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[A-infos-index24] A-Infos-index of last 24 hours

Date Sun, 4 Mar 2012 23:59:01 +0100 (CET)

a multi-lingual news service by, for, and about anarchists

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Latest Headlines:

(en) Spain, Betrayals and outbursts in Barcelona
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Mar 04 22:21:35 GMT 2012

On the transport strike, the student strike, and the riots, protests, and sabotage carried
out in Barcelona in the month of February, in response to the Labor Reform and the
austerity measures, and the role of anarchists and anarcho-syndicalists. ---- The
Developing Social War in one Mediterranean City, February 2012 ---- Everybody concerned
with the growing social conflict manifesting ever more visibly in the streets of Barcelona
had their eyes on the last week of February. Both the c...

(ca) [Madrid] CNT-AIT se manifest&#xF3; contra la Reforma Laboral
a-infos-ca@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Mar 04 13:54:14 GMT 2012

A las 11 de la ma&#xF1;ana del pasado 19 de febrero, se dieron cita los/as<br>
cenetistas madrile&#xF1;os/as para asistir en bloque a la manifestaci&#xF3;n<br>
convocada en Madrid en contra de esta &#xFA;ltima reforma laboral, que ahondando<br>
en el camino comenzado por el gobierno del PSOE, busca la salida de la<br>
crisis para las empresas, hundiendo a les trabajadores en la precariedad y<br>
la ruina. -- Se hab&#xED;a convocado un bloque cr&#xED;tico frente al edificio de la<br>
Bolsa ...

(en) Anarkismo.net, Ireland, ECB gives banks 6, 250 years worth of Household Tax by Paul - WSM
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Mar 04 13:44:19 GMT 2012

Wednesday the European Central Bank (ECB) gave out 530 billion euros in 3-year term loans
to the private banks of the Eurozone. Together with the 490 billion they doled out last
December, that's over 1 trillion euros. If pigs could fly and politicians never lied and
every household in the country was magically able to pay the hated Household Tax, the
total receipt would be 160 million euro. At that rate, it would take 6,250 years to amount
to 1 trillion. It would also take 20 years to ...

(de) Ein Infoblatt &#xC3;ber die Wahlen in Russland, der Protest und die Nationalisten Aktionen durch eine anarcho-sindicalist Gruppe aus Deutschland (en)
a-infos-de@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Mar 04 10:45:34 GMT 2012

ASJ jetzt auch in Bremen ---- Keine Wahl der Nation &#xE2; Zu den Wahlprotesten in Russland<br>
3. M&#xC3;rz 2012 in Soziale K&#xC3;mpfe, AntiFa und Osteuropa Am mor&#xC2;gi&#xC2;gen Sonn&#xC2;tag, dem 04. M&#xC3;rz,
fin&#xC2;det die Wahl des rus&#xC2;si&#xC2;schen Staats&#xC2;pr&#xC3;&#xC2;si&#xC2;den&#xC2;ten statt. Nach&#xC2;dem es bei der
Par&#xC2;la&#xC2;ments&#xC2;wahl im De&#xC2;zember zu er&#xC2;heb&#xC2;li&#xC2;chen Wahl&#xC2;f&#xC3;l&#xC2;schun&#xC2;gen kam, be&#xC2;gann eine

(en) Germany, G&#xC3;ttingen / South Lower Saxony, Anarcho-Syndicalist Youth - Who are we (de) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Mar 04 10:39:14 GMT 2012

Just as we and the circumstances in which we live - in constant change Self-government in
all spheres of life We are a localist and anarcho-syndicalist group and part of a network
of anarcho-syndicalist and / or fact-oriented libertarian youth groups. ---- Connecting
anarchist and syndicalist ideas, we strive for a non-hierarchical and self-managed in
society. ---- As a youth network we focus on the organization of students * inside *
inside a student, intern and young people * inside ...

(en) An infopaper about the elections in russia, the protest and, the nationalists actions by a anarcho-sindicalist group from germany (de)
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Mar 04 10:27:26 GMT 2012

No election of the nation - to the election protests in Russia ---- Third March 2012 in
social struggles , AntiFa and Eastern Europe Tomorrow, Sunday 04th March will be held the
election of Russian president. After the parliamentary election in December led to
significant electoral fraud, began a new wave of protest magnitude. In many places the
&quot;revolt of the Russian people&quot; is celebrated. Confessing nationalists like Alexei Navalny
is thereby granted the media stage without...

(en) Canada, Salon Anarchiste Bookfair MONTR&#xC9;AL - MARCH 11: Deadline for proposals (workshops, film &amp; art)
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Mar 04 10:05:09 GMT 2012

NOTICE: The deadline for workshop, film and art exhibit proposals for the Montreal
Anarchist Bookfair is MARCH 11. ---- The deadline for workshop, film and art exhibit
submissions for this year&#x2019;s Montreal Anarchist Bookfair has been extended. The deadline is
now SUNDAY, MARCH 11 before 11pm. The deadline for Festival of Anarchy events (to be
included in our calendar) and table space requests remains APRIL 1st, before 11pm. Please
consult the following weblinks for details about ...

(en) US, NYC Anarchist Bookfair workshop proposal deadline March 16th
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Mar 04 09:59:53 GMT 2012

APPLICATION FORM -- DEADLINE FOR 2012 PROPOSALS: March 16, 2012 www.anarchistbookfair.net
The 6th Annual NYC Anarchist Book Fair will be held on Saturday April 14th, 2012 @ Judson
Memorial Church, 55 Washington Square South, New York City with workshops continuing
through April 15th. ---- Presentations, panels, workshops, and skillshares will be held
during weekend of the fair. Please fill in thi...

(en) An anarchist criticism to &#xE2;OCCUPY&#xE2; As an activity of &#xE2;99%&#xE2; By DEVRIMCI ANARSIST FAALIYET - REVOLUTIONARY ANARCHIST ACTION II. (2/2)
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Mar 04 09:53:03 GMT 2012

Active Individual or the Individual of Activity? ---- This list of &#xE2;homogeneous &#xE2;(20)
demands&#xE2; which comes up from a mass formed by such heterogeneous (21) characters of
individuals brings back a question; &#xE2;what kind of a direct democracy?&#xE2; It is clear that
any disagreement about the future of the activity or demands, will cause to divide the
mass in other words to end the Wall Street activity which creates itself by public
visibility. In this context the princ...

(en) An anarchist criticism to &#xE2;OCCUPY&#xE2; As an activity of &#xE2;99%&#xE2; By DEVRIMCI ANARSIST FAALIYET - REVOLUTIONARY ANARCHIST ACTION I. (1/2)
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Mar 04 09:52:41 GMT 2012

This study is an anarchist criticism to &#xE2;Occupy&#xE2; which becomes popular as the activity of
99%. We discussed and looked into a new style of opposing with this study. We hope it
will bu useful for all oppressed who are fighting against the power. ---- CONTENTS ----
Preface 4 ---- Occupy Wall Street: From Beginning to Today 5 ---- The Features of the
Activity 6 ---- &#xE2;Peaceful&#xE2; and &#xE2;Nonviolent&#xE2; Activity 6 ---- &#xE2;Depoliticism&#xE2; and

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