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(en) Greece, APO, Land & Freedom: Invitation to the 6th Freedom Festival of Social, Class & International Solidarity (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

Date Wed, 24 Jul 2024 09:02:45 +0300

5-6-7 JULY 2024 | LAMPIDONA (HOLY TRIADAS PARK) - BYRONAS ---- The savage attack that societies are experiencing today, amid conditions of deep and comprehensive systemic crisis and delegitimization of the political system worldwide, is escalating and the incurable contradictions of the state-capitalist model of organization are highlighted, as well as the absolute inability to produce from above any coherent social vision, perspective and hope. The roots of this ever-intensifying aggression lie in the very nature of the oppressive and exploitative system. The need for deepening and expanding power leads to the control of every human activity, with the aim of the complete subjugation of society to the dictates of the state and the bosses.
The bankrupt world of power has nothing to offer those below but war and fascism, nothing but refugees, looting of nature and societies, nothing but impoverishment and death. This is shown in the most tragic way, both in the war carnage in Ukraine after the invasion of the Russian army 2 years ago and with the genocide that is taking place today against the Palestinian people with 35,000 dead in the last 8 months and is the brazen escalation of , for 76 years of bloody persecution of the people of Palestine from their land by the State of Israel and its allies.

Condemning millions of people to destitution, poverty, disease and uprooting is the precondition for ensuring the over-accumulation of wealth in the hands of the global economic elites and for the rearrangement of geopolitical power relations in the context of transnational rivalries, between global, regional and local forces.
The Greek state, as the border guard of Europe-Fortress, has always followed and expressed in the most emphatic way the anti-immigration policy represented by the European Union. From the Evros fence and concentration camps, to shipwrecks in the Aegean and illegal pushbacks, he expands his murderous strategy. The increase in forced returns with the use of violence signals the continuation of the inhumane, degrading and humiliating treatment of refugees and migrants, with theft of personal belongings, stripping, beatings, as well as abductions in illegal detention centers, until their also illegal re-adoption. The Greek regime, with the assistance of the murderous mechanism of Frontex, attempts to block and sink boats and ships carrying refugees and is responsible for the death of hundreds of migrants and missing people in the waters of the Aegean, including children and infants. One such tragic criminal case of mass murder by the Greek state and the coast guard was the sinking off Pylos, on June 14, 2023, of a fishing boat, on which more than 700 refugees and migrants were on board, with the intention of crossing from Libya to Italy. The consolidation of the physical and moral extermination of refugees and immigrants seeking better living conditions is a consequence of the European totalitarian policy and reflects the murderous strategy of the states towards the weak and oppressed.

In the Greek area, the direction towards the imposition of modern totalitarianism is reflected in a multitude of restructurings, which serve the declared and permanent goals of the world of Power, regardless of political management. Because if today the right seems able to impose the hegemony of neo-liberalism and expand its policy attacking the workers, the unemployed and everyone from below, it is because the political management of social democracy in the name of the radical left crushed the movements, it spread delusions, defeatism and illusions in large parts of society only to put another brick in the edifice of modern totalitarianism and further consolidate the notion that nothing can change.

Against the gloomy perspective of Modern Totalitarianism, social and class resistances, people's struggles to shake off state capitalist brutality emerge as the only hope. From the anti-war demonstrations, the struggle against the destruction and looting of the natural world, the resistances in neighborhoods to defend public spaces, the anarchist struggle against patriarchy and gender violence, the occupations of schools and student mobilizations against educational restructuring and repression in the universities to the struggles breaking out in the factories and farms, the mobilizations for the defense of public health against its degradation and dissolution, the struggles that attempt to be a bulwark against the violent impoverishment and plundering of the social base, the mass mobilizations against an entire system that kills on trains, borders and police blocks and the struggle against fascism as an integral part of the struggle against the state and capital. In these struggles, we anarchists live and breathe. Our organized political presence and action on the existing struggle fronts and the formation of new ones, we want to be the bridge between the real social needs and moods and the anarchist worldview and practice, so that the resistances become springboards for social and class emancipation.

The organization of the 6th Freedom Festival by APO-OS aims to create a public and open political and cultural space for meeting, communication and fermentation between the social and class struggles that develop from below and the intervention of anarchist and libertarian initiatives within them.
At the same time, we aim to create a space where as many as possible can come into contact with the anarchist project of social, class and international solidarity and the universal vision of social revolution, for a society of equality and freedom through discussions and updates, from photo and document exhibitions.
Thus, we will have the opportunity to create another ground where the perceptions, practices, proposals, positions and struggles of anarchists will be highlighted on a series of issues that run through the political and social reality of our time. A public field of dialogue where we will have the opportunity to get to know and present struggle experiences and political conclusions from resistances that break out with a perspective of social liberation.

Against the barbarity of modern totalitarianism that manifests itself on a global level, as anarchists, we have to put forward the weapons of social, class and international solidarity, recognizing that nowadays it is more imperative than ever to connect those fighting internationally and to fight together against the common attack that we accept. On every open front of the social and class struggle, where the aggression of the state and capital is manifested, attempting to radicalize the struggles through their connection with the universal social vision of social and class emancipation, proposing the only realistic way out for the oppressed , the organization of the struggle for social revolution, Anarchy and Liberal Communism.


Anarchist Political Organization - Federation of Collectivities

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