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The A-Infos Project is coordinated by an international collective of revolutionary anti-authoritarian, anti-capitalist activists, involved with class struggle and who regard it as a total social struggle.

These are people who conceive themselves as revolutionary class struggle social anarchists, anarcho-communists, libertarian communists, syndicalists and others who hold similar opinions but use other labels.

A-Infos is organized by people who feel anarchism is a social theory, and that a revolution is necessary to bring about the new class-less social order, and that this revolution can only be made by the vast majority of the working people.

The specific kind of anarchism we talk about and promote is the anarchism of the Haymarket martyrs and those expelled by Karl Marx from the First International for criticizing his authoritarianism and the elitist, vanguardist degradation of the masses of the working class...

We do not support the kind of anarchism proposed by some pseudo-modernists and pseudo-"revolutionaries" who regard symbolic activity as substitute to mass struggle, or the kind of anarchism of "humanists" who hold other tasks as equal or more important than the revolutionary struggle for abolishing the capitalist system.

A-Infos work is not inspired by egoistic and egocentric individualism, primitivism, "free capitalism without a state" or even a state without free capitalism - who oppose the present capitalist order but do not offer instead a viable model of modern social order of freedom, equality, and solidarity.

It is not enough for individuals and groups to use an anarchist label for their texts to be distributed by A-Infos.

In the struggle for a free society, we distribute news and articles in several languages, covering a wide range of areas of struggle. These include workplace and environmental struggles as well as the fight against racism, sexism and homophobia. A-Infos also distributes news on indigenous peoples anti-colonialist fight against settlers, occupation and marginalization, as well as anti-nationalist and anti-regional separatist struggles, because workers have no country but the world as a whole....

A-Infos is specialized press agency, in the service (as we see it best) of the movement of revolutionary anti-capitalist activists who are involved in the various social struggles against the capitalist class and its social system.

A-Infos is not an open "liberal" service that distributes anything "we" are sympathetic to -- it is not Indymedia. It is first of all a free distribution tool for information from and about collectives of anarchist (and other anti authoritarian revolutionaries) involved in the struggle.

A-Infos workers do not think we are the ones who should decide who, on the social anarchist camp, is a "real" anarchist or not. However, as resources are limited, we have the right and duty to (autonomously) choose what we distribute what we feel is best among the contributions and contributors. The freedom of association the A-Infos collective is based on means nothing without the freedom not to associate, if workers so choose.

A-Infos has a role to play in the world anarchist movement. Information is strength. A-Infos helps to build a sense of an international movement. A-Infos is, to a certain extent, one of the few international organizational tools of the movement. But to keep this role it must stay a tool in the service of the movement and not a free-for-all information service.

A-Infos is not just an internal movement tool. Like the Anarchist FAQ, it's also a means to present the movement to the wider audience and to a new generation, and acquaint them with international aspects of the movement.

A-Infos is an autonomous anarchist press agency that is not the bullhorn of any "social" movement. Even when self-proclaimed anarchists (or even if real ones) are involved is not a guarantee A-Infos will distribute contributions. Even if we ourselves sympathize with given movements is no guarantee articles will be posted.

Thus, A-Infos distributes the news and analysis its workers want to share with the world non-authoritarian activists community -- mainly posts from anti-authoritarian revolutionary collectives and reports about direct action of social struggle both of activists and of common people in their daily life.

Anyone who is not satisfied with the services we provide, is welcome to use other services or build her/his own.

A-infos is both an organizational tool, a propaganda tool, and an information tool of the movement -- and is not merely "news by, about and of interest to anarchists."

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Latest Headlines:

(en) France, OCL Reims: Radio: Henri Simon seen by himself (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr) [machine translation]
Wed Jan 22 06:52:45 GMT 2025

Henri Simon was born on November 25, 1922 and died on December 16, 2024 ---- An interview about his life, his work and his political commitments, and therefore in particular on the subject of Socialism or Barbarism, the refusal of work and class struggles in France, Poland, Spain and England during the 1950s-1970s with Henri Simon, council communist, notably author of June 25, 1976 in Poland: Workers Against Capital, Spartacus, 1977; Poland 1980-82, Class Struggle and Capital Crisis, Spartacus, 1982 and of "To the bitter end". Miners' Strike in Great Britain (March 1984-March 1985), Acratie, 1987; and co-author with Cajo Brendel of From Anti-Francoism to Post-Francoism. Political ...

(en) France, Lamouette Enragee: Hi Henri... "For Marxists, I am an anarchist and for anarchists, I am a Marxist." (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]
Wed Jan 22 06:52:27 GMT 2025

Henri Simon left us on December 16, 2024. If we happened to meet him in Paris, our exchanges were above all letters. Henri always took the care and time to respond fraternally to our requests. Whether we were looking for some text or document that we assumed to be in his files or simple information, we were assured of his response. Thus, he dug up his correspondence with the CCOPLR - Comité de la Côte d'Opale pour la Promotion des Luttes Radicales - a short-lived group of councilist and surrealist activists located in Berck and Boulogne-sur-mer in the early 1970s. In the same way, he sent us copious documentation produced at the time by the SLT - Syndicat de Lutte des Travailleurs d'Usinor Dunkerque ...

