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(en) Spaine Regeneration: The FEL-UAB nucleus joins Batzac, dissolving the Federación Estudiantil Libertaria By BATZAC - JOVENTUTS LLIBERTÀRIES (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]
Sat, 18 Jan 2025 10:05:03 +0200
Statement: The FEL-UAB nucleus joins Batzac, dissolving the Federación
Estudiantil Libertaria ---- With no nucleus left, the FEL ceases to
exist, closing its 10-year journey of struggle. We explain the journey
that has led us to this decision in this statement. ---- Balance sheet
work ---- Since the summer of 2022, the FEL-UAB nucleus, together with
former FEL-Madrid militants and other like-minded militants, have been
doing a balance sheet work on our experience and performance. This
balance sheet is the Senda, and so as not to get lost in details we
refer you to reading this document.
In the mandate of this balance sheet we have dedicated most of our
efforts to promoting especifism as a revolutionary strategy. We promote
the new editorial line of Regeneración Libertaria, writing articles as a
Federation and as militants to clarify and defend the revolutionary
position of the Especifist current. In this sense, we also promote the
Especifist Meeting. The work in the student field fell into a secondary
plane. By joining Batzac we consider our work in the general field of
Especifism to be fruitful and we rearm ourselves to address the student
History of the Federación Estudiantil Libertaria
The FEL was born in the summer of 2014 in the wake of the 15-M and the
Independence Process. With the disappearance of the FIJL-FIJA, it
becomes the only non-union anarchist organization with a scope of action
throughout the entire Spanish state. Often, in addition, it is the only
anarchist organization in its locality.
Throughout its history, it has tried to promote federal work, with
unsatisfactory results. This lack cannot be explained only by the loss
of experience in the complicated generational transfer of student
militancy, it is also explained by the lack of militant culture or,
rather, by the hyper-autonomist militant culture that reigned in the
15-M cycle and the Independence Process. By grouping together in a
larger organization, with its own responsible and disciplined militant
culture, we resolve the organizational problems of the FEL.
Why did we join Batzac?
Between Batzac and FEL, in Catalonia, there has always been a constant
transfer of militancy and affinity. We identify with the project, we are
excited by its own reformulation work and we share its concerns. We
believe that, in the current situation, it is the ideal time to promote
specificism in working youth, paving the way towards the Revolution and
Libertarian Communism.
The legacy of the FEL
The student nuclei that Batzac may have, and the Student Front that we
plan to create, we see ourselves as heirs of the Libertarian Student
Federation. We see its projects and campaigns as our own, such as its
recurring campaigns against the Selectividad, the Popular University
project approved at the Third Congress of the FEL, or the use of student
unionism as a tool for all struggles in the educational field. We think
that, above all and with its limitations (which we intend to overcome
after this process), the efforts and work of the FEL have revolutionary
We will also maintain the Senda as our own communication brand, using it
as a tool for publishing the balance sheet on the FEL, which we will
continue to generate.
Within the framework of the balance sheet expressed in the Senda, we do
not see the use of an anarchist student organization in a region where
there is no more general anarchist political organization. For those who
may find themselves in the situation of creating an anarchist student
organization in a territory lacking a general anarchist political
organization, we recommend that they promote a especifist anarchist
organization, understanding the student sphere as another sphere of
social insertion. We will give them all our support from the especifist
With the same balance, we do not see a Libertarian Student Federation at
a state level as useful if the especifist organization is not
sufficiently developed and powerful to exist at a state level. For
potential anarchist student organizations that seek to federate (locally
or statewide) and find themselves under the name of the FEL, we
recommend that they join the sister especifist organizations with the
objective of promoting the especifist organization, creating the
conditions for the existence of a more powerful Libertarian Student
Front attached to the general especifist organization.
This nucleus, now Batzac-UAB, is using the new account @batzac_uab to
communicate through this social network. We invite you to follow us!
Saying goodbye to an organization that we have supported for 10 years is
a great emotional burden. Even so, the ex-FEL comrades with whom we have
contact have accompanied us in this process, seeing its dissolution as
necessary. The FEL has left a not inconsiderable mark on the
revolutionary militancy it has welcomed, and its ten years of experience
do not disappear, but are condensed in the especifist movement it has
With this new orientation we continue to fight. We overcome the
limitations of the Libertarian Student Federation and fulfill our
mandate as revolutionary militants. With the red-and-black thread of
combat of the revolutionary militancy of our class in mind we tell you,
not for the last time, the motto that has accompanied us these ten years
of struggle and that we take up to raise it towards the future:
Up with those who fight!
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