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[A-infos-index24] A-Infos-index of last 24 hours
Sat, 18 Feb 2012 23:59:01 +0100 (CET)
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(tr) Servet Düşmanı: Özgürlükçü ve Komünist Tartışma Platformu
a-infos-tr@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Feb 18 18:55:49 GMT 2012
Servet Düşmanı: Özgürlükçü ve Komünist Tartışma Platformu<br>
<a rel="nofollow" href="http://servetdusmani.wordpress.com/">http://servetdusmani.wordpress.com/</a><br>
Bugün dünya çapında sistemin siyasal ve ekonomik krizi kronikleşmiş ve<br>
buna karşı dünyanın pek çok yerinde farklı nitelik ve taleplerle<br>
toplumsal hareketler ortaya çıkmışt...
(en) Morocco: A January of revolt and repression for the new government (ca)
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Feb 18 15:45:48 GMT 2012
By Equipo de Trabajo para el Norte de Ãfrica - ConfederaciÃn General del Trabajo - CGT The
struggles of the Moroccan people have continued with force during the month of January.
Labour struggles, peasant struggles, the unemployed, the Amazigh [Berber] movement, the
struggle in support of political prisoners and against the impunity of the dictatorship,
all over Morocco, people are expressing their unease over the situation and the need for
profound, real change. The February...
(en) Blood-baath in Syria and proletarian direct action by TÅÃdnà VÃlka - Class War Group
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Feb 18 15:36:13 GMT 2012
Greetings to proletarians in struggle in Syria, Egypt, Tunisia... and all over the world!
- It was thirty years ago, in the city of Hama in Syriaâ On February 2nd, 1982, the
population responded to calls for insurrection against the government, against misery and
repression. The insurgents were joined by 150 army officers and seized control of the
city; they destroyed centres of repression, they executed more than 300 mercenaries of the
regime, as well as a first unit of paratroop...
(en) anarkismo.net: Enough is enough: let us all demand an end to the UN occupation of Haiti (29th February 2012) (ca, fr)
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Feb 18 15:16:28 GMT 2012
There are a thousand reasons for the UN occupation troops in Haiti (MINUSTAH) to leave.
And not one single legitimate reason for them to stay. What are the only achievements of
MINUSTAH? Let us quickly and frankly review the most remarkable of them: ---• Over 10,000
violent deaths related to “paramilitary” or “humanitarian” violence; ---• Over 6,000
deaths because of a cholera epidemic caused by MINUSTAH soldiers using local rivers as
sewers; ...
(en) Summary of the latest measures approved in Greece - Libertarian Syndicalist Union - ESE (ca)
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Feb 18 14:24:31 GMT 2012
The International Relations Secretariat of the Libertarian Syndicalist Union - ESE, has
sent the following summary of the recent measures adopted by the government which are
responsible for unleashing the fury of the Greek people, who see how their lives and work
are being trampled for the greater glory of the bosses, the financial sharks and
speculators. ---- Summary of key labour measures adopted on Sunday night, 12 February 2012
in the Greek Parliament and included in the "Memo...
(tr) [Medya] "Asıl vandalizm bankacılık sistemi!"
a-infos-tr@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Feb 18 10:29:35 GMT 2012
Troyka'nın şart koştuğu ekonomik paketin oylandığı 12 Şubat'ta Yunan<br>
isyanı en şiddetli günlerinden birini yaşadı. "Meclis Genelevi yansın"<br>
sloganıyla Syntagma Meydanı'na giren anarşistler polisle çatıştı ve<br>
mağazalar ve banka şubeleri yakıldı. Kimilerince "vandalizm" diye<br>
gösterilen tepkilere anarşi...
(en) Britain, Freedom* January 2012 - FOOTBALL AGAINST THE WALL
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Feb 18 10:04:17 GMT 2012
A documentary film called Football Against the Wall has just be released, and premiered at
the Bristol Palestine film festival in December, exploring how football can build
connections between communities across the world. It follows the endeavours of
Bristol-based radical sports team Easton Cowboys on their return to the West Bank in 2010
for a second time. ---- The film provides an insight into the realities of the occupation
as seen by Palestinian and Israeli people. Will from the ...
(en) US, Seattle Solidarity, a new mode of direct action of social struggle.
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Feb 18 06:46:47 GMT 2012
[Note about "Solidarity" initiatives: It start to expand to other cities in US. It expand
to Britain too, and may be other countries with less publicity. A direct action of anti
authoritarian anti capitalists that act in support of individual victims of capitalism -
mostly employers, that the trade unions and syndicates are of no help to. I.S.] ----
Unexpected Visit Prompts Pizza Place to Pay Up ---- It was almost Christmas when Luis got
in touch with SeaSol and he hadn't bee...
(en) France, Alternative Libertaire - Outlook for 2012: multiply the fronts of the anticapitalist struggle (fr) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Feb 18 06:34:37 GMT 2012
The year 2012 opens with a deepening economic and political crisis that hits around the
world. Employers, political elites and technocrats European campaign compete to find the
best way to pay for employee-es. In this context, what is the state of play of resistance
and how to reverse the power relationship for good? ---- While the Sarkozy government
austerity measures multiplies with each threat of degradation of the French note by rating
agencies, Holland proposes meanwhile to "...
(en) Anarkismo.net: Towards a Libertarian Theory of Power by Felipe CorrÃa (V) (pt) [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sat Feb 18 06:33:57 GMT 2012
Lopez and the distinction between Power and Dominion ---- "Towards a Libertarian Theory of
Power" is a series of reviews prepared on articles or books by authors from the field
libertarian who discuss the power. Your goal is to present a contemporary reading of
authors who have treated the subject in question and provide elements for the elaboration
of a libertarian theory of power, which may contribute to the development of a method of
analysis of reality and strategies base...
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