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(en) Italy, UCADI #186 - The Country with the Noose Around Its Neck (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

Date Mon, 29 Jul 2024 09:29:32 +0300

At the same time, while the Senate approves the reform of the premiership in first reading, the Chamber in a night session approves the introduction of differentiated autonomy, producing as a first effect a first united response from the opposition in the streets, third chicken excluded . This is the attempt by the Prime Minister with the pig's eye, to put the refoundation of the institutions and of the Republic at the center of the political debate, to erase the foundations of the Republic born from the Resistance and that a new Republic was born, managed by a Prime Minister who governs without a balance of powers, an Italian-style democracy, unique in the world. The path of the first reform is still long because it will require a double reading and double approval in a compliant text, as well as the approval of a majoritarian electoral law yet to come that assigns a majority bonus to the Prime Minister's party, so as to ensure that it still has control of a weakened Parliament deprived of all power. It will thus happen that with an ever decreasing number of votes it will be possible to control the executive and hold power without any checks and balances on government activity. At the same time, the reform cancels many powers of the President of the Republic and produces a cascade of impoverishment of those of the Constitutional Court and all the other rebalancing and counterbalancing bodies, imagined by the Constituent Assembly in 1947 to ensure the democratic nature of the system. Furthermore, since it is a constitutional reform, the law must be submitted to a confirmatory referendum and therefore there seem to be all the conditions to avert the danger shared by 190 constitutionalists who signed Liliana Segre's speech criticizing the measure, delivered in the Senate at the beginning of the debate. But it will be necessary
for the united opposition to be able to mobilize the country, civil society, against this authoritarian dirigistic turn, opening a debate that involves everyone in the awareness that the cornerstones of coexistence are being called into question.

The political exchange

While the first stage of the debate on institutional reforms was taking place before the Senate, the Chamber, after having approved the proposal for justice reform which however requires further stages, has approved the law on differentiated autonomy increases territorial imbalances, destroys solidarity, puts national unity at risk, accentuates the imbalances already existing between territories, between metropolitan and internal areas, between centers and peripheries. Furthermore, the law with which the conditions for the activation of differentiated autonomy are established undermines the foundations of solidarity between the different Regions, the unity of the Republic on the territory. Those who will pay the price will be those in difficulty; there will be a further
weakening of the National Health System as a whole, the inequalities already existing will be accentuated, especially in the field of health care. This is because the resources necessary to support it derive from the financial availability of each Region and this can only affect the quality of the service and the times and methods of delivery. Due to the reduction of available resources, the possibilities of bearing the cost of so-called health tourism will decrease, the size of which will also grow due to the fact that the Regions that have more resources will see an improvement in the quality of the specialist services provided to the detriment of those regions that will not have the resources necessary to support investments in structures and hiring of not only medical but paramedical personnel, with an overall impact on the quality and quantity of the services provided.
The system of autonomies, combined with the principle of subsidiarity, not coincidentally non-existent in the Italian Constitution until the infamous reform of the fifth title of 2001, of art. 118 of the Constitution wanted by the left with a very small number of votes, opens up further spaces for the market in social and essential services that are an inalienable part of the
rights of the person and for private intervention in the provision of such services, diminishing and mortifying the primary and essential role that should be assigned to public structures. These evident distortions of the system are declared to be remedied through the introduction of the LEP, or essential levels of performance that should take into account «the effective definition of the essential levels of performance relating to civil and social rights» that must be «guaranteed uniformly throughout the national territory» because «there is no development without solidarity, attention to the least, valorization of differences and co-responsibility in promoting the common good».

A reform out of time

Differentiated autonomy, initially conceived as a secessionist hypothesis in the context of the transformation of Italy into a Federal Republic, was born out of time compared to 1991, the era in which it was conceived by Bossi and Miglio.
Then as now the point of reference for the northern regions of the country was constituted by the economic area that gravitates around Bavaria and which at the time acted as a driving force in the management of the German economy in close alliance with Rhine capitalism. Today the Bavarian hegemony over German politics is in crisis, as is Germany, and to
catch its breath it is building an alliance in some of its components with Lutheran Saxony, hypothesizing a future alliance between CSU and AfD (Christian Social Union in Bavaria and Allianz fur Deutscheland). This is the not least reason that pushes Salvini's League to place itself on the extreme right of the political spectrum in Europe and to identify a dialogue with AfD at a European level. The intermediate political framework of the League, the various Fontana, Zaia, Federica, seem not to realize all this and are marching quickly towards the abyss, leaving the leader of their political formation to try to gather consensus and profits by procuring lucrative contracts for companies that will invest in the pharaonic
and unlikely construction of the bridge over the Strait of Messina, cultivating relationships with the local mafia. More cunningly, the founder of the League seems to have intuited this scenario and has distanced himself from the League and from differentiated autonomy.

