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(en) Italy, UCADI #186 - France at the crossroads (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

Date Sun, 28 Jul 2024 08:25:24 +0300

With the polls just closed, Emanuel Macron played his last card and dissolved the National Assembly, sending the country to the polls. Voting will take place in two rounds on 30 June and 7 July respectively. 577 deputies will have to be read, one for each electoral constituency; to obtain an absolute majority in the National Assembly, 289 seats are needed. Voting takes place in the first round for individual constituencies. If the candidate does not reach an absolute majority, we proceed to the second round in which the first two candidates who obtained the highest number of votes participate. This electoral system means that the data relating to the votes obtained by the party or coalition at a national level does not necessarily correspond to that of the sum of those elected in the individual constituencies of the constituencies. Therefore, it is important on the one hand to choose the candidates and that they enjoy a personal consensus, and on the other the capacity for coalition agreements and desistance agreements, in order to allow the preferred candidate to reach the ballot, as it is difficult for a party or a coalition has a majority in the college already in the first round.
And here emerges clearly a first reason for the President's tactical plan who, faced with the certification of the decline in support for his coalition, decided to grant a short period of time for the elections to take place, in order to force adversaries suddenly and untested coalitions. As is obvious, this is a long-thought-out move, before the elections and to be implemented in the event of an electoral debacle for the Macronian coalition.

The profound reasons for the crisis

Although Macron's second mandate in particular proved to be a failure in many respects, the President did not need particular acumen to be aware and confirm his failures. On the international level, his politics were characterized by the total shipwreck of what remained of the French empire and of Francophonie. The failure was evident, especially in Central Africa and in the sub-Saharan area, where the various French-speaking states, supported by France, fell one after the other, under the pressure of coups d'état which saw the Russia and in some cases Chinese economic influence prevail. In fact, French Africa no longer exists and the remaining remnants of the foreign legion were not very cordially invited to leave the various countries in which they operated to guarantee French interests. This explains Macron's fury against Russia in the Ukrainian war: in other words, Macron and the French don't care a damn about Ukraine and its people, but were and are interested instead in punishing Russia for its interference in French former colonies and for the erosion of France's presence and international role in Africa. What better opportunity to achieve the goal than to make others pay the cost and Europe pay the economic cost! As events in Africa demonstrate, however, this is a losing strategy with no prospects, because in addition to conducting its war campaign in Ukraine to the detriment of the people of that country, Russia has strengthened its presence in Africa, completing the annihilation of the French presence on the continent.
What has been reckless in foreign policy has had repercussions on the domestic level, where despite the undoubted successes of the expansive activities of French capitalism, which however has long had a multinational character, having retained its name only in its denomination, the financial cost of this policy it has deprived the resources relating to the financing of welfare and forced the country to make malicious and unpopular reforms.
There is no Frenchman who has forgotten the strenuous struggle of the social forces of the left and right against the pension reform, the huge demonstrations, the protests, the mobilisations, crushed with a questionable constitutional practice, such as the application of the art. 49 of the Constitution which allowed the President to impose his own choices beyond the parliamentary vote. Like any politician, Macron should know that sooner or later the issues come home to roost and the bills are paid: voters have many defects, but often have an elephant's memory when it comes to touching their pockets and their rights.
Another great mistake of the President was that of not understanding that to endorse the choice to divert funds intended for agriculture from the European Union budget for the financing of the Ukrainian war and at the same time allow Ukraine's entry into the Union, leaving that its agricultural products competed with those of French agriculture was and is an unforgivable mistake, especially when at the same time they are asked to respect the green policy, to leave part of the arable land uncultivated to carry out rotation and protect the environment , to set limits and regulate livestock farming, eliminating subsidies for agricultural fuel and to support the many commuters forced to move to support the economic activities of the suburbs of France, (yellow vests) causes damage to incomes that will not be forgotten .
This lack of funds and resources has also prevented necessary investments in the integration of emigration, but above all it has affected the functioning of a welfare system aimed at supporting a population of the country that has been multi-ethnic and multi-religious for decades. In particular, the ghettoization of populations of culture and origin from Islamic countries, today constitutes a problem that fuels the right and worries the country, pushing it to orient its vote against the government. In pointing out Macron's many failures, one could continue, moving the analysis of every government activity whose choices appear more than questionable and a harbinger of an overall decay of the nation which has repercussions on its role in Europe and internationally.

Game theory according to Macron

In order to remedy this disaster, the President today once again plays the old card of the former Gaullist right, deluding himself that referring to the National Rassemblement with the term Lepenista still functions as an element of exclusion from the democratic game and ends up strengthening it as a lesser evil the Macronian center during the elections and thanks to the double shift system. But this time the game may not succeed considering that this time the left presents itself as a unit in the Nouveau front populaire which is gaining consensus according to the polls and that the number of French people who intend to go to the polls is growing, all this while Macron's grouping, Renaissance, ranks third.
It must also be said that the yielding of the former Gaullist party and its President Ciotti to overcome all restraint in allying themselves with Marine Le Pen to strengthen the right goes hand in hand with those French Jews who, frightened by support for Palestine and by Islamism rediscover their class position on the right and rely on it to be protected. to the most extreme right and to the grandchildren of the torturers who accompanied their grandparents to the concentration camps and gas chambers. What is happening demonstrates that the lessons of history can be forgotten when an immediate and present danger knocks at the door, making us forget what has been, but could still be, and making a clean sweep of the profound reasons that sooner or later nevertheless re-emerge.
Nothing will prevent the apartments at the National Rassemblement, once the elections are over, from forgetting the support they have received and dedicating their attention to Muslims and French Jews, remembering that both Jews and Palestinians are, after all, Semites. They have forgotten how Brecht said that: "First of all they came to take the Gypsies / and I was happy, because they were stealing. Then they came to take the Jews / and I kept quiet, because I disliked them. Then they came to get the homosexuals, / and I was relieved, because they were annoying to me. Then they came to get the communists, / and I didn't say anything, because I wasn't a communist. One day they came for me, / and there was no one left to protest."
Only after the second round will we have the true result of this electoral confrontation and will we know if France is heading towards a cohabitation between the monarch President and a National Assembly that will be hostile to him, whether it is managed by the right or the left. Both of these sides, if victorious, will not have the resources to implement the ambitious programs they now present to counter Macron's policy, unless they understand that their first objective is to put an end to the war, in France as in Europe, and allocate resources that would like to be used in rearmament and wars, in social investments and in strengthening welfare, regardless of the priorities that each of the two sides will give to its implementation.
In France, as elsewhere, today there is a growing problem that dominates every other, that of the distribution of wealth, of growing inequalities, of ever-widening pockets of poverty, of the growing ignorance resulting from the failure of educational institutions, from the loss of jobs resulting from company restructuring e
from technological innovation, from the crisis of health systems, from the problems of climate change which will need to be made compatible with the needs of production and the well-being of the population.
From this experience and this confrontation the left - starting from France - must come out with realistic and practicable proposals, without which it is doomed to defeat.

The Editorial Staff

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