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(en) Russia, AIT: Ukraine: "A Dodger's Manifesto" (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

Date Sun, 28 Jul 2024 08:26:22 +0300

The anarcho-syndicalists operating in the region of planet Earth, which is governed by the Russian state, are in full solidarity with the anti-militarist anarchists operating in the region, which is governed by the Ukrainian state. With those who, like us, do not succumb to the influence of militaristic and nationalist propaganda. As a sign of this solidarity, we are reprinting the text of the "Drug Manifesto," which was sent out in Ukrainian and Russian by a Ukrainian anarchist under the pseudonym "The Wanderer" (even if we do not completely agree with the recipes for social transformation put forward in it).


The war between Russia and Ukraine led to the movement of those terrible forces that our generation did not know: the extreme and open brutalization of state machines, the complete fixation of people, the transformation of states into totalitarian concentration camps for citizens, the absolute disregard for human life on both sides of the conflict (both of the adversary and inside their states), lowering the status of man to an operational unit and the nationalistic gloom, which en masse engulfed human hearts and drove them to insane frenzy. Each machine explains the mercilessness with which it sends its citizens to their deaths with some abstract, little-understood reasons: both sides are waging "holy" and "existential" wars.

State machines rely in their terror on the imaginary will of the people: Ukraine claims that the population wants to fight "to the borders of 91", while those who "want to fight to the borders of 91" have been hunted down like rabid animals for a year and a half , on the streets of cities and villages, after which, in the absence of complete obedience, they are beaten, kept in basements, tortured, driven to suicide and killed by the military commissars in their attempts to force people to serve them. Russia, in its turn, did the same to the residents of the DPR and LPR, terrorizing all the men who were not lucky enough to leave or flee to fight, and also lied to its conscripts when it said that they would not take part in hostilities, and took them to the front State machines speak on behalf of the people, whose mouths are closed and who are forced exclusively by force to do those actions that these people supposedly want to do voluntarily.

In this manifesto, we tried to speak with the voice of, we believe, a very significant part of Ukrainian and Russian society, which has long felt the senselessness of this war, but due to the totalitarianism of the systems in which they live, do not have the opportunity to publicly verbalize these feelings. Here we have answered the main arguments of the advocates of war, mobilization, sanctity, and existential struggle between states, trying to show that in the case of a struggle between states, a libertarian for whom ideas do matter should avoid aiding totalitarian machines in any way and assist in to this population, which also seeks salvation from them. We believe that people are torn between two states: unwillingness to serve the state, on the one hand, and a false sense of guilt for this unwillingness, on the other hand, guilt imposed by the same state. It is this guilt that makes a person's behavior incomprehensible and contradictory: a person seems to avoid participating in the war, but at the same time tries to express his patriotism in every possible way.

Therefore, it is necessary to remove this false sense of guilt and shame, which is instilled in people, and show that a person is absolutely right when he avoids, evades service to a system that has strangled, tortured and raped him for decades, and now demands to fight for it, explaining it her (person's) own interests. As soon as a person understands that his reluctance to participate in war is not a sign of his cowardice, as nationalists shout about it, but on the contrary, it is the ability to distinguish his true interest and hear his inner voice - resistance to war will become more meaningful.

The first argument of the supporters of the war: we have a duty to the state that must be fulfilled

No one, never owes anything to the state. There are only two types of debt: voluntarily assumed by the borrower on the basis of a private contract with mutual discussion of terms, and bandit debt imposed unilaterally under the threat of violence for non-acceptance. In the first case, the debt implies that there was a loan in front of him, but hardly a single citizen will remember when he borrowed something from the state and signed an obligation to pay for it with his life. It is clear that we are dealing with pure thuggery, where an armed thug threatens unarmed people with violence if they do not accept his terms of a one-sided treaty. A person does not have and cannot have any obligation other than what he has voluntarily assumed.

We can be told, for example, that the state provides services and gives people education, and therefore they are obliged to die of gratitude. However, the cost of the entire range of services provided by the state to its citizen during his lifetime is significantly less than the amount of taxes that the citizen transfers to the state during his lifetime. That is, we cannot even say that the citizen pays for all the services provided with his taxes, because only a part of the funds contributed by him goes to these services, while the other part goes to pay the exorbitant expenses of officials, various grantoids, incomprehensible state programs, the police and other types parasitism

As for education, here we will answer: no state invented the principle of transferring knowledge from person to person - it always had a place in our history even before the emergence of states, as it ensured our survival. The state acts only as a sentinel between a person and education, deciding who can be admitted to it and under what conditions; it also performs the role of a censor when it adds its ideology to education, hiding and distorting everything that harms the position of the ruling class in education.

