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(en) France, OCL CA #341 - STOP THE DEMOLITION OF SOCIAL HOUSING BY ANRU -- Return of the Residents' delegation (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]
Fri, 2 Aug 2024 09:16:27 +0300
In the previous issue of Courant Alternatif we report on the
mobilization of collectives of HLM residents and architects against
controversial demolition projects. On Wednesday February 7, 2024 in the
morning, despite the rain, more than 150 representatives from all over
France waited to be received in front of the headquarters of the
National Agency for Urban Renewal (ANRU). Faced with the unprecedented
scale of the mobilization, the ANRU finally agreed to receive a
delegation, and committed to organizing a new meeting in March.
Originally, a collective of residents and a collective of architects
from the Mirail district in Toulouse fought together against the
demolition of an HLM district of high architectural and environmental
quality. They note that identical struggles are being waged in many
other cities throughout the country and that the ANRU has destroyed more
than 160,000 homes since 2004. They then call for the formation of a
National Collective to stop the demolitions. More than 58 local
collectives, associations of architects and urban planners, as well as
the DAL, the CNL, the Construire magazine, and more than 800
professionals and activists from the city have responded to date. They
formed the National Collective and launched an appeal: Stop the ANRU
demolitions! For an immediate moratorium! This appeal declares that "in
all the cities, all the neighborhoods where the ANRU engages in a policy
of demolitions, the population and the collectives are mobilizing to
oppose it, that everywhere is born the desire not to remain isolated, to
unite our strengths nationally to be stronger and make our voice heard."
Finally, and very reluctantly, the ANRU arranged to meet the
representatives of the collective on April 24. The collective traveled
with specific files under their arms, concrete cases to be addressed,
realistic proposals to make to think together and build a project in
line with the reality of the ecological and social needs of the
population. He calls for a moratorium on destruction and the
establishment of collaboration with residents and architects to
rehabilitate existing social housing. Instead of responding to this
request, once again trampling on the "consultation" included in the
texts, the ANRU categorically opposed it and proposed instead to discuss
the improvements to be made to ANRU 3 without returning on planned
destruction, its representatives arguing that they were only the
financial implementers and that it was necessary to approach the mayors
to contest the destruction or rehabilitation/gentrification projects in
progress. Well-known method of exhausting strength by passing the buck
to dilute responsibilities. Mayors who increasingly see themselves as
small local lords with disproportionate powers increased by the
Kasbarian law, which legalizes clientelism by granting them even more
prerogatives in the allocation of social housing.
However, the national collective does not let itself be disappointed and
does not give up. They will go see the senators and deputies one by one
if necessary to try to influence the decisions of the ANRU Board of
Directors. It's a track! they will continue to make themselves visible
and challenge everywhere during the congress of mayors, at the Social
Union for Habitat which will be held in September in Montpellier, for
example. The collectives are located everywhere and will be able to
intervene throughout France during events to advance this idea of a
The country is facing a housing crisis. According to former Minister of
Housing Olivier Klein, it is "the social bomb of tomorrow". The damning
report from the Abbé Pierre Foundation illustrates this reality: 1.1
million inhabitants are deprived of personal housing and 4.2 million
suffer from poor housing. The number of people without accommodation has
increased by 40% in one year: every evening, in October 2023, more than
8,000 people on the street, including 2,800 children, were turned away
by reception centers . The majority of salaries revolve around the
minimum wage; 2.4 million households, 70% of whom are eligible for very
social housing (PLAI) and are waiting for HLM (25% more than in 2017).
Demand is exploding, but there has never been so little social housing
built: less than 80,000 in 2023. And the ANRU, funder of social housing
rehabilitation, is determined to destroy them.
Rental evictions started to rise again at the end of Covid, in 2022:
17,500 with the help of the public force, even before the vote in 2023
of the vile Kasbarian-Bergé law further reduces rights tenants. Public
investment in Housing, which represented 2.2% of GDP in 2010, fell to
1.6%, representing an annual budgetary saving of 15 billion euros. And,
since 2017, cuts in APL have cost HLM organizations 1.3 billion euros
per year, which have also suffered an increase in VAT, from 5.5% to 10%.
The Caisse des Dépôts, whose funds are supposed to build social housing,
forecasts a drop of a third in HLM production with a horizon of 66,000
HLMs per year, far from the needs.
By appointing Kasbarian as Minister of Housing, Macron is sending a
clear message: for him and his government, housing is not a right but a
commercial product whose only interest is to speculate on the markets
and generate considerable profits. Tenants' rights, regulations on
habitability standards, regulated rents for HLM, are all obstacles to
the free market and must disappear. The government, with the SRU law,
imposes in each city a rate of 25% of social housing (PLAI and PLUS),
but has decided to include intermediate housing, the rents of which have
nothing to do with social.
This determination to destroy common property does not only concern
housing. Minister Le Maire announces a cut of ten billion euros in
social budgets. School, Health, Culture, Environment, unemployment
insurance, nothing is spared to liberalize the economy and reorient its
industry to massively produce weapons, bombs, shells; prepare for war.
And that's just the beginning!
Nadia M.
For information "Stop the demolitions of the ANRU, for an immediate
moratorium, for rehabilitation" Sign the Appeal on the website of the
National Collective link: https://sites.google.com/view/stopa...
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(en) France, UCL AL #350 - UCL press release, Block the RN, prepare the counterattack! (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]
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(en) Italy, FDCA, Cantier #27: After October 7: Israeli society between radicalization and dissent - Chiara Cruciati (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]
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