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(en) France, Monde Libertaire - What will our life be like when... (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

Date Sat, 18 Jan 2025 10:04:58 +0200

Many French men and women are speculating today on the name of the future Prime Minister, and are announcing their predictions on the stupid vox pops on television screens, those clips that take themselves for sociological surveys, like the frog that says, imitating the ox, 'I croââ... that' ---- Others are playing the game of arithmetic calculations of fractions: 1/3 + 1/3 =? But in this area too, without consent, 1/3 + 1/3 will never make 2/3. ---- We ourselves, no doubt, are also playing the game... It's because, even if their game of 'govern, speak, lie' does not concern us theoretically, in everyday life, we too suffer the consequences of these power games. Basically, a Barnier government or a Faure government is not our problem, it is not the question that anarchism must answer. We know, with Louise Michel, that power is cursed, and that the libertarian society we are calling for has no use for any government.

But we do not live in theory, and, on a daily basis, a prime minister named Retailleau would not make us laugh much... And that even if it smells like shit, it is still better than being plunged into it up to our necks.

So we will follow all this with the anarchist perspective that is required. And perspective is indeed required. Because the main subject, the primordial subject today, is that of the populist and fascist government of the National Rally.

Because the elected representatives of the Republic are entertaining the gallery, but the games are over. Let the expression game not suggest that we are living a playful episode. No, the subject could not be more serious and tragic.

A fit of the blues

It was indeed the National Rally that made Barnier Prime Minister. It was also the National Rally that dismissed him. It was still the National Rally that, during these three months, pulled the strings and that was asked for permissions, and to which we were accountable.

2027, or perhaps before, will only formalize a state of affairs. And give free rein...

The far-right ideology has colonized minds, at Matignon and the Palais Bourbon as well as at the Café du Commerce. Racist expressions (can we talk about ideas?...) are becoming widespread, in the opinions expressed, as in the jokes that we hear at the bar. The announced fascism is not a problem, it is an exaggeration of intellectuals, of elites.

In December 2023, (https://monde-libertaire.net/index.php?articlen=7632), in a post entitled 'Boulevard Macron', we acknowledged the fascist power that had settled in the country. Like the frog that slowly cooks without realizing it, we are getting used to this state of affairs day by day, even if we deplore it, even if we denounce it.

In June 2022, the entry into the Assembly of 89 RN deputies had caused a small cataclysm. Today, there are a little less than double, and the eyes converge on the finger of the dissolution of the Assembly, when what this finger shows is the eclipse of democracy. 11 million RN ballots in the ballot boxes, about a third of the Assembly colored RN! No, but doesn't that make you puke?

Of course, we can name the person responsible, we can accuse the political parties of acute Macronism. But, as we said in this December 2023 post, has the time not come to finally prepare ourselves?

"We're not going to die laughing..."

Are we ready? Have we learned the lessons of the installation of fascism in power, as in Italy?

Already, like Georgia Meloni, the president of the Pays de la Loire region, Christelle Morançais, is cutting 73% of the subsidies granted to the world of culture, sport and the associative sector.

What will we do when, like the Carlo Cafiero group in Rome, we are threatened with expulsion from our premises? What will we do when Radio Libertaire can no longer make its voice heard? What will we do when our undocumented brothers and sisters are driven out of their country of exile? What will we do when the mornings are brown?

I ask myself these questions too. And what I would like is for us to be able to find some answers together. The time has not come to prevent the far right from gaining power. How can we stop the snowball from rolling down the slope when it is already huge? The time has come to prepare for the response.

"And that's not an understatement to say..."

Groupe Henri-Laborit

(With the help of Kat Onoma - https://youtu.be/IUEEj--h2Pg , Higelin - https://youtu.be/6JT48HehPk8 and Mickey3D - https://youtu.be/Iwb6u1Jo1Mc)

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