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(en) Brail, Capixaba, FACA: Statement from the Council of Leaders of the Guató People about the Fires that are Destroying Pantanal (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]
Sun, 28 Jul 2024 08:26:00 +0300
The Espírito Santo Anarchist Federation (FACA) stands in solidarity with
the comrades of the Guató People, an opportunity in which we disseminate
the note made by them. We emphasize that only the unstoppable fight
against capitalism and the state can guarantee a viable and sustainable
future for the people who inhabit Guadakan and the entire Earth!
We, the members of the Council of Leaders of the Guató People in
Guadakan/Pantanal, went public so we can clear some things up and show
where we stand on the issue of the fires that are destroying the plains
of Pantanal.
First: We come from the oldest canoeira indigenous populations that have
lived in Pantanal. Through more than 8 thousand years, we have never
destroyed Guadakan, quite the contrary; we have always promoted the
protection of the environment and positive changes in local landscapes.
This is a sacred biome and our ancestral land where we can be what we
are, a resilient, working and fighting originary population and
protectors of this biodiversity.
Second: The fires that are going on in many places, as seen in 2020 and
now in 2024, have no relation to any fire-based traditional land
management technique used by originary peoples.These fires are caused by
white folks who have settled in Guadakan and see the region as a space
of opportunity for endless profit. In 2020, for instance, fires
destroyed a large part of the vegetation cover of aeas that were
traditionally occupied by the communities of the Aldeias Aterradinho and
Barra do São Lourenço, and they almost reached Aldeia Uberaba.The fires
have also affected and continue to affect areas where Guató communities
suffer a damaging process of ethcnic easure both in the states of Mato
Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul
Third: The lack of an effective and positive presence of the Brazilian
State in Pantanal is part of an old political and economic project. It
works so that the Guadakan remains a land where the law that prevails is
the will of those in power, those who control economic power and have
representatives in the powers that constitute the Republic. These
powerful people have an access to the media and usually pose as
defenders of nature and spread misinformation and lies about the climate
crisis and the fires. The lack of an effective presence of the Brazilian
State also leads to NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations) being
empowered and financed with resources from god-knows-where that promote
the ethnic erasure of the Guató People, provoke misunderstanding and
division within communities and spread lies about us. They impose upon
many of our families and communities labels such as "traditional",
"riverside people", "descendents of indigenous peoples", "isqueiras",
"corixeiras", etc. Well, we know that a jaguar cub cannot be anything
other than a jaguar. So sons and daughters of Guató mothers and fathers
are Guató, and this should be something one should be proud of, never
Fourth: The succesful experience of the Expedição Guató (Guató
Expedition) and Expedição Técnica Guató (Guató Technical Expedition)
carried on the the second half of april 2024 are positive examples of
what we expect when we ask for a positive and efficient presence of the
Brazilian State. These expeditions counted on the participation of the
Brazilian Navy (6th Naval Distric and Flotilla of Mato Grosso), the
Justice Court of Mato Grosso do Sul (represented by the Council for the
Supervision of Special Courts), Special Secretary for Family Farming,
Indigenous Peoples and Traditional Communities of SEMADESC (Office of
the Envirionment, Development, Science, Technology and Inovation of Mato
Grosso do Sul), GIZ (German Agency of International Cooperation), FUNAI
(National Foundation of Indigenous Peoples), the Fedeal Public
Ministery, AGRAER (Agency of Agrarian Development and Rural Extension),
Foundation for Culture in Mato Grosso do Sul, researchers from
universities and representatives of social movements. Because of this,
the the 24rth of April of 2024 marks a new moment for the comunity of
Aldeia Barra São Lourenço, long forgotten in the deep Pantanal where in
1990, many of the families who lived there had their houses destroyed in
a place called Acurizal. This was done by people working for the NGO
Ecotrópica, which at the time claimed to be protectors of the Pantanal
and its biodiversity.
Fifth: Since 1990, we have noticed the lack of support from NGOs that
work with indigenous peoples. Until that decade, we have counted on the
help of CIMI (Conselho Indigenista Missionário), Kaguateca (Associação
de Índios Kaguateca Marçal de Souza) and other entities. They helped us
with the struggles that were iniciated in 1976 in the city of Corumbá,
which culminated with the regularization of the Guató Indigenous
Territory in the Ínsua Island, where is located the Army Detachment of
Porto Índio of the Brazilian Army, who we have a good relationship with.
Sixth: We know about the existence of the Ministry of the Indigenous
Peoples, created in the beginning of the government of the President
Luís Inácio Lula da Silva, but so far we have not seen any positive
actions for our communities coming from it, not even a visit for them to
understand the realities faced by the Guató People and our families. The
news that reach us are mostly of political actions related to political
parties in order to remove Prof. Elvisclei Polidório of his position as
regional coordinator of FUNAI in the city of Campo Grande, to benefit
family members of politicians and to launch candidates for the election
this year. It would be great for our comminities if this miinistry or
other governmental agencies could send us fuel and basic protection
equipment so we can fight the fires.
Seventh: parlamentary initiatives aimed at approving certain laws such
as the Zero Transport Law (Law n. 12. 197/2013) in Mato Grosso, the
Pantanal Law Project in Mato Grosso do Sul and the proposal for the
creation of the Pantanal Statute that is being discussed in the National
Congress (PL n. 5.482/2020) among others were never elaborated in a way
that considers our ways of living, and we were never consulted in the
process of elaborating them. What we have seen is people posing as
"experts" and defenders of Pantanal, avid for social media likes, shares
and comments. So far, none of these people have come to our communities
to see the reality faced by us our day-to-day lives and to listen to us
regarding the protection and preservation of Pantanal and rescuing us in
this moment when many parts of Guadakan are burning because of the fires.
Pantanal, July 1rst, 2024.
Coordination of the Council of Leaders of the Guató People
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