers in the GMB union and
numerous demonstrations. On Saturday, as the workers are set to enter another week of
strikes, they held their largest demonstration to date. They were joined by locals from
Swindon including the National Union of Teachers, U...

(en) Turkey, &#xC4;stanbul: Commemoration of Beyazit and Halabja massacres
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Mar 18 17:20:30 GMT 2012

On March 16th a protest took place in Beyazit/&#xC4;stanbul for the anniversary of massacres of
Beyazit (16-3/1978) and Xalabja (16-3/1988). The demo was organized by 16 Mart Platformu
(16 March Platform). Revolutionary Anarchist Action (DAF) was one of the participants in
this platform. The protest was held in Laleli. Then in Beyazit the related communiqu&#xC3; was
read. ---- &#xE2;&#xE2;We will continue the struggle of the revolutionists who were murdered by the
State. We will raise ...

(en) Britain, Liverpool, Direct action against Allied Irish Bank and Daniel Silverman Solicitors
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Mar 18 16:41:27 GMT 2012

Liverpool pickets Ryanair Don't Care campaign direct action demonstrations workers'
rights. ---- As part of the international week of action against Ryanair, on Friday 16
March Liverpool Solidarity Federation members joined John Foley of the Ryanair Don't Care
Campaign for pickets in the City Centre. The targets of our action were a bank and a
solicitors who are complicit in the budget airline's recruitment scamming. ---- The Allied
Irish Bank formerly provided 3500&#x20AC; loans to pr...

(en) Britain, Ryanair Don't Care campaign picket of Liverpool John Lennon Airport pickets demonstrations
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Mar 18 16:36:42 GMT 2012

To round off our week of action against Ryanair, Liverpool Solidarity Federation* and
Ryanair Don't Care campaigner John Foley today picketed Liverpool John Lennon Airport.
Though not quite the spectacle that the previous day had been, it was succesful in getting
across the key message: end the Ryanair recruitment scam! ---- We pitched up outside
Departures at around twelve o'clock, with banners and signs, and began distributing
leaflets to people as they came and went from the airport...

(ca) [Toledo] Convocatoria Manifestaci&#xF3;n y actos 31-MARZO: Dia internacional contra el capitalismo.
a-infos-ca@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Mar 18 12:45:59 GMT 2012

INTERNACIONAL DE LA A.I.T. (Asociaci&#xF3;n Internacional de los<br>
Trabajadores) * MANIFESTACI&#xD3;N en Toledo a las 12:00h. Desde Plaza<br>
del Ayuntamiento hasta Plaza de Zocodover. Organiza CNT Toledo.<br>
* CONCENTRACI&#xD3;N en Aranjuez a las 17:00h. en la plaza del<br>
ayuntamiento. Organiza CNT Aranjuez. * CHARLA-DEBATE a las 20:00h.<br>
&#x201C;Como defenderse ante la nueva Reforma Laboral&#x201D;. ...

(en) France, Alternating Current #218 - Nantes, on March 24 against Notre-Dame-des-Landes airport (fr) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Mar 18 11:29:01 GMT 2012

For a procession anticapitalist A joint statement a poster and a &quot;4 pages&quot; common banner
of the head of the procession ---- Protest procession anticapitalist ---- Statement ---
Following an initiative of various libertarian groups and organizations in Greater Nantes,
a group was formed to organize a procession anti-capitalist, in the demonstration against
the airport of Notre-Dame-des-Landes, March 24 at Nantes. As stated in the joint appeal
&quot;neither here nor there&quot;...

(ca) [Madrid] Manifestaci&#xF3;n &quot;Ning&#xFA;n privilegio para las iglesias. De mis impuestos a las iglesias CERO&quot;
a-infos-ca@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Mar 18 09:33:36 GMT 2012

La segunda reuni&#xF3;n para organizar la manifestaci&#xF3;n se va a llevar a<br>
cabo el martes 20 de marzo a las 19.00 en Casabalanca, calle Santa<br>
Isabel, 21-23. Quienes esteis interesados podeis acudir a la misma con<br>
vuestras aportaciones aunque no asistierais a la primera reuni&#xF3;n. --<br>
En el adjunto enviamos desglosada la cantidad de 11.000 millones que<br>
anualmente recibe la ICAR (Iglesia Cat&#xF3;lica Apost&#xF3;lica y Romana) a la<br>
que se puede a&#xF1;adir, en vi...

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