Therefore, we have every reason to believe that if any other state had been in the place of this state, then nothing would have happened to the process of knowledge transfer, and even if there was no state at all, then even then education, as the transfer of knowledge from one generation to another, it would not go anywhere. If it weren't for the state, we would get an education without the admixture of ideology, which later causes enmity between us. Therefore, we should not thank her for the fact that she allowed us to get an education, but we should banish her from the field of education forever.

The second argument of the war supporters is that we must protect the family/city from shelling

The lives of our families are threatened primarily by hostilities, not by any warring party in a vacuum. The surrender of one of the armies (any one that has the courage) will save all the families. Therefore, for the survival of families and the preservation of cities on both sides of the front, it does not matter who loses the war. The death and destruction is not inflicted by any one side - it is a process of mutual shooting in which everyone caught between the two nationalist armed forces suffers.

If you believe that the shelling of a city by an enemy state obliges those who live in the city to take up arms to stop this shelling, then is it correct to say that when the city is captured by the enemy, and you retreat, you will be forced to inflict city of fire damage, wreaking havoc and killing civilians, now those civilians must rise up against you to stop the shelling?

Silly as this even sounds, you will probably add that it is not the mere fact of shelling that is essential to fight against those who are shelling, but some sense of kinship between the inhabitants and that army with which they are united by flag and citizenship. We will discuss the issue of forced communities below, but for now, the argument for war as a means of stopping shelling is populist, and nothing stops shelling and preserves life as well as peace on any terms.

The third argument: we are fighting for our land

You fight for your land, but we don't have ours. So we don't understand what you mean by that. Most people do not own even a small piece of land on which they could settle, and are forced to live in concrete burrows.

What is our ownership of this land? In the fact that we can walk, stand, walk there? Why don't we get rich by increasing territories? Why should we conquer or conquer something if our well-being does not change from it?

If by "our land" you mean the supremacy of a certain legal right on this territory, then we are not satisfied with this right - neither Russian nor Ukrainian. You have never allowed us to define the laws by which we want to live. Therefore, this right does not concern us and we should not defend it. It will be convenient for you, since you wrote it for your needs.

For more than 30 years, you have privatized everything that was in bad shape, giving the rascals the nation's wealth at a retail price, and they, taking mines, gas, oil, and rare earth metals, said: "This is all mine, mine, mine!" As soon as a group of armed men from the other side began to compete with you for these illegal resources, you howled and began to say, "This is all OURS", hoping that this would encourage us to give our lives for this rich land. But we remember that she is not rich for us.

You thought that the private property you acquired is only a privilege that gives you wealth and the opportunity to study abroad for your children, but it is also a burden to protect it from the encroachments of private individuals from another jurisdiction - then go and protect yours! All that you have taken from the people - protect without the people. We'll connect when you start sharing.

The fourth argument: we are fighting for language and culture

We do not understand why there is a need for one language on the scale of the entire state, if there are communities living in it who want to speak different languages. Therefore, by fighting for your language within nation-states, you are not fighting for freedom for all peoples in that territory, you are only fighting for your version of national oppression.

Neither side in this conflict has even considered offering people cultural autonomy and the right to decide for themselves what schools they want to study in, what language to speak and what books to read. The actions of each side are nationalistic rage and forcing people to be what the central government wants them to be.

The fifth argument: we are fighting for freedom

Let's answer briefly: our freedom is determined not by which state we join, but by the distance we keep from any of them. A person gains freedom by moving away from the state, not by helping it to survive.

Therefore, our freedom lies beyond state control and in refusing to serve any military, no matter what flag this military wraps around its reckless head.

The sixth argument: we are fighting for the nation

We recognize only voluntary associations of people, while the nation is always forced. The majority of people are included in the national space without their active consent to be part of it: they do not have a collective identity imposed on them, but accept it passively, simply because they have nowhere to go from it, and also because for dissociation from this identity a variety of repressions are foreseen, which at different times can be covered by articles about treason, collaborationism, etc. Why be surprised that someone betrayed you, if the root of this betrayal is dissatisfaction with the way your state treated a person, oppressing him in his right to freedom to be who he is?

