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[A-infos-index24] A-Infos-index of last 24 hours

Date Fri, 16 Mar 2012 23:59:01 +0100 (CET)

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(ca) Movilizaciones internacionales: 29, 30 y 31 de marzo
a-infos-ca@ainfos.ca</em -
Fri Mar 16 21:40:48 GMT 2012

D&#xED;a de acci&#xF3;n europeo contra el capitalismo M31 -- Jornadas de<br>
acciones globales contra el capitalismo promovidas por la AIT. --<br>
Apoyo a la Huelga General en Espa&#xF1;a ---En Espa&#xF1;a -- (CNT-Aranjuez) 31<br>
de marzo, concentraci&#xF3;n a las 17:00 en la plaza del ayuntamiento de<br>
Aranjuez contra la reforma laboral en coordinaci&#xF3;n con el d&#xED;a de<br>
acci&#xF3;n europeo contra el capitalismo M31 y acciones globales de la<br>
AIT. -- (CNT-FL.Madrid):29 de m...

(ca) [Jerez] Presentaci&#xF3;n de La Sociedad Desescolarizada, de Ivan Illich, por Pedro Garc&#xED;a Olivo
a-infos-ca@ainfos.ca</em -
Fri Mar 16 21:20:16 GMT 2012

Salud compa&#xF1;erxs, os invitamos a la presentaci&#xF3;n del &#xFA;ltimo libro<br>
reeditado por lxs compa&#xF1;erxs de la Editorial Brulot: La Sociedad<br>
Desescolarizada, de Ivan Illich. La presentaci&#xF3;n correr&#xE1; a cargo de<br>
Pedro Garc&#xED;a Olivo, prologuista del mismo, y&#xA0;tendr&#xE1; lugar en nuestro<br>
local de la Calle Gaspar Fern&#xE1;ndez, 1, el pr&#xF3;ximo jueves 22 de marzo a<br>
partir de las 20 horas. -- - Sobre La Sociedad Desescolarizada: En un<br>

(en) US, San Francisco, 17th Annual Bay Area Anarchist Book Fair - 2012-03-31 00:00 to 2012-04-01 23:59 - Speaker Schedule
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Fri Mar 16 17:59:46 GMT 2012

The Bay Area Anarchist Book Fair is a free two-day event put on every year by Bound
Together Bookstore in San Francisco&#xE2;s Golden Gate Park. This book fair brings together
radical booksellers, distributors, independent presses and political groups from around
the world. All these vendors will bring you their best in books -- pamphlets -- zines --
art -- information -- and a whole lot more! -- Each year we bring you an amazing line-up
of speakers and panel discussions on a variety o...

(nl) Groot Brittanie, Freedom* Januari 2012 - China's industriele onrust [en]
a-infos-nl@ainfos.ca</em -
Fri Mar 16 15:00:28 GMT 2012

Een verslag over recente arbeidersstrijd ---- De laatste maanden van 2011 gaven een golf
van stakingen te zien in verschillende industrieen, grotendeels in oost en zuid China. In
de zuidoostelijke provincie Zheijiang voerden begin december honderden arbeiders van een
bamboe en houten meubelen fabriek die failliet ging een openbare rally uit, waarbij de
uitbetaling van niet betaalde lonen werd geeist. Ze kregen te maken met zware politie
repressie. ---- In de zelfde maand staakten meer ...

(ca) [Madrid] CNT-AIT se concentr&#xF3; contra los recortes en las administraciones p&#xFA;blicas
a-infos-ca@ainfos.ca</em -
Fri Mar 16 10:08:41 GMT 2012

El pasado d&#xED;a 7 de marzo, unas 150 personas, entre militantes de CNT<br>
Madrid y otros/as trabajadores/as y estudiantes, se concentraron<br>
frente al ministerio de Hacienda y Administraci&#xF3;n P&#xFA;blica de la calle<br>
Alcal&#xE1; de<br>
Madrid, convocados por CNT Madrid. -- La convocatoria, que dur&#xF3; una<br>
hora y media, estuvo muy animada, ya que los asistentes no pararon de<br>
gritar contra la nueva reforma laboral y contra los recortes en la<br>
administraci&#xF3;n p...

(en) Rif (Morocco): The anger of the people - A curfew imposed in the whole area of &#xE2;&#xE2;Ait Bouayach (ca, it) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Fri Mar 16 07:45:40 GMT 2012

Increase the revolt in the villages around Ait Bouatach and widen the confrontation.
Despite having been declared by the repressive forces of the curfew in all areas of Ait
Buayash, with the ban for everyone to go out and stand in the street, many young people
have taken refuge in the mountains around and attack the police from there. The clashes
continued. ---- The police made several arrests, including Mohamed Jellul companion,
teacher, member of Space Democrats Auditors and the Foru...

(en) Morocco: before the serious events of Alhucemas - Press release by Confederaci&#xF3;n General del Trabajo - CGT* Friday March 16, (fr) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Fri Mar 16 07:37:17 GMT 2012

The General Confederation of Labor of the Spanish state, before the serious events that
occur in the province of Alhucemas, wants to show the following. ---- 1 &#xBA; Our total
solidarity with the people of Ait Bouayach, Imzouren, Boukidan and other localities of the
province of Alhucemas who demand freedom, justice and dignity. ---- 2 &#xB0; Our firm
condemnation of the brutal repression that is exerted on the people causing many
casualties, detentions and destruction and generating a...

(en) US, Randy &quot;Prole Cat&quot; Lowens: May 2, 1960 - March 8, 2012 - Obituary by Flint - Common Struggle
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Fri Mar 16 07:29:12 GMT 2012

Southern Anarchist Passes ---- Don Jennings passed away March 8, 2012, in Richmond,
Kentucky. He is best known to many of us by his pen name, Randy &quot;Prole Cat&quot; Lowens. In
lieu of flowers the Family request contributions to any public library in Don&#xE2;s memory. --
Don was a former Workers Solidarity Alliance member, a founding member of Atlanta's
Capital Terminus Collective and a supporter of Common Struggle Libertarian Communist
Federation. He was a prolific anarchist writ...

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