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[A-infos-index24] A-Infos-index of last 24 hours
Mon, 27 Feb 2012 23:59:02 +0100 (CET)
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Latest Headlines:
(en) Canada, LinchPin #15 a publication of common cause* - winter/spring - STOPPING A BULLDOZER: CAT & THE EMC LOCKOUT by Alex Balch
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Feb 27 17:05:23 GMT 2012
There was little to celebrate this New Years Eve for workers at the Electro-Motive Canada
(EMC) plant in London, Ontario. As midnight struck, the factory’s 465 employees found
themselves locked out of their workplace and forced in a labour dispute with one of the
largest industrial equipment manufacturers in the world – Caterpillar Inc (CAT).---Making
matters worse for the workers represented by Canadian Auto Workers (CAW) local 27, is the
fact that CAT - like most indust...
(pt) [Brasil] Revogar o aumento das passagens pela Força das Ruas!
a-infos-pt@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Feb 27 13:51:24 GMT 2012
Já foram 5 atos de rua contra o aumento das passagens e pela sua revogação em Porto<br>
Alegre: trancando as vias de circulação e os terminais de ônibus, cantando palavras<br>
de ordem e fazendo batucada, panfleteando o porquê de nossa mobilização, escrachando<br>
a prefeitura municipal com uma chuva de fruta podre e afirmando na rua que não vamos<br>
deixar passar mais um roubo contra nós. A militância estudantil da FAG, ombro a<br...
(pt) Libera #152 - Edição de Novembro / Dezembro de 2011
a-infos-pt@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Feb 27 13:49:17 GMT 2012
N°152 do informativo da Federação Anarquista do Rio de Janeiro<br>
disponível na rede. Nesta edição, um editorial sobre o crescente<br>
consumo de venenos presentes nos alimentos e a contaminação dos<br>
trabalhadores do campo. O informativo traz também a resenha de<br>
um interessante livro lançado recentemente na Espanha, a respeito<br>
dos Comitês de Defesa da CNT em Barcelona (1933-1938). Além disso<br>
há uma anális...
(pt) Crônica do evento "10 anos do Ativismo ABC"
a-infos-pt@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Feb 27 13:47:47 GMT 2012
[Neste último 28 de janeiro, na Casa da Lagartixa Preta, em Santo André (SP), o<br>
Coletivo Ativismo ABC realizou um evento em comemoração aos seus 10 anos de<br>
existência. A seguir um relato do acontecimento enviado pelo Coletivo.]<br>
Pensar nestes 10 anos, não é como completar aniversário. É pensar que há 10 anos<br>
atrás fizemos uma escolha política e social, escolhemos construir uma sociedade sem<br>
opressão (e...
(pt) [São Paulo, Brasil] Lançamento: Escritos sobre Educação e Geografia e Élisée Reclus: Retratos de um an arquista
a-infos-pt@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Feb 27 13:46:20 GMT 2012
No ano de 2011 a Biblioteca Terra Livre iniciou seus trabalhos editoriais. Os<br>
dois primeiros títulos (Escritos sobre Educação e Geografia / Élisée<br>
Reclus: Retratos de um anarquista) foram publicados ao longo do Colóquio<br>
Internacional Élisée Reclus e a Geografia do Novo Mundo realizado no mês de<br>
dezembro. Para o ano de 2012, centenário de fundação da Escola Moderna n°1<br>
de São Paulo, a editora está ...
(fr) Appel du réseau EuroAnarkismo : Ne payons pas leur dette, sorto ns du capitalisme ! [en ,it,ca,gr]
a-infos-fr@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Feb 27 13:41:28 GMT 2012
La fin de l'année 2011 a marqué un approfondissement de l'offensive des capitalistes<br>
et de leurs alliés, les gouvernements, contre les classes populaires. Une entente<br>
tacite de la droite et de la gauche de gouvernement s'est faite dans toute l'Europe<br>
autour de la rigueur budgétaire, de l'austérité et du principe de faire payer les<br>
classes populaires. La Grèce, où s'est formé un gouvernement d'union nationale<br>
incluant des minis...
(fr) Nouvelles traductions anars du CATS
a-infos-fr@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Feb 27 13:39:24 GMT 2012
Le Collectif Anarchiste de Traduction et de Scannerisation (CATS) de Caen (et<br>
d'ailleurs...) vous annonce aujourd'hui la mise en ligne de 6 traductions, librement<br>
téléchargables sur notre site à l'adresse suivante suivante <a rel="nofollow" href="http://ablogm.com/cats/">http://ablogm.com/cats/</a><br>
En voici une brève présentation :<br>
- La Protesta et l'andinisation de l'anarchisme au Pérou :<br>
Un texte qui étudie les &#x...
