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[A-infos-index24] A-Infos-index of last 24 hours

Date Sun, 11 Mar 2012 23:59:01 +0100 (CET)

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Latest Headlines:

(en) Britain, Freedom*, JOHN RETY: “THE POINT IS THIS” - Obituary by Milan Rai
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Mar 11 13:26:22 GMT 2012

John Rety, chessplayer, Freedom editor, novelist, poet, publisher, painter, pacifist and
lifelong anarchist and activist, has died at the age of 79. John confessed in a radio
interview in 2008 that he became aware of anarchism &#x201C;quite late, really &#x2013; I must have been
13 or 14.&#x201D; This was during the last year of the Second World War, in occupied Budapest,
when John&#x2019;s father was confined to a camp. John himself was a courier for hidden Jewish
families scattered a...

(en) Switzerland, Libertarian Socialist Organisation on Immigration. Papers, rights, equality, one fight (fr) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Mar 11 13:22:21 GMT 2012

Equality as a condition ---- Improved living conditions and status of immigration in this
country obviously requires the regularization of all persons who are without papers, NEM
affected or are forced into a denial of their expulsion after asylum. These situations are
the &quot;hard core&quot; of the immigrant condition although those who have papers are also
private-es of a number fundamental rights, weakened es, es-discriminated and, in some
circumstances, and deported them also. --...

(en) France, immediate outlaw of nuclearpower (fr) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Mar 11 13:09:38 GMT 2012

To hear the politicians and pundits, despite the obvious cruelly recalled by the Japanese
catastrophe which we have not finished measuring the disastrous consequences, wanting to
get out of nuclear power would be immediately &quot;irresponsible&quot;- at best it should gradually
get out ... We argue that nuclear energy is a totalitarian, the antithesis of freedom and
solidarity, and preach the reappropriation by the people business that affect them. ----
The nuclear energy is an extrem...

(en) France, Alternative Libertaire Special issue (fr) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Mar 11 12:59:20 GMT 2012

Editorial - Facholand <a rel="nofollow" href="http://www.alternativelibertaire.org/spip.php?article4681";>http://www.alternativelibertaire.org/spip.php?article4681</a> --
Spotlight - Fukushima Nuclear Disaster: Consequences detonative -- - Risk Management: The
acceptable threshold for die <a rel="nofollow" href="http://www.alternativelibertaire.org/spip.php?article4682";>http://www.alternativelibertaire.org/spip.php?article4682</a> --
<br>- Box: Alternative libertarian opposes the nuclear i...

(en) Canada, Linchpin, #15 - Tensions and tactics, in the struggle, against Rob Ford
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Mar 11 12:39:14 GMT 2012

In the lead up to the vote on Toronto&#x2019;s 2012 City Budget, tactical disagreements surfaced
between two different groups organizing around proposed cuts to city services: the Toronto
Stop the Cuts network and the Respect Toronto coalition. Despite these tensions, the two
sides agreed to hold a shared rally on the first day of the budget proceedings. In the
lead up to the rally, Megan Kinch of the Toronto Media Co-op spoke with John Clarke,
long-time OCAP organizer and a member of ...

(ca) [Madrid] 16M Concentraci&#xF3;n de protesta por el asesinato del compa&#xF1;ero Nikita en Rusia
a-infos-ca@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Mar 11 08:12:34 GMT 2012

Coincidiendo con las jornadas de protesta convocadas en Rusia, la<br>
CNT-AIT convoca concentraci&#xF3;n en Madrid contra los asesinatos<br>
fascistas el viernes 16 a las 13h ante la embajada rusa. -- El pasado<br>
9 de febrero era encontrado el cuerpo sin vida del joven anarquista<br>
Nikita Kalin en la ciudad de Samara (Rusia). El joven result&#xF3; muerto<br>
tras ser apu&#xF1;alado hasta 61 veces y presentar diversas contusiones en<br>
costillas y cabeza. -- La polic&#xED;a ha detenido...

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