(en) France, Monde Libertaire - ML Editorial No. 1868: The Khaki Camelots (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]
Wed Jan 22 06:52:17 GMT 2025

They are beautiful, in their goose poop tinsel, the tycoons and technocrats of shady finance. With a lot of greenwashing, they try to palm off on us gadgets and other electrical junk, from cars to smartphones, filled to the brim with rare earths and minerals stained with the blood of the exploited who toil in the man-eating mines. Alas, to power all these things, to perpetuate our consumption of ephemeral cell phones and all these supposedly indispensable gadgets, we will have to crack the atom, again and again. And in the meantime, cyclones, fires, and pollution peaks in cities near the Indian factories manufacturing our green and virtuous wind turbines will continue to mow ...

(en) France, UCL AL #355 - Culture, Read Dominique Manotti: Marseille 73 (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]
Wed Jan 22 06:52:06 GMT 2025

Here is a thriller that Manotti has the secret to. A compendium of breathtaking action, intrigue, political and social struggles and racist politico-police domination. ---- The story follows Commissioner Daquin, a character present in other works by Manotti, who investigates the assassination of a young man of Algerian origin in 1973. That year, fifty Maghrebis, mainly Algerians, were shot dead in public spaces. A decade after Algerian independence, the colonialists of French Algeria were recycled into the state apparatus, and the most virulent, present in the police, continued their racist "war" against immigrant workers from North Africa and their children. ...

(en) France, OCL CA #345 - MARTINIQUE Anger persists (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]
Wed Jan 22 06:51:44 GMT 2025

Martinique has been experiencing a major popular movement against the high cost of living since the beginning of September (1). On November 5, the prefect announced the lifting of the curfew in this overseas department, but demonstrations and urban riots remain very much in people's minds. ---- The agreement of October 16 ---- After a month and a half of popular mobilization against the high cost of living initiated by the RPPRAC (Rally for the Protection of Afro-Caribbean Peoples and Resources), an agreement was reached on October 16 between the prefect (representative of the colonial state), the president of the CTM (territorial community of Martinique) and the bosses of the large-scale ...

(en) Italy, FAI, Umanita Nova #38-24: Once upon a time. Indymedia: an example of militant communication. (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]
Wed Jan 22 06:51:26 GMT 2025

There are anniversaries of all kinds, we remember, we celebrate, we celebrate events even very distant in time, both happy and sad, sometimes even forgotten (or unknown) by most people and even facts that historically have no foundation. Sometimes these occasions can be a way like any other, to remember a known past or to make it known to the younger ones. When it goes well, useful lessons can be drawn from these stories, as in our case. ---- At the end of November, among who knows how many other anniversaries, 25 years will have passed since the creation of "Indymedia", something that for anagraphic reasons does not belong to the personal memory of those who are between 20 and 30 years ...

(en) Russia, Avonom: And who are the judges? "Trends of Order and Chaos", episode 188 (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]
Tue Jan 21 06:25:04 GMT 2025

Expansion of the "extremism" registry ---- On December 12, the State Duma very cheerfully, immediately in the second and third readings, adopted a bill expanding the inclusion of citizens in the lists of extremists and terrorists. In particular, now they can include citizens accused of publicly disseminating so-called "fakes" about the Russian army, or discrediting the RF Armed Forces. That is, those who write the truth about the war against Ukraine. The law should come into force on June 1, 2025.
In the American film "The Nuremberg Trials", judges of the Third Reich are on trial. Their lawyer builds a defense on the basis that these ...

(en) Australia, Melbourne MACG: A Woman's Place is in the Class Struggle (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]
Tue Jan 21 06:25:00 GMT 2025

Sexism: A Tool of the Ruling Class ---- Around the world, young men are being drawn into far-right politics by sexist billionaires, politicians, and media companies. In Australia, the government responds to rampant domestic and sexual violence - including by police, some of the worst offenders - with empty words and inquiries that go nowhere. Activists do their best to confront sexist attitudes and deal with the symptoms of living in a sexist society, but aren't able to challenge the system at its root.
As feminists, we believe fighting the class struggle and fighting sexism are two sides of the same coin. Working class power is the best weapon ...

(en) France, OCL CA #345 - Digital barbarism The criminal exploitation of technological metals in Congo (DRC) (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]
Tue Jan 21 06:24:52 GMT 2025

There are the wars that take center stage in Ukraine, Gaza or South Lebanon. There are all these wars, ongoing or whose embers remain alive, and which are less talked about: from Yemen to Ethiopia, from Myanmar to Syria, via Afghanistan. And then there are the underground wars, little known, which nevertheless concern us, such as those for the extraction of minerals without which smartphones, computers and electric cars would not work. ---- A censored war ---- These are the wars that interest me, specifically the one in Congo (Kinshasa) which passes under the media radar. For example, in the first half of 2024, the American daily The New York Times published around fifty articles on the Congo compared to ...

(en) France, UCL AL #355 - Antifascism, Germany: The Far Right on the Rise (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]
Tue Jan 21 06:24:46 GMT 2025

A series of electoral successes, rising fascist street violence and the prospect of next year's federal elections: where does the far right stand in Germany? ---- The summer of 2024 has undoubtedly marked a new stage in the development of Alternative für Deutschland ("Alternative for Germany", AfD)[1]and, with it, of the entire German far right. In the European elections in June, for the first time in the history of the Federal Republic, a far-right party came in second in a national election.
In the regional elections in Thuringia, it was the first time that such a party had won a regional election. In the elections in Saxony and Brandenburg, the AfD narrowly missed out on winning the elections. This ...


Last updated: Wed Jan 22 07:52:46 2025

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