Communiqué des Relations Internationales de la CGA : Solidarité avec le famille de Nikita (RUSSSolidarité avec le famille de Nikita (RUSSIE)
a-infos-fr@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Feb 27 13:37:09 GMT 2012
PERPIGNAN le 24 février 2012,<br>
Le Secrétariat aux Relations Internationales de la Coordination des Groupes<br>
anarchistes condamne l'assassinat de Nikita Kalin, militant anarchiste et<br>
antifasciste de Samara, assassinat perpétré par un groupe de fascistes, dont un des<br>
membres se réclamant du « National socialisme », aurait été arrêté.<br>
Les R.I. de la CGA dénoncent l'attitude faite de complaisance de l'institution<br>
(fr) Le Monde Libertaire # 1661 du 23 au 29 Février 2012
a-infos-fr@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Feb 27 13:30:35 GMT 2012
« Nous voici, morts de toujours, qui mourrons à nouveau, mais pour vivre,<br>
cette fois. » - Sous-commandant Marcos<br>
Sommaire du Monde Libertaire # 1661 du 23 au 29 Février 2012<br>
L'Europe du Sud en colère, par R. Pino, page 3<br>
Météo syndicale, par T. Impétueux, page 5<br>
Chronique néphrétique, par Rodkol, page 5<br>
Les brèves, le strip, page 6<br>
Nouvelles des fronts sociaux, Hugues, page 7...
(fr) Une bouteille à la mer
a-infos-fr@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Feb 27 13:10:50 GMT 2012
Les éditions CNT RP cherchent, entre autres domaines, à combler des lacunes de notre<br>
patrimoine de textes anarchistes au sens large (et sans mépris de la lutte de<br>
classe) écrits dans d'autres langues que le français.<br>
C'est dans cet esprit que nous avons édité « Nationalisme et culture » de Rudolf<br>
Et nous avons en tête d'autres oeuvres.<br>
Et donc, lecteur ou lectrice, si tu penses avoir du temps et l'âme ou...
(en) Britain, Swindon Anarchists Demo in Solidarity With Striking Hospital Workers
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Feb 27 12:49:15 GMT 2012
For the past fortnight, cleaners and other staff at GWH hospital in Swindon have been on
strike against bullying and racism on the part of their bosses at Carillion Plc. On Feb
24th, Swindon Anarchists held a demo in solidarity. ---- The workers, mostly Goan, have
held 6 days of strike action over the last 2 weeks with more planned in the coming weeks.
Since the campaign started, workers have picketed the hospital, held mass rallies,
blockaded Carillion HQ and various other demos and p...
(en) US, Denver, Media, Protestors throw urine bombs at Denver police
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Feb 27 12:38:08 GMT 2012
Several protesters were arrested Saturday evening February 25, during a disruptive
anti-police protest in downtown Denver. ---- According to Lt. Matt Murray of the Denver
Police Department, at 7:30 p.m. close to 60-70 anarchist protesters started marching on
16th Street Mall. ---- The Mall Ride was forced to shut down as protesters allegedly threw
urine-filled balloons, set off fireworks and sprayed painted several vehicles including an
RTD bus. ---- Murray said a police car and severa...
(en) US, No Masters, No Slaves: First Meeting of the Student Anarchist Federation
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Feb 27 12:04:51 GMT 2012
Boston Occupier ---- On Saturday February 18, students from across Massachusetts gathered
at Encuentro 5 in Chinatown for the inaugural meeting of the Student Anarchist Federation
(SAF). The SAF hopes to build on the upsurge in anarchism’s popularity in the wake of the
Occupy movement. They plan to do so by helping students organize in a non-hierarchical
manner to challenge capitalism, the state, and all forms of oppression – a vision that
departs markedly from anarchism&...
(gr) Σύντροφός μας θύμα της καταστολής - Την Τετάρτη, 22 Φλεβάρη στην Αθήνα
a-infos-gr@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Feb 27 11:17:07 GMT 2012
Ο σύντροφός μας Παναγιώτης Γιαννικάκης, έπεσε θύμα της άγριας καταστολής
των δυνά&#x...
(en) Anarkismo.net: Ireland, Bernadette: One women's journey from mass protest to hunger strikes to the peace proces by Andrew
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Feb 27 11:10:26 GMT 2012
Review of Bernadette: Notes on a Political Journey ---- The end of the 1960’s in northern
Ireland were a unique time when, as elsewhere around the world, mass popular protest
emerged onto the streets with ordinary people doing extraordinary things. The unique
circumstances of northern Ireland and the particular form the state backlash took there
resulted in a military conflict that lasted some 30 years and dominated politics on the
entire island and to a much lesser extent in Br...
(gr) Ανοιχτή Συνέλευση Για Την Αυτομόρφωση και την Ελευθεριακή Παιδεία
a-infos-gr@ainfos.ca</em -
Mon Feb 27 09:17:30 GMT 2012
Η αυτομόρφωση είναι μια διαρκής δυνατότητα για γνώση που πρέπει να είναι
κτήμα και &...
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