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[A-infos-index24] A-Infos-index of last 24 hours

Date Sun, 1 Jan 2012 23:59:01 +0100 (CET)

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Latest Headlines:

(en) Lise Anarsist Faaliyet (LAF) - High School Anarchist Action Declaration for the Turkish state's massacre in Kurdistan (tr)
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Jan 01 17:28:30 GMT 2012

State's massacre in Kurdistan ---- 35 people were murdered (whose ages between 16-18) with
the bombings of turkish state. ---- Kurdish people keep on struggling against turkish
state which ignores kurdish existence,kurdish culture and kurdish language for decades.
And turkish state continues massacres and tortures. Today people are forced to immigrate
from their villages, people are thrown into prisons,shot by guns and destroyed by bombs
dueto saying &#x2018;I am Kurdish&#x2019; and in...

(en) Devrimci Anarsist Faaliyet's - Revolutionist Anarchist Action (DAF) on the Turkish State's Massacre in Sirnak (tr)
a-infos-en@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Jan 01 17:24:11 GMT 2012

Murderer State continues assimilation ---- There were no cold barrel behind them, it was
not an avalanche that would fall from the mountains. They were running away from the fear
of imprisonment, from genderme who has just stopped them, that was not snow that would
pour down from the sky, it was bombs of F16s. There were no time to reach a ridge for
shelter, F16s were much more faster then them and they sheltered behind the first rocks
that they saw&#xE2; ---- Turkish state bombed Kurd...

(tr) Kocaeli: Anar&#x15F;ist &#xF6;&#x11F;renciler katliam&#x131; protesto etti!
a-infos-tr@ainfos.ca</em -
Sun Jan 01 09:43:44 GMT 2012

36 k&#xF6;yl&#xFC;n&#xFC;n ya&#x15F;am&#x131;n&#x131; yitirdi&#x11F;i &#x15E;&#x131;rnak Uludere katliam&#x131;n&#x131; protesto eden<br>
&#xF6;&#x11F;renciler, yeni y&#x131;l partisini bast&#x131;.<br>
KOCAEL&#x130;- Kocaeli &#xDC;niversitesi Merkez (An&#x131;t Park) Kampusu'nde G&#xFC;zel<br>
Sanatlar Fak&#xFC;ltesi &#xF6;&#x11F;rencileri, Uludere katliam&#x131;n&#x131; protesto etti.<br>
&#xD6;&#x11F;renciler katliam&#x131;n oldu&#x11F;u g&#xFC;n, kampus i&#xE7;inde yeni y&#x131;l partisi...

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