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[A-infos-index24] A-Infos-index of last 24 hours
Wed, 7 Mar 2012 23:59:01 +0100 (CET)
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Latest Headlines:
(en) Estonia, Second Call: Baltic Anarchist Meeting Tallinn 2012
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Mar 07 16:29:52 GMT 2012
Estonia's capital Tallinn will simultaneously host two international gatherings at the end
of May. On the 25th of May, both the spring session of NATO's parliamentary assembly and
the first Baltic Anarchist Meeting will start. ---- The aim of BAM 2012 is to exchange
experience and improve co-operation between anarchists from the Baltic Sea region.
Although the focus will be on the Baltic area, like-minded people from other places are
welcome aswell. The three day event will have a numb...
(tr) 8-12 Agustos ST imier Uluslararasi anarsist bulusma
a-infos-tr@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Mar 07 14:52:52 GMT 2012
8-12 Agustos ST imier (isvicre Jura Kantonu ) Uluslararasi anarsist<br>
bulusma yapilacakdir. Bu bulusmada isteyen kisi ve grublar Workshops<br>
yapabilirler. <a rel="nofollow" href="http://www.anarchisme2012.ch/">http://www.anarchisme2012.ch/</a> sitesinde Workshops<br>
bolumune yazabilir.<br>
St imier bulusma tarihinden once isvicre ye turkiyeden arkadaslar<br>
gelirse . bulusma yerinde yapacagimiz hazirliklar icinde yer<br>
alabilirler. Kitap dergi, burosur vb metaryalar icin fuar acil...
(tr) İsmail Erez Lisesinde Boykota Polis Müdahalesi
a-infos-tr@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Mar 07 14:52:51 GMT 2012
Pazartesi gününden itibaren başlatığımız boykot sürecinin bugün<br>
itibariyle yaşanan gelişmeleri; Okul giriş çıkışlarının kapatılması,<br>
sadece kantinden alış veriş yapmamızın dayatılması oldu. Kantin<br>
yiyeceklerinin oldukça kötü ve pahalı olmasına karşılık bizlerde...
(tr) [Medya]Okul müdürü polislerle sınıf basıp öğrencilerin yiyeceklerini toplattı
a-infos-tr@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Mar 07 14:46:30 GMT 2012
Okul müdürü polislerle sınıf basıp öğrencilerin yiyeceklerini toplattı<br>
Okul kantinindeki fiyatları protesto eden öğrenciler, evlerinden<br>
yetirdikleri yiyecekleri yemek istedi. Ancak, okul müdürü polislerle<br>
sınıfı basıp yiyecekler toplatıldı.<br>
İstanbul İsmail Erez Endüstri Meslek Lisesi'nde öğrenciler, pazartesi<br>
(en) Britain, Edinburgh, Boycott Workfare National Day of Action 3rd March
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Mar 07 13:53:48 GMT 2012
Edinburgh Anarchist Federation fully endorses the national day of action called by
grassroots campaign Boycott Workfare. -- Join the protest in Edinburgh: -- Assemble 12
noon, Hunter Square, Saturday 3rd March, to visit some nearby businesses using unpaid
workfare ‘volunteers’ to work for free. ---- Workfare is a government scheme that makes
people on benefits work for their dole. ---- The government and some in the media present
it as a way of encouraging people back int...
(gr) Ο αυταρχισμός προκαλεί απεργίες, η δαιμονοποίηση των απεργών κλίμα για ποινικοποίηση τους
a-infos-gr@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Mar 07 12:07:27 GMT 2012
Η ανένδοτη στάση της εργοδοσίας την τελευταία βδομάδα και η επιμονή
της να επιβάλε&...
(en) Britain, Anarchist Federation - RESISTANCE bulletin #139 March 2012
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Mar 07 10:47:54 GMT 2012
CONTENTS --•Pizza Hut Workers Demand A Proper Slice --•Direct action gets the goods!
Victory in less than a week for newly reformed Glasgow Solidarity Network --• Two Greek
hospitals under Workers’ Control --• Over 100 attend Greece solidarity demonstration in
Edinburgh • Report of the Fuel Poverty Action Warm-Ups Weekend across the UK • Protestors
tell Lansley what they think of NHS Privatisation --• Vita Cortex sit in --• C...
