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(en) Italy, UCADI #186 - In search of the lost center (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]
Tue, 30 Jul 2024 08:16:44 +0300
As has been the case for a few decades, after every election there are
loud barks and groans from the mainstream press about the non-existence
of the phantom centre. And yet, this time, there is something new
because a centre-right party - Forza Italia - left for dead, which
operates in the name of a dead man, has acquired consistency. but he is
feared in life by the inconsistency of what should be his counterpart,
that is, the existence of a center party that is available to be one of
the legs of a hoped-for "left" coalition.
It is known to all that one of the causes of this inconsistency is
identified in the undoubted protagonism of some histrionic figures who
are part of it, endowed with an enormous ego, whether they are young
rampants or seasoned remnants of politics. This area is managed by two
chickens who consider themselves free-range and a rather seasoned hen,
suffering from senile protagonism; we should therefore speak, more
likely, of three chickens rather than of the third pole. This is an
undoubted fact, which has psychiatric and psychoanalytic causes, but it
is not enough to explain the failure of this non-existent political
formation, without resorting to a structural analysis of the problem.
The fact is that by invoking anti-communism, which is in fact
unnecessary in the absence of communists, we continue to ignore the
profoundly centrist and reformist nature of the Democratic Party (PD),
continuing to refer to this party as if it were communist and which was
born from the confluence of what was the PCI with the Catholic culture
and part of the Christian Democracy. Furthermore, to tell the truth, the
PCI was a self-styled communist party, but rather anomalous, which had
little of communism; it was rather a reformist socialist party, a bit
maximalist, allergic to revolution, sometimes proclaimed, rarely and
only in words, often practiced by its militants, but never by its
leaders, who were not revolutionaries, much less during the brief
administration Gramscian or during the Togliattian one. The tendency to
see the PCI as a communist party is rather the fruit of its membership
of the third international, the fruit of its subjection to Moscow, which
however lasted for less time than for the other self-styled communist
parties scattered around the world.
This is the reality to which the right-wing political class does not
want to resign itself, which has always found it convenient to hide
behind anti-communism, inventing for decades the so-called K factor
which worked to keep the PCI away from the government. This is still
part of an exclusionary strategy of the right towards the adversary who
is criminalized, evoking non-existent links with Stalin's goulash and
today with the imagination of a Russia that has completely different
characteristics compared to what the USSR was, looming over the West.
The real reason for the inconsistency of a center party, which turns its
gaze to the left, is constituted by the fact that this party, in fact,
already exists, and it is the Democratic Party, even if, at times, this
party seems to take on some slight left-wing coloring, or a "left-wing"
coloring, underlined by the fact that it is incapable of choosing a side
on the central problem of the war and therefore makes Atlanticist,
warmongering, imperialist choices, which are typical of the most
backward social democracy, which - let's not forget - it is the
political formation that has historically voted for war credits, which
has made its own the choices of support for an appropriative
consociational and divisional management of society, which has
characterized the reformist left starting from German social democracy,
which today is in crisis precisely Why. having lost all ability to
analyze the class situation, he struggles in his last convulsions and
dedicates himself to the extreme support of the prevailing
ordocapitalism and of the war.
The absence of an analysis of social classes does not allow us to point
out that the distribution of income today in a society has destroyed the
middle class, which has become part of an impoverished, proletarianized
segment of the population, filled with profound anger, full of hatred
directed towards everyone, animated by a desire for revenge that leads
her to regret what she has lost and pushes her to think with her gut, in
the hope of rebuilding a prestige, a centrality, a well-being of which
traces have been lost.
To recover this class segment, to induce it to share values of
solidarity, a profound work of acculturation is needed which leads the
self-styled middle class to become aware of its new position in the
distribution of income and social prestige, removing the underlying
reasons that push it revanchist positions. This class segment must be
induced to rediscover the advantages and benefits of a relationship of
solidarity with the most disadvantaged classes and must be led to
understand the common conditions of hardship that it shares with the
majority of citizens who belong to the lower classes, it must become
aware of living a common condition of subordination if not of
exploitation. To realize this, it would be enough to look at the
distribution of wealth and then we would realize the profound gap that
separates the rich from the poor, the distribution of the income of a
company manager from that of any worker who works in that company .
If we start from this fact, they can be involved in a political
formation that supports principles of fair income distribution, capable
of explaining and sharing the advantages of an effectively efficient
welfare system, which starts from the fact that health costs and of
social well-being, access to services, training,
of the school, if faced individually are discriminatory and
unsustainable for them. Only the acquired awareness of the poverty into
which the middle class or at least those who believe they are part of it
can offer the possibility of redemption and the desire to fight to build
a united front of the exploited, a great alliance of progressive forces
in the country.
The Editorial Staff
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(en) Italy, Sicilia Libertaria: No muos. Towards the campsite in Sicily at war (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]
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