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(en) Italy, Sicilie Libertaria #454 - NEITHER BARBARIANS NOR INTEGRATED - for an anti-capitalist decolonization of migrations (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

Date Sat, 18 Jan 2025 10:04:43 +0200

People emigrate from an outside to immigrate to an elsewhere for three reasons: climatic, economic, political, mostly interacting. Those who leave are the children generated by the conflict between dominated territories and economies and dominant territories and economies, or by the unequal, hierarchical, colonialist and imperialist "development" of globalized capitalism, which imposes deterritorializing and high-performing actions on entire populations thus transformed into a low-cost reserve workforce to be geographically relocated where production is needed, while the surplus becomes disposable human waste: in the southern Saharan deserts, in Libya, on the borders of Greece and Turkey, Hungary and Poland, the Baltic countries, in the Mediterranean Sea, in the Italy of the CPRs. As the rhetoric of the "migrant invader" and the "migrant resource" well summarizes, which however indicates how migration provides support for the reproduction of the existing, for the precariousness of life (1).

In the neoliberal order of the world, domination is revealed with the words "integration" and "naturalization", or the transformation of the foreigner into a quasi-native, integrated into the Self of the Nation: the transition from otherness to the new identity; the representation of the immigrant as an a-national and a-political subject anesthetizes and depoliticizes the causes and conflicts, transforming immigration into reception, in a presumed consensual, harmonious path of a new identity to become part of the Nation but subordinated to obedience to the natural hierarchical order of society, ultimately the path to atone for the guilt of being a migrant and thus be able to become a naturalized subject, the good citizen respectful of sovereignty; at the same time, the Economy is independent of politics and bureaucracy, or rather of the need to have a worker who is also a citizen, as demonstrated by the over 600,000 "clandestine" workers in the seasonal cycles of agro-industry, construction, and services. On the contrary, Citizenship must be universal, it must cross borders, override Nations because everyone, wherever they are and for the duration of their residence, is a subject who bears the inalienable, non-negotiable Right to income, health and access to care, schooling, and housing; citizenship is a collective mutualistic practice.

The masses and individuals of another place are also an expression of migration understood as the "Right to escape" from unbearable conditions, they can express revolt & conflict against the borders that mark the boundaries of citizenship and, as recent history shows, be subjects of the "Right to revolt & conflict" that explodes even inside the European metropolises, in the French banlieues and in the global peripheries, where it shatters the sovereignty of the State and of the a-consensual projects of integration, imposes the estrangement, the refusal towards everything that has caused being migrants, foreigners, ultimately barbarians: it is the rejection of the social normality of neo-apartheid and exploitation.

It is necessary to dismantle the divisions imposed between migrants and natives, the racial and gender separations, to re-organize, to consolidate social and labor relations within the definition and re-composition of all the subjects of the new proletariat; the alliance of all the underdogs of neoliberalism is the necessary and constituent premise of the egalitarian practices of liberation and emancipation. From capitalism.

Roberto Brioschi

I recall the contribution to the precariousness of existence subordinated to the temporal needs of capitalist production given by the over 510,000 Italians who have definitively acquired residency abroad, by the approximately 100,000 temporary emigrants who move for a few months a year with fixed-term or undeclared contracts, the cross-border workers with Switzerland, Austria and France.

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