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[A-infos-index24] A-Infos-index of last 24 hours
Mon, 12 Mar 2012 23:59:01 +0100 (CET)
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(ca) Proyección: Hombres de ideas avanzadas
a-infos-ca@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Mar 12 21:27:32 GMT 2012
Proyección del documental: HOMBRES DE IDEAS AVANZADAS -- Diego Fidalgo<br>
| Argentina, 2011 | 95 min.<br>
Presentación a cargo de sus realizadores. -- Joaquín Penina, un joven<br>
anarquista catalán es fusilado en Rosario en 1930 durante la primera<br>
dictadura militar. A mediados de los setenta, el poeta rosarino Aldo<br>
Oliva escribe “El fusilamiento de Penina”, un libro publicado por la<br>
Biblioteca Vigil, que es intervenida durante la última ...
(tr) Bê dewlet, Ji bo cihanek î bê serdest û bê sînor stenbolê li qada newrozê bin...*
a-infos-tr@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Mar 12 19:58:04 GMT 2012
Bê dewlet, Ji bo cihanek î bê serdest û bê sînor stenbolê li qada<br>
newrozê bin... *<br>
Dîsa em bi operasyonan,bi bombeyan,binçavkirinan,di girtîgehan de<br>
îşkenceyên cûr be cûr,destavêtin,işkenceyên derûnî...herwekî din. Em<br>
dikevin demsala biharê.Li hember serdestan çakûçên Kawayên hemdem ji<br>
Gewerê hetanî Atîna, ji oakland...
(en) Anarkismo.net: Argentina, International Day of Working Women by Libertarian Students Front (FEL) (ca) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Mar 12 17:39:31 GMT 2012
This March 8 marks once again the historical struggle for equality we women workers.
Again, we mobilize for our rights. You need to understand that as women living in
capitalist society are subjected to a double oppression as workers, submitted by the
employer, and as women under men. Why we struggle against patriarchy! ---- Today in our
country, we witness more than 300 femicides annually. At the same time increase the
abduction of women and girls is directly linked throughout South A...
(de) EuropÃischer Aktionstag gegen den Kapitalismus,31. MÃrz 2012 (en, ca, nl, it, gr, tr)
a-infos-de@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Mar 12 17:31:06 GMT 2012
Seit Monaten spitzt sich die Kredit- und Schuldenkrise in der EU (und global) zu. Auf
immer neuen Regierungskonferenzen werden Notprogramme beschlossen, um den Kapitalismus in
Europa zu sanieren. Glaubt man Politik und Medien, drohen sonst Zusammenbruch, Rezession
und neue Armut. Mit diesem Drohszenario werden marktradikale Reformen durchgesetzt, die
unsere Gesellschaft und unser Leben auf Jahrzehnte bestimmen â wenn wir uns nicht wehren.
In den ersten Jahren der Krise hieà e...
(en) Anarkismo.net: M31 - European Day of Action against Capitalism (de, ca, nl, it, gr, tr)
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Mar 12 17:29:17 GMT 2012
This is our call for action in context of the international day of action against
capitalism, taking place on march 31th in different cities throughout Europe. This is the
english version - visit our site for other languages. ---- Call for Action ---- Europe is
in a continuous state of upheaval. For months now, its credit- and sovereign debt crises
have been escalating. A number of hectic European Union (EU) summits have introduced
emergency measures to rescue capitalism. Should the&#x...
(en) Anarkismo.net, Open letter to the women of the people of Chile by Group G Spot (ca) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Mar 12 16:31:19 GMT 2012
In commemoration of 101 years of International Day of Working Women ---- Today, we women
of our popular class we think, organize, act and fight for our liberation from patriarchy
and neoliberal capitalism to empower ourselves from our body control our lives, the
empowerment of men and women to be popular our class, of the daily struggle of social
revolution. The Point Group G, our social organization of gender politics libertarian
project of free men and women, say hello to all of our ...
(en) Anarkismo.net, Enough is enough! Where do we go? by Julio Franco (ca) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Mar 12 16:16:37 GMT 2012
Enough is enough, other colleagues, that our ideas are not widely followed by large
sectors of society, enough! If not a determining force in the political and social
development of our society, enough! Libertarian culture that not only in our stores,
enough! Of the chapels, purities and hammer of heretics. ---- The 15M has brought to the
fore the reality that is the anarchist movement. Lacking a more structured and unable to
give a more or less together with a spontaneous mass movemen...
