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[A-infos-index24] A-Infos-index of last 24 hours

Date Wed, 22 Feb 2012 23:59:01 +0100 (CET)

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(ca) [Madrid] 7 M Concentración contra los recortes en la administración pública
a-infos-ca@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Feb 22 22:29:24 GMT 2012

CNT-AIT Madrid convoca el 7 de marzo a las 19h, ante el ministerio de<br>
Hacienda y Administraciones P&#xFA;blicas, concentraci&#xF3;n contra los<br>
recortes laborales y sociales en la administraci&#xF3;n p&#xFA;blica y contra la<br>
reforma laboral. -- Otra vuelta de tuerca. La crisis global<br>
capitalista no encuentra v&#xED;as de escape, y en su agon&#xED;a exprime al<br>
m&#xE1;ximo para que los par&#xE1;sitos del sistema puedan seguir acaparando<br>
riquezas a nuestra costa. Como s...

(en) Spain: CNT condemns police and institutional violence against students and workers in Valencia [ca, it]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Feb 22 14:16:11 GMT 2012

With the intensification in indiscriminate violence on the part of the State police
against students in Valencia who were protesting against education cuts, the Confederaci&#xF3;n
Nacional del Trabajo publicly condemns these attacks and demands the immediate resignation
of the Government Delegate for Valencia, Paula S&#xE1;nchez de Le&#xF3;n. Furthermore, as
anarcho-syndicalists, we send our greetings and solidarity to all those who were injured,
and to their families and everyone who ...

(ca) Primer Encuentro del Libro Anarquista en Zaragoza 9, 10 y 11 de Marzo de 2012
a-infos-ca@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Feb 22 11:15:59 GMT 2012

Primer Encuentro del Libro Anarquista en Zaragoza -- 9, 10 y 11 de<br>
Marzo de 2012 -- PROGRAMA: *Viernes, 9 de Marzo: 18h. Apertura de<br>
puertas. 19h. Presentaci&#xF3;n del libro: &#x201C;Veganismo. De la teor&#xED;a a la<br>
acci&#xF3;n&#x201D;. (Editorial Local Anarquista Magdalena). Ponentes: L@s autor@s<br>
del libro. *S&#xE1;bado, 10 de Marzo: 11h. Apertura de puertas.<br>
12h. Presentaci&#xF3;n del libro: &#x201C;Gitanas. Hablan las mujeres<br>
roms de Europa&#x201D;. (Editorial ...

(en) Argentina, Two years of people struggle in Andalgalense (ca) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Feb 22 11:11:12 GMT 2012

ANDALGALENSE people repression and the fight continues ---- TOWARDS THE CONSTRUCTION OF
POPULAR counterpower. ---- Partners, co-Andalgal&#xE1; is our full support and fervent desire
for strength and wisdom and decisive historical moment of the fight against the power of
multinational capital megaminero. ---- Will become increasingly clear that we should not
trust to delegate our power in the bourgeois politicians and their institutions, but
instead must build PERMANENT BODIES AND PARAL...

(en) Russia, &#xD0;&#xD0;scow: Picket at the Representative Office of ADECCO
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Feb 22 09:06:18 GMT 2012

On Feburary 17 there was a solidarity picket with the workers of EULEN-ABB from the
anarchosyndicalist union CNT-AIT in front of the business center in Moscow where the
representative office of ADECCO is located. ---- The workers of the ABB factory have been
on an indefinite strike since November 28, 2011, demanding that the conditions of the
proper collective agreement be applied and the subsequent pay rise be given, as well as an
improvement of working conditions. The bosses ignored ...

(en) Britain, Freedom* January 2012 - CHINA&#x2019;S INDUSTRIAL UNREST
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Feb 22 09:01:08 GMT 2012

A round up of recent workers struggles ---- The latter months of 2011 saw a spate of
strikes across different industries mostly in eastern and southern China. In the
south-eastern province of Zheijiang hundreds of workers at a bamboo and wood furniture
factory that went bankrupt staged a public rally in early December demanding unpaid wages.
They were met with severe police repression. ---- In the same month more than 200 workers,
employed by a Shanghai plant of the Singapore-owned ele...

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