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[A-infos-index24] A-Infos-index of last 24 hours

Date Sun, 29 Jan 2012 23:59:01 +0100 (CET)

a multi-lingual news service by, for, and about anarchists

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Latest Headlines:

(en) Ireland, WSM*.IE: Understanding Kenny's Davos blunder by Paul Bowman
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Jan 29 15:40:05 GMT 2012

Irish opposition politicians have called foul over Taoiseach Enda Kenny&#x2019;s statement at
Davos that the blame for the crisis in Ireland is that &#x201C;people went mad borrowing&#x201D; a month
after he told the Irish people that &#x201C;you are not to blame&#x201D; in a national broadcast. But
their are far more interesting issues that explain why the same man can make both
statements without being aware of a contradiction than simple two-facedness.---Anarchists
are often accused...

a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Jan 29 09:15:24 GMT 2012

London wide meeting Saturday 14th January &#x2022; 4pm-6pm London Action Resource Centre 62
Fieldgate St ---- Why we should all help form radical local community-based groups -- Our
goal should be the creation of a society free from the exploitation of capitalism and the
oppression of the state &#x2013; a society which is non-hierarchical and in which everyone is
free, yet works together collectively. This will be achieved when the mass of the working
class share these goals; in other ...

(en) Britain, Freedompress.org: WHITHER ANARCHISM? &#x2013; THE CURRENT STATE OF UK ANARCHISM
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Jan 29 09:14:28 GMT 2012

&#x201C;Revolution must be cultivated by means of systematic propaganda, step-by-step measures,
careful planning, and rationally formulated programs that are flexible enough to meet
changing social needs: in short, it must be cultivated by a responsible, dedicated, and
accountable movement that is serious and organized along libertarian lines&#x201D;. Murray
Bookchin ---- Putting things in perspective ---- Anarchists in the UK today stand at a
historical crossroads. Whether we identify...

(ca) [EH] Un a&#xF1;o tejiendo una red de sue&#xF1;os libertarios
a-infos-ca@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Jan 29 08:42:01 GMT 2012

Dentro de poco, el 19 de febrero, har&#xE1; un a&#xF1;o desde que sembramos la<br>
semilla de algo que muchxs dese&#xE1;bamos pero pocxs esper&#xE1;bamos. Sucedi&#xF3;<br>
en Zarautz, en el Gaztetxe Putzuzulo. Algo se intu&#xED;a en el ambiente,<br>
ganas de dar un paso adelante, de unir fuerzas, de conocerse.<br>
Seguramente, cada unx de quienes all&#xED; aparecimos hicimos nuestro<br>
propio camino previo. Por mi parte, recuerdo las jornadas que, sobre<br>
anarquismo y liberaci&#xF3;n na...

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