Both Russia and Ukraine are societies of enormous social inequality and injustice, and if you specifically have something to fight for, it does not mean that another person also has something to fight for - his experience of living in this country may be extremely different from yours, and yours the fury directed against those who do not want to defend this state and who have suffered from it, is essentially the fury of a lord who is dissatisfied with the lack of patriotic sentiment in his exhausted serfs. If man did not feel oppressed by your national machine, he would have no need to harm you, run away from you, or resist you. You should blame yourself for every case of "betrayal" that you brought people to a state where they hated you for something.

The genesis of nations is well studied. The nation is an epiphenomenon of industrial development under capitalism, and it arose as a rational need of industry (the growth of which requires a process when communities of people who speak the same language are formed around its centers). The battle for the nation was admissible when man was its helpless product, could not go beyond the existing ideas about him in his imagination, see his origins and purpose, and when he was perceived as something immanently inherent in society. But today, when we understand that the nation is only a by-product of capitalism, when we can look at the path of its development from a historical height, we are not obliged to follow its logic, especially because this logic is so destructive. We are not obliged to think of ourselves as operating units of industrial production, and are free to join together in small associations consisting of like-minded people, and not of some "compatriots" with whom we often have neither common beliefs nor financial equality, no life experience.

In peacetime, our "compatriots" deputies, generals and businessmen oppress us at crossroads, buy off justice and take our money. During the war, they suddenly want to unite with us. It is clear that they are defending their right to continue oppressing us and not to give this right to officials from abroad, but what do we get?...

Within a national group, different people can feel completely alien to each other, which is normal and adequate, because they were forcibly made part of this national association. We are not the slaves or property of the nation, it has no right to dispose of our bodies and our wills, to mobilize us whenever it pleases, and to kill priceless lives for the sake of some imagined commonality.

The nation is an unstable and cruel authoritarian formation that absorbs everyone indiscriminately, without asking anyone whether people want to be part of it. It will always be doomed to face all kinds of betrayals and mobilization sabotage, until the people who make it up understand that you cannot create a society of solidarity when you drag everyone there under a stick. Release from your jurisdiction anyone who does not want to be a part of it, and you will have no more traitors. However, there will not be many people left. But given the thoroughness with which you destroy them, we don't think that would scare you.

Whichever nation you support, you are fighting for the old. Your whole national philosophy is a convulsion of a dying archaic. We stand for something more - for the demise of states that, instead of serving us, as it was intended, put us at their service.

The seventh argument: we fight for the preservation of identity

What is this identity that can be destroyed by establishing another state jurisdiction? A person who has individuality is not subject to any legislative dissolution of identities. Only a floating, invented, vague, imaginary identity, which spreads from the ideological center of the state, fears the destruction of state jurisdiction, without which the identity spread by it will also disappear.

It is the state and its government that is the originator of national identity, as it spreads it with the help of ideology and its power apparatus. And without the state, people would each choose their own identity and would naturally split into much smaller groups than is done in the state, which tries to harness everyone into one national harness, which feels like oppression for a significant part of people.

The eighth argument: we...

After all, who are "we"? Why do you include us in your communities, even though we did not agree to be a part of them? Why do you speak on our behalf, why do you formulate the general wishes of the people without asking anything from us? Can we speak the same for you, include you in our imagined communities? Can we say: "On behalf of the people of Ukraine and Russia, we renounce mobilization, war, our governments and their obligations?" Would you agree with this? Why is it possible to speak on behalf of the peoples only to supporters of the war, who do not ask anything from anyone, but repress everyone who questions their words?

The ninth argument: the people want...

You don't know what the people want. And even your lying polls don't reflect that. You have dozens of ways to test this in practice.

It's great to have public opinion polls saying that "the majority still want the war to win." But who is this majority? Consumers of war on TV who continue to live as if nothing happened? The only honest survey that can be conducted in this situation assumes personal responsibility for your choice and should contain only two points:

1) are you in favor of war until the complete destruction or surrender of one of the parties?

2) are you in favor of negotiations here and now and acceptance of compromises?

Note that those who agreed to the first option must personally participate in the war until the victorious end, that is, when voting for the first point, they must immediately enroll automatically in the army, either becoming a reserve or immediately going to training centers. Those who vote for diplomacy and unwillingness to serve are immediately released from all "duty".

