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(en) Russia, Avtonom: Leviathan: "Trends of Order and Chaos" Episode 166 (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]
Sun, 11 Aug 2024 07:18:15 +0300
Destroyed hospital ---- This week, the Russian military particularly
distinguished itself by destroying a children's hospital in Kyiv.
Propagandists, of course, reported that "high-precision weapons" hit
"facilities of the military industry of Ukraine and aviation bases of
the Armed Forces of Ukraine," and the Ukrainians themselves dropped a
missile on the largest Kyiv children's hospital. They say there was no
point in shooting down our missiles, they were flying where they needed
to be and in general, don't resist, it will be worse. Putin's press
secretary Dmitry Peskov said: "I urge you to be guided by the statement
of the Russian Ministry of Defense, which absolutely excludes that there
were attacks on any civilian targets. It states there that we are
talking about the fall of the anti-missile missile."
Well, in general, the Ukrainians themselves shot at Mariupol from tanks,
and hit a children's hospital with their own missile. Although the
missile was captured on video, the head of the UN Human Rights
Monitoring Mission in Ukraine, Danielle Bell, stated that "analysis of
the video footage and assessments carried out at the scene indicate a
high probability that the children's hospital suffered a direct hit
rather than was damaged due to an intercepted weapon system." I have
already cited as an example the Francoist propaganda that Guernica was
burned by the Republicans themselves. Tellingly, when in June the debris
of a downed rocket fell on the beach in Sevastopol, Russian propaganda
was indignant that this was a deliberate attack on civilians; let me
remind you that 4 people were killed. And now - achotakova, there was no
point in shooting down our high-precision missile, although again,
judging by the video, a completely intact Russian missile arrives at the
children's hospital. In total, at least 39 people were killed in a
Russian missile strike in Kyiv on Monday, according to Ukrainian
Bombing of Gaza
You know, many of my opposition-minded acquaintances wondered: how can
it be not so much the Russian authorities, everything is clear with
them, but ordinary citizens who support the war who will justify the
destruction of a children's hospital, well, it's not possible to find
justification for this? But for some reason, many of these
opposition-minded acquaintances completely calmly justified the bombing
of Gaza and the death of civilians. This, they say, is self-defense, and
under every hospital and kindergarten there is an entrance to a
terrorist bunker, and the entire population of Gaza supports the murder
of Jews, and raises future terrorists from their children. And in
general, they don't feel sorry for their children, Allah gave - Allah
took. Well, in general, something like this.
There are also acquaintances who claim that the killings and taking
hostage of civilians, including women, elderly people and children on
October 7, 2023, is all Israeli propaganda and fake news. Hamas, they
say, are freedom fighters, they are not terrorists. At the same time,
the boastful videos shot by the same Hamas are completely ignored, as if
they did not carry the mutilated body of Shani Luk through the streets.
Welcome to the real world
You know, anarchists are often called dreamers, divorced from reality.
But in fact, it is the anarchists who have no illusions about wars and
the states leading them. It is the anarchists who propose to get rid of
state territorial claims, from Nazism and nationalism, from the search
for profit at any cost. Anarchists accept people in all their diversity,
when the freedom of some does not violate the freedom of others.
Pull your hair
In modern Russia, it is increasingly necessary to explain even for
appearance. The government that created the law on LGBT propaganda
strongly welcomes denunciation. Now the voluntary morality police are
also vigilant in the person of particularly concerned citizens.
I've read more than once how they get into trouble for a man's pink
shirt, for bright clothes, for the inscriptions on clothes, for the
color of his hair, for its length, and for anything. For example, a
recent case in the Moscow metro, when a former policeman got to the
bottom of a girl who allegedly disgraced the Russian people with her
short haircut. In his defense, the man who insulted the girl and kicked
her friend explained his action by saying that he decided that they were
a same-sex couple promoting LGBT people.
It is known about this former police officer that he stole a child from
his ex-wife and won the court for custody. If you read more about him,
you can see that he is a typical toxic representative of patriarchy.
These people feel increasingly unpunished. And not all stories make it
to the media.
I immediately remember the morality police of the Taliban or Iran. Yes,
in Russia, for now, those who are particularly zealous can even be
punished by law, but the very request of the state to persecute anyone
who stands out and is conditionally "not the right person" gives rise to
such activity.
Tension among opposition-minded people within Russia itself, due to
pressure, sometimes results in acute grievances that they are considered
to be doing nothing to fight the authorities and predict that, due to
the surrounding toxicity, they themselves will eventually become the
shadow of a monster. Actually, this is where there is such a heated
discussion on the Internet about a poem about a whale, in the form of
which the biblical monster Leviathan is usually depicted.
"Some scary whale
Underwater ogre
Eaten up my friends.
Now they are gone." ...
"What is eaten by a whale
Becomes a whale.
Not right away, not now
Sometime later..."
The author actually wanted to convey concern for the fate of her
friends, but many saw this as an attack, that the whale would digest
everyone anyway, and they would simply become part of the monster.
To this we, as anarchists, will say that in this case there are no those
who are not in some kind of whale. Whale states drip with their toxins,
trying to digest everyone inside and make them a part of themselves.
Some aggressively, some unnoticed. But if a whale suffers from heartburn
and constant indigestion, then it will become terribly inconvenient for
the whale to calmly digest those whom it considers its food. You need to
tug at the leviathan monsters and not let them devour yourself or your
friends. It would be better to destroy the stuffed animal altogether and
hand it over to a museum.
And here I will remind you about helping those whom the Russian judicial
system wants to digest and destroy. It is very important to help these
people. And also don't let yourself be eaten. Because the state is not a
mythological monster. This means that a mythological hero is not needed
to fight him.
Assassination attempt on Trump
On Sunday, news came about an assassination attempt on US presidential
candidate Donald Trump. It is known that the shooter was killed, one of
the rally participants was killed, and two other spectators were injured.
And here's something else to say to this: why should the fate of not
only the population of any country, but also the entire planet, when it
comes to access to the nuclear button, depend on one person and his
entourage? Whatever this person is, whatever qualities he possesses, why
should he regulate the lives of all other people? Decide whether there
will be peace or war? Decide whether to help those in need or let them
die? Will refugees find refuge or will they be thrown out?
And for the power that the post of president or dictator gives, there is
a fierce struggle in which voters are given only the illusion of choice.
Usually this is a choice between types of shit, and it turns out that no
matter what you choose, it's all the same shit. So it is important to
destroy the system itself, which creates inequality and dependence on
the will of one person, be he an aggressive maniac or a blessed angel.
Well that's all for today! We remind you that in Trends in Order and
Chaos, members of Autonomous Action and other authors give anarchist
assessments of current events. Listen to us on YouTube, SoundCloud and
other platforms, visit our website avtonom.org, subscribe to our social
networks and e-mail newsletter.
The issue was prepared by Nina T.
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(en) France, CNT-AIT, Anarchosyndicalisme #187: Solidarity with the medical secretaries of the Joseph Ducuing hospital on strike! (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]
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