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(en) Italy, FAI, Umanita Nova #37-24: November 23 in Rome, NUDM demonstration. Let's disarm the patriarchy! (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]
Sat, 18 Jan 2025 10:04:48 +0200
On the eve of November 25, the international day against male violence
against women, there was a massive national demonstration in Rome
promoted by Non Una Di Meno with the slogan Let's disarm the patriarchy
and among the national events promoted by the entire transfeminist
movement there was also the demonstration in Palermo. An important event
for the participation put in place, 150 thousand people once again
crossed the city center with demonstrators coming from many other
locations. Associations, collectives, anti-violence centers, women's
houses, counseling center assemblies, coordination of counseling center
assemblies, representatives of Kurdish women in Italy, free
subjectivities and many other entities involved in the fight against all
forms of male violence against women, discrimination and gender
oppression in everyday personal and political, public and private places
where patriarchal predatory practices proliferate and are aimed at
opposing the freedom and self-determination of women and free
subjectivities supported by the hierarchical regulation present in all
sectors of society participated.
Many slogans and interventions from trucks and there were several flash
mobs including one in solidarity with the Iranian student Ahoo Daryaei,
who stripped to protest against the imposition of the regime. The
gesture was replicated and many stripped holding the banner that read:
My body is mine and I decide. There have been one hundred and six
feminicides, transcides and lesbian murders since the beginning of the
year, thirteen in Lazio, ten in Rome and their names have been
transcribed on a large fuchsia banner. Many slogans have been shouted
against the Minister of Education and Merit Valditara and against Pro
Vita, which is not the name of a food supplement but the name of an
anti-abortion association active in Rome and for which the route of the
demonstration was diverted because it passed right in front of their
headquarters on Viale Manzoni, which was sealed off for the occasion.
The demonstration on Saturday 23 November came together with the
multiplication of mobilizations activated in recent months in response
to the ferocious attack aimed at the freedom of women, of all identities
that do not conform to the heteronormative system and with different
abilities. The attacks come with bills, resolutions and propaganda by
state and religious apparatuses through the propaganda of their
spokespersons amplified by the media network.
How can we forget the over 500,000 protesters who flooded the streets of
this city with their bodies in 2023, again on the occasion of the
International Day against Male Violence against Women? At that time, the
emotional wave of Giulia Cecchettin's femicide had enveloped public
opinion and media attention had given little space to the response and
content expressed by that demonstration in the square. Among the various
important initiatives implemented in the last year in this city, I would
like to point out the protest and demonstration of September 28th on the
occasion of the International Day of Safe, Free and Free Abortion. On
that occasion, thousands demonstrated in the city center starting from
the Ministry of Health, to denounce the fascistization underway in our
country that is giving an unprecedented acceleration to the preventive
counter-revolution or, better, to a regression and closure of the spaces
of political and social action conquered by the feminist and
trans-feminist movements, and the criminalization of IVG (voluntary
interruption of pregnancy) is being implemented once again.
A concrete example of all this is the threat of eviction of self-managed
CAVs (anti-violence shelters including Lucha y Siesta) that for years
have carried out reception activities and more, the total closure of IVG
departments, the dismantling of counseling centers, the divestment of
RU486, of free access to care and prevention. People with different
abilities are increasingly relegated to asociality and GPA (Gestation
for others) is a further homotransphobic measure.
Fascism is the prolongation of war or, better, of ongoing wars
perpetrated inside and outside individual countries. War is the most
brutal expression of patriarchy because it reaffirms the law of
oppression, possession, rape. Stopping wars is essential in Ukraine,
Lebanon, Yemen, Sudan, the Palestinian genocide and alongside the
women's revolution in Rojava, Syria, Iraq.
It is anything but "normal" to increase the obscurantist and
conservative political culture and practices of militarization, control
and social discipline because they conceal a more subtle and insidious
internal war that leads directly to the path of criminalization of
everything that dissents from the rules of exploitation and oppression
perpetrated against bodies, relegating them to the domestic closure of
the hierarchical and patriarchal family nucleus. The objective is clear
and is the totalitarian overthrow trying to bring by hook or by crook,
voluntarily and involuntarily, to consciously and unconsciously enlist
or recruit the whole society in the unique form of subjugation.
With the bill 1660, then, the logic of the enemy is once again
sanctioned and the poverty extended with the economy of misery in place
does nothing but increase the exposure of bodies to blackmail,
exploitation and oppression, first and foremost that of gender.
Nationalistic, warmongering, family-oriented and environmentally
devastating propaganda are the most direct practices practiced against
our bodies and our free will that we witness every day when the greatest
data on male violence perpetrated against women comes from the family
environment. It is positive that much attention is paid to sexist
language because it is often a vehicle for oppressive practices but it
is even more important and necessary to be vigilant, not to lose sight
of and above all to oppose the practices themselves in every public and
private place across all social and economic strata because the news has
shown that education to an unconscious toxic affectivity is hidden in
the so-called "good guys", or above all in the so-called normality
steeped in patriarchal and religious culture that, not always, but too
often has been seen transformed into bloodthirsty.
In fact, most of the torturers are exes and husbands, exes and
boyfriends, brothers, uncles, acquaintances and friends, schoolmates,
affectionate actors, of course, and sometimes executioners.
The reaction of the movements to patriarchal fascism has been
self-organized and numerous meetings have followed one another and in
particular in this territory numerous initiatives have been structured.
Among these I point out the Coordination of the assemblies of the
counseling centers, where, neighborhood after neighborhood, between one
motivation and another, they were dismantling.
To date, there are 12 permanent women's assemblies activated in Rome
inside and near the counseling centers and others have been activated in
Lazio. In particular, in the Garbatella neighborhood the fight for the
restoration of the counseling center of Largo delle Sette Chiese has
been active since 2023. A group of women united by the fact of having
used the gynecology and obstetrics service for health needs, for cancer
prevention, for the birth and menopause process have given body to a
permanent assembly near the building for over a year demanding the
reinstatement of gynecology/obstetrics, cancer screenings and the Youth
Space because proximity social-health services like these are
fundamental for the health and well-being of women and free subjects.
Easy and timely access to health services is essential to guarantee
maternal and child health, and to lower their total costs through a
permanent facility that carries out a fundamental preventive function.
The assembly highlighted the need for its strengthening because it has
represented a public health facility with social participation, secular
and free and, therefore, its closure is unacceptable in a time of
ever-increasing inequalities and needs.
The tide is rising and we must think about disarming the patriarchy, and
it will be important to concretely amplify the spaces where
self-organized practices will be destructured by patriarchal,
paternalistic and religious, nationalistic, familistic hierarchies, by
exploitation and discrimination, including racialization.
Norma Santi
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