(en) Britain, Anarchist Solidarity Federation Locals actions
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Mar 12 16:05:24 GMT 2012
Solent (in formation) ---- We are Solent Solfed, a new local in formation from isolated
members of Brighton Solfed. Brighton is extremely active and has been very supportive,
striving to include us in all their events and activities. Now we need our own local to
spread Anarcho-syndicalist ideas in our own communities, whilst still maintaining strong
links with Brighton and other likeminded groups. ---- We are both syndicalists who favour
direct unionism over the trade union model - sup...
(en) Britain, Anarchist Solidarity Federation, Anti-workfare action in Brighton
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Mar 12 15:39:08 GMT 2012
Saturday March 3rd was a national day of action against workfare, called by Boycott
Workfare. In Brighton, members of Solidarity Federation headed down to Jubilee Street to
support the Brighton Benefits Campaign picket of Tesco. ---- Turnout was encouraging, with
over 50 people in attendance. A sizeable socialist contingent marched from Tesco in St
James Street to Jubilee Street, before moving on to McDonalds. As numbers were still high
outside Tesco, we were able to take another group...
(en) Britain, SolFed*, International week of action against Ryanair + demand letters
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Mar 12 15:24:12 GMT 2012
local leaflet Ryanair Don't Care campaign Liverpool ---- As we begin the week of action
against Ryanair, we hope that people across the world are writing, faxing, emailing and
making phone calls in protest at the airline's exploitative recruitment practices. ----
Attached are pro-forma demand letters to send to Ryanair and other key targets, which can
be adapted as needed. Don't forget to include your name and/or the name of your
organisation, along with contact details and let us know...
(en) US,Berkley, 8 Days of Anarchy - 2012
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Mar 12 14:00:34 GMT 2012
Not everything is a nightmarish hellscape. In many ways anarchists have it better now than
they have in a long time. There are more of us than there have been in decades to feel
alone with. There are more activities that don't pretend to greatness but suffer it...
---- Join us for eight days of anarchist sociability. Eight days to remind ourselves that
we have something worth fighting for (and with). Eight days of activities that serve as
excuses to conspire, plot, and establish terms ...
(pt) "Opinião Anarquista", Março de 2012: Haiti, 8 anos de ocupação militar, repressão e saque de um povo!
a-infos-pt@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Mar 12 10:51:59 GMT 2012
O dia 29 de fevreiro marca uma das mais trágicas e doloridas páginas da recente<br>
história dos povos latino-americanos e caribenhos. Em 29 de fevreiro de 2004, se<br>
iniciou a ocupação militar do Haiti, primeiro país do continente a se livrar do<br>
colonialismo e da escravidão a partir de uma insurreição popular.<br>
A ocupação militar do Haiti se iniciou após uma série de eventos violentos,<br>
financiados e executados co...
(en) France, Alternating Current #217 - Struggles against the big expensive projects, wasteful and destructive (fr) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Mar 12 10:45:15 GMT 2012
Across Europe, major projects are unnecessary and costly imposed on citizens. It was
during a workshop on these projects, during the World Social Forum in Dakar in February
2011, the Italian movement NoTav took the initiative (in fight against a proposed TGV
Lyon-Turin for 20 years ) to organize the first European forum useless against the major
work: a delegation of ACIPA (against the proposed airport Nantes-Notre Dame-des-Landes)
was asked to intervene. A meeting in August 2011 has b...
(en) Britain, Freedom* , February, RADICAL POET ANGYE GAONA ON TRIAL
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Mar 12 10:31:24 GMT 2012
The poet and journalist Angye Gaona has now been charged formally by the Colombian
prosecutors with the crimes of drug trafficking and “rebellion”. The trial began on
January 23rd and is set to last two months at the special criminal court in Cartagena de
Indias. If found guilty she could face a jail term of 20 years. ---- In press articles and
interviews Angye has passionately defended the cause of indigenous people (many of whom
are being killed by paramilitary gangs on...
(pt) [Brasil] Grupos de Estudos: Geografia e Anarquismo e Movimento Operário Autônomo
a-infos-pt@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Mar 12 10:26:47 GMT 2012
Passou a virada de ano, o carnaval... e os grupos de estudos da Biblioteca<br>
Terra Livre seguem firmes e forte! Atualmente, estamos com quatro grupos de<br>
estudo com os seguintes temas: Anarquismo e Educação, Geografia e Anarquismo,<br>
Movimento Operário Autonômo e Anarquismo e História. Nesta semana haverá<br>
reuniões de dois deles: Geografia e Anarquismo e Movimento Operário Autônomo.<br>
Na segunda-feira (12/03), o grupo de estudos Geog...