What to do

What to do now that differentiated autonomy is the law of the State: according to many constitutionalists, an abrogative referendum would probably be inadmissible. But even if it were not so, there probably would not be a vote before 2026. Negotiations for differentiated autonomy agreements with individual Regions can instead start immediately - as Zaia already requests - at least for the subjects and/or functions not conditioned by the prior determination of essential levels of performance (LEP) impossible to do due to the absolute lack of resources.
In this regard, it is worth opening a parenthesis: now that it will be necessary to apply the stability pact that the government has committed to respect with the European Union, it will be necessary to find 25 billion for next year's budget, therefore an impact to which to allocate to the renewal of the reduction of the tax wedge and 10 billion in savings on the budget to be found by reviewing the distribution of resources. With these moonlights and the impossibility of balancing the accounts, it is decidedly impossible to hypothesize the identification of resources for the implementation of differentiated autonomy.
However, there are in the subjects that are in principle devolvable about 200 state functions out of a total of 500, which do not require funding and which are independent of the LEP as they do not directly concern levels of performance. On these, the negotiation will be in the hands of the regional presidents and the government. This will be the phase of greatest risk for the one and indivisible Republic. If even just one or two regions were to get their hands on the school, a much sought-after objective by the regional political class, a domino effect could be produced that would induce other governors to formulate similar requests, which at that point would be difficult to refuse.

The PD's opposition to the test

However, it would be possible for one or more regions to appeal to the Constitutional Court. It should be remembered that a popular initiative law was presented to the Regional Council of Emilia Romagna, still chaired by Bonaccini, Vice President Schlein, and signed by 6,000 citizens who asked that the Regional Council vote to withdraw from the 2018 agreement signed by Emilia Romagna, following the requests of Lombardy Veneto, formulated after a false referendum independently called, in support of the initiative of the respective Regional Councils to
request the opening of devolution on a set of matters. It seems that Bonaccini has given his availability in this regard. It would be, for once, a demonstration of political loyalty, common sense and intelligence.
On the other hand, the CGIL is pushing in this direction with the initiative la via maestra that has formulated a request in this sense to all regional presidents, inviting them to present a question of constitutional legitimacy relating to the law on differentiated autonomy just approved. This initiative is not isolated and is developing together with the campaign for the four referendum questions against job insecurity, formulated by the CGIL which should lead to the de facto repeal of the Job Act or at least of those parts of it that increase job insecurity and reduce protections related to the defense of the job and that have dismantled the labor process as provided for by the Workers' Statute,
canceling the role and function of legislation and the labor judiciary.
It is necessary that the opposition as a whole equips itself with a set of tools that are partly legal, partly institutional, but also mobilization in the streets and in the workplace, in order to dictate the political agenda and impose on Parliament and the government its own solutions on issues that concern equality and protection, health and social needs, rights and welfare, not that support poverty and marginalization, that fight job insecurity, underpaid and poor work, to give real values to wages and the necessary dignity to work.
The left must rediscover its unity in the face of the threat to the founding values of coexistence and, precisely for this purpose, must clearly resolve the dilemma regarding its position on war, clarifying the radical rejection of conflict as a solution to international disputes. In this regard, it is not enough
the sacrosanct opposition to the Arab-Israeli conflict through the support of a solution that provides for the formation of two States that agree to coexist, but a serious distancing from the causes and effects of the conflict in Ukraine is needed, with respect to which the reasons and instrumental nature of this war must be taken into account, in order to arrive at a chalked-out fire and negotiations on the future structure of that territory that cannot arise from the continuous fueling of the war through the supply of weapons, allowing a proxy war to take place, with the massacre of the Ukrainian and Russian people to the full benefit of the economic and commercial interests of the extra-European powers.
The growing poverty of the peoples of Europe needs the resources now burned by the war so that they can be used to finance the greater well-being of the populations of the continent and action of solidarity towards that most disadvantaged part of the world that needs support, help, well-being.


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