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Date Wed, 1 Feb 2012 23:59:01 +0100 (CET)

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Latest Headlines:

(en) US, WSA's Ideas & Actions*, Solidarity With The Prisoners in Oakland!
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Feb 01 19:57:20 GMT 2012

The Workers Solidarity Alliance stands in solidarity with all of the people brutalized,
kidnapped, and put in cages by the police in Oakland, California&#x2014;and around the world&#x2014;as
more and more people defy the sanctity of private property and capital and put human life
before the profit margins of the people who own and operate our world. --- On January 28,
2012, people from Oakland and beyond bravely attempted to take an abandoned building to
build a community center for li...

(en) Czech magazine Existence interview &quot;Together against anti-Gypsyism&quot; [machine translation]
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Feb 01 07:31:27 GMT 2012

Interview with members of the AFA and initiatives not racism! responding to racist
demonstration in Sluknov. ---- Racist demonstrations and marches on &#xC5;luknovsko from late
summer and early autumn 2011, often grown with the assistance of active neo-Nazis in
something you can without exaggeration be described as nedokonan&#xC3; attempted pogrom against
the local Roma minority. We were interested in how to respond to this situation, an
organization focused on the issue of fighting ra...

(en) Czech magazine Existence publishes interview &quot;Together against anti-Gypsyism&quot; Prague, 24.1.2012 20:24, (ROMEA)
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Feb 01 07:21:47 GMT 2012

The most recent issue of Existence magazine (1/2012), published by the Czechoslovak
Anarchist Federation (&#xC4;eskoslovensk&#xC3; anarchstick&#xC3; federace) includes an interview with
members of Anti-fascist Action (Antifa&#xC5;istick&#xC3; akce - AFA) and the No to Racism!
Initiative (Initiativa Ne Rasismu! - INR) about the ongoing racist demonstrations in the
&#xC5;luknov foothills. The full interview is available (in Czech only) at
<a rel="nofollow" href="http://www.antifa.cz/con...

(en) Palestine-Israel, The only sure thing about the joint struggle is the Tsumud (Persistence) of both the Palestinians and the anarchists against the wall
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Feb 01 05:49:48 GMT 2012

Day in and day out, year in and year out, the creeping transfer of the Israeli settler
colonialism continue - both in the Israeli south where lot of Bedouin Palestinians
citizens are transfered and concentrated to small locations and most of their lands
confiscated. Similarly happen to Bedouins in the occupied west bank and even to villagers
in area C the Israeli state caveat. Some Israeli steps against specific settler
colonialist outposts forced on it by the courts mascaraed of &quot...

(en) Britain, Freedom* December 2011 - MILITARY &#xA3;600M CONSULTANTS
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Wed Feb 01 05:45:49 GMT 2012

The Ministry of Defence (MoD) were forced to admit that spending on consultants is out of
control, as a freedom of information request revealed that the government military
department has paid out almost &#xA3;600m in the last two years on consultants alone. The
document revealed the MoD spent &#xA3;564m on &#x201C;technical support&#x201D;, in comparison to spending
just &#xA3;6m on consultants in 2006. In total 380 private firms are now being paid to give the
MoD technical support an...

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