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(en) Italy, UCADI #186 - Between old and new right (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

Date Sat, 27 Jul 2024 07:56:53 +0300

The elections for the European Parliament saw the affirmation in many European countries of right-wing political parties and formations that had already appeared in their respective countries, in some cases managing to form the government majority. There are currently 6 European states governed by the right: Italy, Hungary, Slovakia, Croatia, Finland and the Netherlands; consistent statements have come from the same orientation in Germany, Austria, Spain, Portugal and France. But despite the electoral success, the votes collected were not sufficient to allow these parties to reach a majority in the European Parliament and or to allow them to assume enough strength to influence the majority that will have to elect the new Commission and direct the work of the Parliament. However, when it happened, it constitutes a phenomenon that must be investigated and understood because, although these parties refer to fascism and Nazism and re-propose many of their proposals and reflect their characteristics, their programs present peculiar elements of novelty and towards them seems to be falling every
preclusion by democratic and liberal forces. Eighty years after the end of the Second World War, in the memory of the people, the memory and knowledge of the horrors that fascism and Nazism have sown seems to have been erased and a new narrative seems to impose itself, accompanied by ignorance of what was and supported from the oblivion of memory, sweetened by narratives and memories.
Due to the effects of that mechanism which induces generations to search for their own identity and to feel entitled to the right to rewrite history, the new generations of Europe think they are free to accept a narrative of what has been, rewritten by the vanquished and , exploiting the sympathies that the losers arouse and the mistakes that the winners make, seem to want to accept the idea that it is possible that what fascism and Nazism advocated in the past is perhaps the best solution also for the problems of the present.
Therefore, thanks to these mechanisms, the past is cleared through customs, even in the minds of the heirs of those who were the main victims of that period of history, and fascism and Nazism make their way among the lower classes, among those belonging to ethnic minorities, even in members of the Jewish people.
In reality, this is not a new phenomenon because adhesion to fascism and Nazism, then as today, is based on a false awareness of one's class position, belonging to the dominant classes, has as its distinctive character proximity to power and to money and all this does not exclude Jews like anyone else; and therefore it is not surprising that
among the new fascists and Nazis there are, as in the past, members of the Jewish communities, frightened and driven towards these ideologies by the conflicts taking place in Palestine and by the ongoing clash, which sees two Semitic populations, the Jewish and the Palestinian, competing for domination over a single territory which is seen as exclusive, from which to exclude the other, with methods and behaviors on both sides, which trace the indiscriminate ferocity of Nazism and Fascism and have no hesitations in the face of its implementation of a genocide.

