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(en) France, UCL AL #355 - Culture, Read Louis Oury: Les Prolos (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

Date Sat, 18 Jan 2025 10:04:53 +0200

Louis Oury is a self-taught weaver who was able to bear witness to his condition, and that of the working class in which he spent his life, with a sharp, direct and endearing writing. ---- Les Prolos tells the story, almost twenty years later, of his beginnings at the factory, his evolution in the different workshops, his reflections on his actions and his doubts, those of his colleagues and the grueling work context in the metallurgy. ---- His writing traces with filmographic precision his body and his head moving in the workshops of the Saint-Nazaire shipyards. To give us a vision of what the workers were undergoing, and especially of what they were able to represent, as fallibility under the constraint of capitalist exploitation, but also of a spirit of resistance, solidarity, and lightness.

There are moments bordering on the epic, when the story describes the 10,000 workers of the Penhoët factory holding a strike of several months in misery in 1955, but with a self-denial that will turn into a Dantesque riot, which involved the rest of the city, and which led to victory. A sublime battle experienced from the point of view of the author, who was neither a unionist nor an activist in any organization.

Almost 70 years after the events, Les Prolos is to be read or reread to get an idea of what anchoring in a territory, here that of the workers and their union representatives, a common condition made conscious and belonging to the collective allow in the face of exploitation. Without fetishizing the past or idealizing it, such a reading gives a breath of fresh air to find the tools allowing such power of action.

Marouane (UCL Nantes)

Louis Oury, Les Prolos, Agone, 2005, 253 pages, 19 euros

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