(ca) Caracas, Venezuela: Invitación para la II reunión Anarquista y Punk en la Ciudad
a-infos-ca@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Mar 07 10:24:36 GMT 2012
El próximo viernes 16 de marzo a las 5:00 pm, se realizara la segunda<br>
asamblea abierta punk y anarquista de la ciudad de Caracas, donde se<br>
evaluara la sala de noticias, el próximo boletín y seguir evaluando la<br>
posibilidad de un futuro espacio anarquista en la atestada ciudad.<br>
Acompañarnos con ideas, propuestas y comentarios. Te esperamos. PLAZA<br>
BOLIVAR DE CHACAO Agunxs Anarquista de Caracas<br>
(ca) [Salamanca] 11 de Marzo: TODOS A LA MANIFESTACIÓN
a-infos-ca@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Mar 07 10:15:06 GMT 2012
12 horas, el Sindicato de Oficios Varios de Salamanca (CNT-AIT) anima<br>
a los trabajadores a acudir a la manifestación que partirá de la Plaza<br>
Mayor, separada física e ideológicamente de todos los sindicatos de<br>
representación y en un bloque propio. -- No se trata de acudir al<br>
redil de CCOO y UGT a manifestarse contra la reforma laboral, se trata<br>
de acudir para denunciar la re...
(en) Palestine-Israel, The last winter joint struggle at the end of the stormy period
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Mar 07 07:57:22 GMT 2012
Some times it feels like a Sisyphus endeavor, but the persistent struggle continue. Small
gains and the faint call of the first swallows that surfed the wind of the last winter
storm are bringing the spring to the tortured east of the Mediterranean sea. The news
about the successes of the B.D.S. and other solidarity actions of international support
encourage us in spite of the soaring wave of the Israeli settler colonialist efforts.
<br>Bil'in ---- Not too many Israelis and Internationa...
(en) Canada, Hamilton, Fighting to win: Steel City Solidarity and Solidarity Networks by Peter Marin
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Mar 07 07:07:59 GMT 2012
It is late morning in Hamilton and an unusual scene is unfolding in a quiet residential
neighbourhood. I am with a group of 25 or so people, and we are gathered outside a house.
We are from Steel City Solidarity, a solidarity network run out of the Canadian Union of
Public Employees (CUPE) local 3906–a union representing teaching assistants and other
precarious academic workers at McMaster University. We are here with Dorian, who is owed
hundreds of dollars in unpaid wages and u...
(ca) [Buenos Aires] Charla: Movimiento Anarquista en Uruguay
a-infos-ca@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Mar 07 06:36:08 GMT 2012
Sábado 10 de Marzo. 18 hs -- Charla: MOVIMIENTO ANARQUISTA EN URUGUAY<br>
-- Un recorrido por la historia de del anarquismo en el Uruguay desde<br>
sus orígenes por 1870 hasta nuestros días. -- A cargo de compañeros de<br>
aquella región. Recientemente, Pascual Muñoz, uno de los disertantes<br>
publicó el libreto "La Primer Huelga General en el Uruguay" disponible<br>
para descargar aquí. -- en la Biblioteca y Archivo Histórico-Social<...
(en) Canada, Linchpin* #15 CUPE’S winter of discontent by BRUCE DARDEN
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Mar 07 06:34:51 GMT 2012
While the Occupy movement has dominated the airwaves and discussions this fall, the winter
is shaping up to be a series of cold picket lines for public sector workers and
anti-austerity activists. In Toronto, three major CUPE locals are facing the prospect of
being locked out or forced into strikes. Whereas Occupy Toronto influenced many people
into re-examining how the State is subservient to business, these union struggles may be
able to demonstrate that the State conceives of itself...
(en) Canada, Cause Commune* #33 - Lobbying for a battle?! (fr) [machine translation] 3
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Mar 07 06:32:03 GMT 2012
After another increase in tuition fees in 2007, the student movement seems to start a new
general strike. The strike is an unforgettable moment for activists who will give
themselves body and soul, but it is mostly an opportunity to realize gains - or prevent
losses! - Facing a hostile government. History shows however that this outcome is far from
assured: it is rather a journey filled with pitfalls awaiting peers in school. If it is
known to many students that the main challenges fac...
(en) Britain, WORKFARE AND THE ANARCHISTS - 35 organised events planned for the Day of Action against Workfare on March 3rd
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Mar 07 06:31:23 GMT 2012
Links at:
<a rel="nofollow" href="http://www.freedompress.org.uk/news/2012/03/02/workfare-day-of-action-and-the-anarchists/">http://www.freedompress.org.uk/news/2012/03/02/workfare-day-of-action-and-the-anarchists/</a>
---- After the millionaire Tory politician and Work and Pensions secretary Iain Duncan
Smith claimed on Radio Four that “out of touch anarchists” were behind the campaign
against the coalition’s hated compulsory workfare scheme, we take a quick look a...
(en) Swiss, Questions disrespectful to our comrades of the left that this Libertarian Socialist Organisation (fr) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Mar 07 06:30:05 GMT 2012
The militant left as a whole is worked by a movement of deep questioning, questioning,
research new possibilities. We must not stop at the scum of things, the repetition of
impotent voters in the practico-inert institutional rituals. Clearly, the path is still
long, but there are many comrades who want to say the least, do something other than the
round-and-back elections, referendums and initiatives lost defeated at the polls or in the
facts. ---- With these comrades should seek immed...
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