An iridescent right

The rebirth of the right was inaugurated by the blindness of the politics of the democratic establishment of the self-styled democratic and liberal parties, supported by the parties of the reformist left, now devoid of any ideology and any project for a future society. No longer possessing tools for analyzing class relations and power structures, or rather being convinced that there is no alternative to the absolute domination of economic and financial capital, these parties have accepted the defeat of the values of equality and solidarity and have chosen to place themselves within the inter-imperialist clash, engaging in conflicts such as the one for the control of Ukraine, without realizing that they are called to take part in a clash that is contrary to their material interests and those of the peoples they inhabit. The European territory.
The war, this war, is resolved and developed in the conflict between two autocracies, equally oligarchic, which defend opposing interests and which in the name of these send entire peoples to the massacre, in this case both the Ukrainian and the Russian ones, in the name of a reconstructed patriotism and nationalism, exploiting hatred, pain and violence to practice religious persecution and deny the very principles for which they say they are fighting.
They feast on these dead, fattening their portfolios of orders for military expenditure and for the reconstruction of a destroyed country which has seen its population dispersed, reconstruction limited to material goods and therefore only partially possible, of what they have destroyed, transforming the conflict in a tempting opportunity for future profits.
The parties of the right have cunningly taken it upon themselves to gather the dismay and protest towards what is happening, the opposition of the people to seeing their own resources squandered for military expenditure, for the production of weapons, for a policy of death and they are unexpectedly become supporters of peace, taking advantage of the fact that the progressive and left-wing parties - which by their nature should have taken responsibility for the rejection of war - are silent when they do not actively participate in the war mobilization and the banquet over the dead.
In this way the right-wing parties have acquired a positional income which they take advantage of to introduce, through the management of power, profound changes to the protection of people's rights, increasing inequalities, the exploitation of man by man and woman, reintroducing values, ways of thinking, such as those that characterize patriarchy, reintroducing religion as a function of controlling the masses, legitimizing the persecution of religion, when the confessions that manage believers do not support their positions, and above all by introducing a distribution of wealth , characterized by inequality and imbalances, which enhances the living conditions and well-being of a few to the detriment of the standard of living of many.
The result is the redesign of society and social relations between classes according to an authoritarian model, which denies rights, which exalts arbitrariness, which favors the strongest, those who have greater economic and material resources, and are therefore in able to exercise power, imposing their choices on others and to live in an unequal world where the difference in opportunities reigns supreme, where selfishness, nationalism and hatred prevail over solidarity.
This redesign of the regressive society can only be overcome by developing and planning a new beginning that needs extreme clarity in the vision of relationships between classes. since nothing will be spared, every mistake will weigh like a boulder, bearing a very high price that will have to be paid to regain the trampled freedoms. To still hope that, as happened in the past in France, the ad exclusion principle aimed at expelling fascists and Nazis from power functions to guarantee the maintenance of democratic freedoms, to think that a "democratic" and a fascist right can exist, is an illusion. , and this is because fallacious memory has erased the shame of what has been, to the point that the interests arising from the class position of those who are on the right of the political spectrum and are the expression of well-defined interests, allow us to overcome any prejudice towards a right that increasingly feels capable of winning, in the face of its increasingly weaker opponents, devoid of ideas, awareness, class consciousness, increasingly devoid of an alternative, supportive and generally unitary political project, built on the basis of values and common goals.
So that the masses can unite around a political project, give their participation, their consent to the mobilization in defense of their interests. it is necessary that those who propose alternative solutions to those of the class enemy are considered credible and honest, work with humility and perseverance in supporting their ideas, demonstrate with their behavior their solidarity and their love for equality and freedom, which they cannot be empty concepts, but they need concrete evidence that translates into real and actionable proposals, capable of providing solutions to the problems posed by inequality, social malaise, the absence of freedom, the lack of protection of the rights of the most weak and disadvantaged. A Refoundation of the left is not only possible, but necessary and constitutes the only serious response to the advancing right, without making a distinction between the democratic and compatible right and the extreme right, because coexistence with the political projects that both these political components support brings to the inevitable pollution of an alternative and credible management of society, in an egalitarian direction and of social progress and gives space to discrimination and inequalities both economic and in terms of rights and freedoms.

Insist on rights and equality

Therefore, it is necessary to develop a new social contract that takes into account the characteristics that Europe will take on in the coming decades, a social contract that protects the weakest, that offers opportunities to young people, that allows a rational use of resources, a solidarity economy, a fair distribution of wealth, in the awareness that the life path presents various phases that require the support of generations between them and that the strongest and most capable help and support the weakest and most needy.
In this perspective, the utmost care must be dedicated to the care of minors and the education of young people, also providing for ongoing training that can allow us to better deal with innovation, while the utmost attention must be paid to the welfare system to allow distribution and equal resources as possible and the functioning of a healthcare and solidarity system of assistance and care that allows us to deal with disability and illness without being conditioned and seriously penalized by economic resources, allowing everyone access to care and medicines.
Care for people cannot ignore care for the environment whose progressive deterioration threatens to make increasingly large areas and territories unlivable and impracticable, forcing populations to migrate and flee, in the face of reduced life opportunities in the area . It is about developing a strategy to implement an immense program that involves all the peoples of the earth in the name of a new inevitable and necessary internationalism, characterized by solidarity between peoples.


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