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[A-infos-index24] A-Infos-index of last 24 hours

Date Tue, 6 Mar 2012 23:59:01 +0100 (CET)

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Latest Headlines:

(ca) Manifestación "Ningñun privilegio a las iglesias. De mis impuestos a las iglesia cero"
a-infos-ca@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Mar 06 18:38:59 GMT 2012

Junto a AMAL (Asociaci&#xF3;n Madrile&#xF1;a de Ateos y Librepensadores), la<br>
Asamblea Vecinal La Playa de Lavapi&#xE9;s, el grupo de La Tetera de<br>
Russell y el Grupo Anarquista Albatros, os convocamos a la reuni&#xF3;n<br>
preparatoria de esta manifestaci&#xF3;n, el lunes 12 de marzo a las 19.00<br>
(empezamos con puntualidad), en Casablanca, calle Santa Isabel 21-23.<br>
Podeis consultar el manifiesto que hemos elaborado, asi como el<br>
folleto y el cartel en: Manifestaci&#xF3;n &...

(en) Canada, Linchpin, #15 - Oh So Sensitive... by MUHAMMAD SHOYEB ADNAN
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Mar 06 16:58:03 GMT 2012

All living beings perceive their surroundings with the help of bodily senses; they savor
light, smell, taste, touch and sound - just like us. But we humans consider ourselves
different, and superior too, because we are intelligent. We also have sentiments deep
within the realms of our mind. ---- We appreciate beauty, morality, art and many other
intangibles. ---- We are such delicate creatures indeed, for our sentiments are soft,
intricate like fragile flower petals. It is a damn pity ...

(en) Britain, Freedom* February 2012 - LEEDS ANTIFASCIST FILM FESTIVAL FEB 4-5TH
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Mar 06 12:58:32 GMT 2012

Since its emergence as a distinct ideology at the beginning of the Twentieth Century,
fascism has brought more misery to the world than any other political doctrine. Yet, even
today, even after the titanic antifascist struggles of the past, and even the Nazi
Holocaust, from Anders Breivik to Dale Farm, the threat of fascism still exists. ---- In
the past, our comrades had the courage to stand up and say No Pasaran! &#x2013; They shall not
pass! &#x2013; From Leeds&#x2019; own Holbeck M...

(en) Canada, Cause Commune* #33 - Education seen by anarchists (fr) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Mar 06 12:57:32 GMT 2012

Since the advent of the nation-state, leaders have taken control of education to promote
patriotism and national pride first and then to train workers and workers with skills
enabling them to s' adjust to precarious living conditions and uncertainty gnawing
workplaces. ---- Today, examples of this are many: just read the training programs for
citizenship education that the Department seeks to promote a culture of individual
responsibility, so as to lighten the weight of the &quot;burde...

(en) France, Risk Management: The acceptable threshold for die, by Commission ecology AL - Libertarian Alternative (fr) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Mar 06 12:38:00 GMT 2012

The 25-year anniversary of Chernobyl has not prevented the ballet experts to hammer there
is a threshold below which radiation is harmless nuclear health. Once accepted dogma, it
is easy to believe that the entire nuclear industry is safe in any situation. Decryption.
-- Radiation protection [1] based in part on the myth of control of radioactive
contamination by repeated measures and the definition of action levels. It is difficult to
set these standards whose impact depends on both t...

(en) France, Facholand - &quot;Lepenization minds&quot; by Libertarian Alternative - AL (fr) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Mar 06 12:16:55 GMT 2012

Rarely has the concept of &quot;Lepenization minds&quot; will have been so relevant with the recent
provocation of a Claude Gueant devoted to the floor in shorts barbouzards of UNI (&quot;Union&quot;
extreme-right student ). --- What did the ugly? &quot;All civilizations are not equal.&quot; -- The
implied heavy and bold assertion of such a being: the white man's civilization, Western
and Christian, is far superior to all others. The Crusades, the Inquisition, colonialism,
racism and a...

(en) Swiss, Immigration. Papers, rights, equality, one fight by Libertarian Socialist Organisation (fr) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Mar 06 12:04:48 GMT 2012

There is no integration without mutual recognition of this shared human condition, without
need for equality. This requirement is also a multiplier of the struggles we are waging,
claims and rights that we demand. For, indeed, how to achieve equality among all people
without each-e-e is respected and guaranteed to see their human rights.----quality as a
condition ---- Improved living conditions and status of immigration in this country
obviously requires the regularization of all perso...

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