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[A-infos-index24] A-Infos-index of last 24 hours

Date Thu, 15 Mar 2012 23:59:01 +0100 (CET)

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Latest Headlines:

(it) Alessandria: solidali con Tobia
a-infos-it@ainfos.ca</em -
Thu Mar 15 22:58:47 GMT 2012

Alessandria: solidali con Tobia<br>
Tobia &#xE8; al 13&#xB0; giorno di digiuno, ma lo stato ed i suoi aguzzini non<br>
demordono nella persecuzione contro chi lotta contro il TAV e pi&#xF9; in<br>
generale contro questa societ&#xE0; basata sullo sfruttamento dell'uomo<br>
sull'uomo e sulla natura. Per questo, anche ad Alessandria ci<br>
mobilitiamo contro questo sistema ed in solidariet&#xE0; con chi &#xE8;<br>
ingiustamente detenuto ed in particolare con Tobia: per l'affinit&#xE0; che<br>...

(en) IWA-Action Days on March 29, 30 and 31
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Thu Mar 15 20:53:53 GMT 2012

The International Workers Association (IWA) organizes Action Days on March 29, 30 and 31.
The Actions are international and against Capitalist Austerity Measures, Exploitation, and
Oppression with focus on global, regional and local issues/ work conflicts etc. ---- The
IWA -Actions coincide with the March 29 General Strike in Spain. The Spanish CNT-AIT has
made a call for General Strike and Sections and the IWA- Secretariat will show
solidarity with our Spanish sister organization. M...

(nl) Rusland, Moskou: Piket bij het representatieve kantoor van ADECCO [en]
a-infos-nl@ainfos.ca</em -
Thu Mar 15 20:33:44 GMT 2012

Op 17 februari was er een solidariteit piket met de arbeiders van EULEN-ABB van de
anarcho-syndicalistische vakbond CNT-AIT, voor het zakencentrum in Moskou waar het
representatieve kantoor van ADECCO is gelegen. ---- De arbeiders van de ABB fabriek zijn
sinds 28 november 2011 bezig met een staking voor onbepaalde tijd, waarbij ze eisen dat de
voorwaarden voor de collectieve overeenkomst worden toegepast en de daarbij behorende
loonsverhoging wordt betaald, evenals een verbetering van ...

(nl) Verklaring over de moord op Nikita Kalin [ca,fr,en]
a-infos-nl@ainfos.ca</em -
Thu Mar 15 20:32:12 GMT 2012

De Internationale Betrekkingen van de Coordinatie van Anarchistische Groepen veroordeelt
de moord op Nikita Kalin, een anarchist en antifascistische activist uit Samara, gepleegd
door een groep fascisten, waarvan een lid die zich &quot;Nationaal socialist&quot; noemt is
gearresteerd. ---- De R.I. van de CGA verwerpt de vriendelijke houding van de Russische
politie tegenover de moordenaars en de hulp die het geeft aan de advocaat van de
gearresteerde man. Het is waar dat deze houding va...

(en) Anarkismo.net: Argentina, Statements on the breakdown of Students Front Libertarixs + report (ca) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Thu Mar 15 14:50:05 GMT 2012

1) Comrades, it is our task to communicate the critical situation which has passed the
Students Front Libertarixs in recent times. ---- Unfortunately a project for which many
strive for years, was broken by a peer group that has prioritized its hegemony in the
interests of space on the construction of the trend. Thus, it greatly threatened one of
the projects that had more potential and we still have within anarchism organized student.
---- These partners have decided unilaterally to a...

(en) France, Alternating Current #217 - Hungary, The good student OECD pointed (fr) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Thu Mar 15 13:29:51 GMT 2012

The former star pupil of the IMF, Hungary, has become in recent time the new plague of
Europe. Yet in 1991, the OECD welcomed the deregulation of the economy initiated since
1989 by the Social Democrats of the MSZP, heirs of Stalin: time was when (already) to
fiscal discipline, privatization in turn arm (between 1989 and 1700 1991), price
liberalization and subsidy reduction. Best of all, the government committed itself to
fully repay foreign debt. ---- &quot;Hungary is, with Great Bri...

(en) France, Alternating Current #218 March 2012 - Contents + editorial [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Thu Mar 15 11:49:26 GMT 2012

Contents --- Editorial &#x2022; page 3 --- Repression --- Page 4 &#x2022; The murderers are among us...
-- Big Brother &#x2022; page 6 --- Europe --- Page 8 &#x2022; Democracy is it soluble in the crisis? --
page 9 &#x2022; Austria under the influence of the extreme right -- page 11 &#x2022; International
antinationalism ---- page 13 &#x2022; Call for an anti-capitalist day of action on March 31 --
page 15 &#x2022; Italy : Berlusconi in Monti, the movement of the forks -- Regional P...

(en) France, News FA: Solidarity with eleven cists antifas indicted! (fr) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Thu Mar 15 11:34:30 GMT 2012

Thirty-three nights at gnouf for putting up posters! ---- Antifascist solidarity with the
eleven indicted! ---- On the evening of March 8, 2012, four activists of the Federation
anarchist, and seven other comrades of Anti-Fascist Action, the NPA Alternative
libertarian and have been arrested in Paris-es-es and placed in custody sight. They are
accused of engaging in art-degradation in meeting. In fact, their action was a collage for
refuse trivialization of the extreme right and learn ...

(en) France, Le Monde Libertaire # 1663 8 to 14 March 2012 (fr)
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Thu Mar 15 11:28:46 GMT 2012

&quot;A uniform? This is a preliminary draft coffin.&quot;- Mark Twain -- Contents: -- Topicality --
Roma, still stigmatized by P. Schindler, page 3 -- The cannibals, by Fabrizio, page 4 --
Weather Association, S. Bull, page 5 ---- Press Norman endangered, page 5 -- In brief, the
strip, page 6 ---- News of trade unionism, J. Caramelo, page 7 ---- Unflatable anarchists,
by Pathote, page 7 ---- International ---- Crisis in Romania, by John, page 8 -- U.S.:
care, decolonize, S. Swain, pag...

(en) Britain, Freedom* , ANTI-FASCISM OUT ON THE STREETS
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Thu Mar 15 10:48:00 GMT 2012

A weekend of anti-fascist action as EDL, SDL and BNP attempt to stir racial unrest around
the country ---- Saturday 25th February saw protests and demonstrations organised by
reactionary and right wing groups on the back of recent events in an attempt to gain
public support and recognition for their politics of racial and social division. ---- The
English Defence League (EDL) and British National Party (BNP) were out in Greater
Manchester trying to make political capital out of a recen...

(tr) Propaganda Yay&#x131;nlar&#x131;'n&#x131;n Birinci Ya&#x15F;g&#xFC;n&#xFC;
a-infos-tr@ainfos.ca</em -
Thu Mar 15 07:29:30 GMT 2012

Propaganda Yay&#x131;nlar&#x131;'n&#x131;n Birinci Ya&#x15F;g&#xFC;n&#xFC;<br>
Bir sene &#xF6;nce mart ay&#x131;nda, Propaganda Yay&#x131;nlar&#x131; olarak ilk kitab&#x131;m&#x131;z&#x131;<br>
Aylar s&#xFC;ren &#xE7;al&#x131;&#x15F;man&#x131;n ard&#x131;ndan, ge&#xE7;en sene yay&#x131;nevimizin kurulu&#x15F;unu<br>
duyurmu&#x15F;, bin t&#xFC;rl&#xFC; kayg&#x131; ve korkuyla yola koyulmu&#x15F;tuk. &#x130;lk kitab&#x131;m&#x131;z&#x131;<br>

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