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[A-infos-index24] A-Infos-index of last 24 hours

Date Tue, 21 Feb 2012 23:59:02 +0100 (CET)

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(fr) CNT-f: Le Front National : une escroquerie sociale !
a-infos-fr@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Feb 21 11:34:21 GMT 2012

Les crises &#xE9;conomiques et sociales actuelles n'en finissent plus de pr&#xE9;cariser la<br>
population et d'exasp&#xE9;rer les travailleurs pour qui le FN peut parfois appara&#xEE;tre<br>
comme une solution. Pourtant en grattant un peu le vernis, on retrouve toujours les<br>
m&#xEA;mes vis&#xE9;es anti-sociales.<br>
Profitant de cette situation et de son statut de nouvelle pr&#xE9;sidente du Front<br>
National, Marine Le Pen tenterait presque de nous convaincre de son &#xE2;me sociale e...

(pt) [Fran&#xE7;a] Apelo p&#xFA;blico por uma Feira pela autogest&#xE3;o em junho de 2012
a-infos-pt@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Feb 21 11:27:59 GMT 2012

[As estruturas associativas, cooperativas, pol&#xED;ticas e sindicais tiveram a<br>
iniciativa de organizar nos dias 22 e 23 de junho de 2012 uma feira autogestionada<br>
em Montreal. Na programa&#xE7;&#xE3;o stands, debates, proje&#xE7;&#xF5;es, feira de livros, ateliers...<br>
A seguir um apelo lan&#xE7;ado pelos organizadores da Feira para que mais pessoas e<br>
iniciativas autogestionadas participem desse projeto.]<br>
A crise econ&#x...

(pt) [Brasil] 23/02/-21:10-Ocupar e Resistir na R&#xE1;dio Cordel libert&#xE1;rio
a-infos-pt@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Feb 21 11:25:20 GMT 2012

A cada dia que passa o Estado aliado as Empresas e juntamente com seu aparato<br>
repressor vem atacando violentamente ocupa&#xE7;&#xF5;es e territ&#xF3;rios legitimamente ocupados<br>
pelo povo trabalhadora/o, como ficou vis&#xED;vel mundialmente o caso do Pinheirinho e<br>
n&#xE3;o t&#xE3;o vis&#xED;vel infelizmente o caso dos Tupinamb&#xE1;s do Sul da Bahia ,as mortes na<br>
Aldeia Bororo em Mato Grosso do Sul e muitas outras que temos muita dificuldade em<br>
ter informa&#xE7;&#xF5;es. ...

(fr) R&#xE9;sum&#xE9; des derni&#xE8;res mesures approuv&#xE9;es en Gr&#xE8;ce
a-infos-fr@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Feb 21 11:18:08 GMT 2012

Le Secr&#xE9;tariat aux relations internationales de l'Eleutheriaki Sindikalistiki Enosi<br>
(Union Syndicaliste Libertaire - ESE) a envoy&#xE9; le r&#xE9;sum&#xE9; suivant des mesures<br>
r&#xE9;centes adopt&#xE9;es par le gouvernement qui sont responsables du d&#xE9;clenchement de la<br>
fureur du peuple grec, qui voit comment sa vie et son travail sont en train d'&#xEA;tre<br>
pi&#xE9;tin&#xE9;s pour la plus grande gloire des patrons, des requins de la finance et des<br>

(fr) La voie du jaguar
a-infos-fr@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Feb 21 11:14:09 GMT 2012

Le site Internet &quot;la voie du jaguar&quot; est ouvert depuis le 23 janvier 2012,<br>
au premier jour de l'ann&#xE9;e du dragon noir.<br>
&quot;Au-del&#xE0; de la d&#xE9;possession marchande. R&#xE9;cup&#xE9;rer la capacit&#xE9; de d&#xE9;cider de nos<br>
vies&quot;, le texte pr&#xE9;sent&#xE9; par J&#xE9;r&#xF4;me Baschet lors du deuxi&#xE8;me S&#xE9;minaire international<br>
de r&#xE9;flexion et d'analyse &quot;... Plan&#xE8;te Terre : mouvements<br>
antisyst&#xE9;miques...&quot; &#xE0...

(en) France, FA-Herope Lyon, Press release: We are all Grecians (fr) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Feb 21 09:45:32 GMT 2012

The change of president will not change our lives! ---- It's up to you to take control and
say no to the system! For some who feel spared, the cynicism of capitalism will one day
they will join Cohort forgotten, written off and profit from the money king. --- It's cold
more than 600 deaths in Europe normal? ---- 1.5 billion people who can not eat or drink
properly normal? ..... Tomorrow will be too late to wait for politicians to improve our
lives well otherwise, the laws in us they ar...

(en) Britain, Freedom* January 2012 - DESPERATE MEASURES TO SAVE THE EU
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Feb 21 09:09:47 GMT 2012

European political elites met in Brussels, Belgium on December 8th to draft measures to
secure the failing Euro and its single market, where the financial crisis is getting
worse. The result is a treaty for a new &#x2018;fiscal compact&#x2019;, which is a tightening of
financial rules and regulations between all the 27 countries forming the European Union.
-- This treaty is being pitched as one aimed at ending &#x2018;structural deficit&#x2019;, that is when
the amount a country raises...

(en) Greece, Media, athens-anarchist-tradition-alive-well-greece-protests-exarhia
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Tue Feb 21 05:45:42 GMT 2012

france24.com: In Athens, an anarchist tradition alive and well ---- Singled out for blame
in the wake of riots that broke out in Athens on February 12, Greek anarchists are eager
to show that they &#x201C;are not mere hooligans&#x201D;. France24.com takes an exclusive look at the
movement on the ground. ---- Nik&#xF3;laos, a 36-year-old Greek anarchist, is reluctant to talk
to journalists. ---- &#x201C;Let me make it clear: I don&#x2019;t represent any movement,&#x201D; he says,

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