We maintain that the supporters of the war will never conduct such a survey and under such conditions, because it is a truly honest way to find out what the population will choose to participate in the war or not participate in it for themselves personally. Such a survey would reveal that no one really wants to fight, and that all your rhetoric about popular support for war is just a little trick.

All your support of the war population rests only on the majority of those people who are ready to "participate without participating": those who have left the country and are roaring from abroad with patriotic bison, those who have armor and those who are not suitable for mobilization according to some criteria. Most of the supporters of the war in both countries are not involved in the front itself, the state needs only formal and public approval from them, relying on which, the state will be able to force people to go to war; it seems to legitimize death and terror with the voices of those it frees from death and terror.

Someone who is not fighting and who is not threatened with mobilization, and even more so someone who is not at all in a country that is at war, hardly has the right to form "public opinion" on the topic of supporting the war and speaking in favor of its continuation. Because this is how they dispose of the lives of millions of people who are forced to die on the battlefield by violence, while those who speak out lead their relatively carefree lives.

Thus, let only those who are ready to personally participate in it be able to speak for the continuation of the war, and let all others speak against it. And then we will see what the people want.

How to lure dodgers to war

We are convinced that many of the evaders may agree to fight - we are not cowards. We have enough courage not to listen to the orders of the red-faced military leaders and not to obey anyone, despite all the threats and pressure. But considering ourselves to be free individuals, we will go to war only after discussing the terms. We don't need the money you are showering the soldiers with, as inflation is only getting worse and will eventually become useless. Therefore, we will give preference to rights and opportunities.

First, we want land - the same land you call ours. We really want to protect it, but first we have to take possession of it. The most valuable thing in the earth is its resources, so you have to give them to us. If the land is ours, then there is no rational explanation why the government disposes of its resources and does not share anything with the population. Therefore, from this moment on, all further profits from the sale of resources must be distributed among all people in the country and given directly to us. In addition, it is necessary to conduct a full audit of the income received from the sale of resources for decades of independence. Everything that settled from them in the accounts of oligarchs, officials, everything that was invested by them from these funds in infrastructure, business, housing (at home and abroad) - everything must be described and divided among the entire population equally.

Secondly, we want general arming of the people. The uncontrolled circulation of weapons carries its own serious difficulties, but at this stage it seems to us that an armed people is a guarantee that our people's will will always and in any situation be carried out steadfastly, and that no one will be able to pass off their personal interests for ours. gagging people and forbidding this will to be expressed. When the people are armed, no mobilizer will dare to treat the people as they do now, because their lawlessness is connected only with the fact that they are not punished for any violent actions against civilians, and civilians are punished for the slightest manifestation of disobedience. Their behavior is cowardice of the highest form, the cowardice of a scum who rushes to the victim only based on the knowledge that she is helpless in front of him.

Thirdly, we want true federalization of all subjects of the state: let each subject independently determine its federal language, its laws and regulations. Let every people in the state feel at home, and let it not happen that only one national group, which has sneaked into the central offices, gets into the private lives of everyone else and orders them to speak differently and think differently.

Fourth, we want to decide for ourselves where to pay taxes: we want to pay doctors, teachers, rescuers, firefighters, but we do not want to give our money to officials, judges, bailiffs and policemen, because the benefit from them is doubtful, and the harm is enormous.

Fifth, we want direct democracy and the ability to determine the state's policy, so that the people themselves can decide when to start and end wars, under what conditions, how to name streets, or demolish monuments, etc. We do not want to be held hostage by the unrealizable military ambitions of our governments, which are senselessly fighting for goals we do not understand. If you are telling the truth that you are acting on behalf of the people, then it must be considered that until now you have not contributed to the introduction of the principles of direct democracy only because you did not know about such a possibility. Otherwise, the only reason you can prevent it from happening is because you're lying like you're relying on the will of the people, and you've just taken all the people hostage to your bloody machines. In short, having all this, we will protect it single-handedly and without any whips, including from you.

We do not claim that our demands are absolutely correct and should be accepted exactly in this form. We only want to point out the approximate contrast that exists between your illusions about the people and their real needs. You have lived good, long, and abundant lives in these states, and therefore love them, while at the same time extrapolating your feelings of joy from being in these states onto everyone else. But our experience is different from yours, and we refuse to serve the welfare of a limited group of individuals. Who dares to accuse us of this?

Dedicated to all whom it may concern. Do not serve anyone but your conscience!


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