(en) France, Alternative Libertaire Special issue - Decolonizing United States (fr) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Mar 12 10:17:58 GMT 2012
U.S. After several days of discussions, votes, against-arguments, advocates of "Occupy
Albuquerque" (New Mexico) to reach consensus, the terms reposition the struggles of the
natives of North America on the basis that 'They had not long been known. -- Long before
the Spaniards settled there, the site of Albuquerque was occupied by the Pueblo Indians,
and the legendary Anasazi before them. Pueblo, Hopi, Navajo or "indigenous" Mexican are
still very present in this re...
(fr) Communiqué de la FA : Solidarité avec les onze antifas cistes mis en examen !
a-infos-fr@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Mar 12 10:17:20 GMT 2012
Trente-trois nuits au gnouf pour un collage d'affiches !<br>
Solidarité avec les onze antifascistes mis en examen !<br>
Le 8 mars 2012 au soir, quatre militantes et militants de la Fédération<br>
anarchiste, ainsi que sept autres camarades d'Action antifasciste, du NPA<br>
et d'Alternative libertaire ont été arrêté-es à Paris et placé-es en garde<br>
à vue. Il leur est reproché de s'être livré-es à des dégradations e...
(fr) Marseille : Solidarité avec les anarchistes de Nijni Novgorod le sam edi 17 mars 2012
a-infos-fr@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Mar 12 10:14:15 GMT 2012
L'Anarchist Black Cross Marseille vous invite le samedi 17 mars 2012 à :<br>
* Un rassemblement devant le Consulat de Russie (3, avenue Ambroise Paré<br>
Marseille) à 15h ;<br>
* Un apéro au Seul Problème (46, rue Consolat 13001 Marseille) à 18h ;<br>
* Un concert de soutien à Enthröpy (1, rue Consolat 13001 Marseille) à 21h<br>
(prix libre) avec :<br>
- Atomic Tango, Crust de Saint-Etienne ;<br>
- Red Howlers, red oi ! de Marseille ;<br>
- N...
(en) France, Le Monde Libertaire #1662 - Arab Spring file: Syria: Free Palestine against Bashar al-Assad (fr) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Mar 12 10:12:41 GMT 2012
The Palestinian refugee population in Syria is involved now in the popular uprising.
Exploited by the regime, then designated by him as "enemy within", she finally turned
against the Baathist dictatorship. ---- Protected, instrumentalized or expelled depending
on events, it is not uncommon for Palestinian refugees have been used as scapegoats to
dictators in the Middle East. Remember the September massacres in 1970 in Jordan or Kuwait
in 1991, 300,000 Palestinians were expell...
(fr) Le Monde Libertaire # 1663 du 8 au 14 Mars 2012
a-infos-fr@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Mar 12 10:10:12 GMT 2012
«Un uniforme? C'est un avant-projet de cercueil. » - Boris Vian<br>
Sommaire du Monde Libertaire # 1663 du 8 au 14 Mars 2012<br>
Roms, encore stigmatisés, par P. Schindler, page 3<br>
Les cannibales, par Fabrice, page 4<br>
Météo syndicale, par S. Bull, page 5<br>
Presse normande en péril, page 5<br>
Les brèves, le strip, page 6<br>
Actualité des syndicalismes, par J. Caramelo, page 7<br>
Increvables anarchistes, par Pathote, pa...
(fr) Classes-en-lutte , n°129 : une grève à construire
a-infos-fr@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Mar 12 10:06:51 GMT 2012
Au sommaire du numéro 129 (mars 2012) :<br>
Une grève à construire<br>
En ce début d'année 2012, l'actualité dans les établissements scolaires est encore<br>
une fois très sombre. Réforme de l'évaluation des personnels pour accroître les<br>
pressions hiérarchiques, baisse des budgets de fonctionnement, et, comme tous les<br>
ans, des suppressions de postes. ACTA ne doit pas passer.<br>
La dernière trouvaille liberticide pond...
(gr) Τρία Άλφα σύν ένα - Αλληλεγγύη-Αλληλοβοήθεια-Αυτοοργάνωση-Αντίσταση
a-infos-gr@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Mar 12 09:51:37 GMT 2012
Η αυτοκρατορία του χρήματος, έχει πετύχει να παρεμβαίνει σε κάθε πλευρά
της ζωής μα&...
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