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(en) France, CNT-AIT, Anarchosyndicalisme #187: Solidarity with the medical secretaries of the Joseph Ducuing hospital on strike! (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

Date Sun, 11 Aug 2024 07:17:55 +0300

The health workers of the CNT-AIT call for support for the medical secretaries of Ducuing Hospital who have decided to go on strike for their dignity. They are fighting to have their salaries paid at the minimum wage level, as required both by law and by their collective agreement. ---- Leaflet to download in double-sided A4 format, to print and distribute ---- This situation has persisted for years. One wonders how this fact could have gone unnoticed by the unions, which are historically linked to the management of this establishment, created in 1944 by anti-Franco Spanish refugees - including the CNT-AIT activist Doctor Amparo Poch y Gason - on a cooperative mode.

The hospital management, with which unions are associated, refuses to increase them (here we are talking about a hundred hundred euros per month, or less than 15,000 euros per month for the 60 secretaries, on a budget of the hospital by more than 55 million!!!) on the grounds that if the hospital increased them, it would be obliged to increase all salaries, and that it does not have the means to do so. They are therefore sacrificed to maintain the salary hierarchy! But in the care chain, we are all essential! there is no reason to maintain this hierarchy, other than elitist discrimination.

The medical secretaries therefore decided not to wait any longer and to go on strike, not listening to those on the left who told them to wait until after July 7 to begin their movement, promising that once the left was in power all problems, particularly salaries, would be resolved. The fake ass ball is not reserved for a particular political camp, because all the election candidates from all sides come to the hospital to ensure that if we vote for them, they will have the miraculous magic wand.

But above all, medical secretaries know that it is in their unity and in their struggle that the keys to victory lie, so that their dignity can finally be restored to them.

This is why we health workers of the CNT-AIT assure them of our full support and call on all workers in the health sector, but beyond that the entire population to show solidarity with the strike of medical secretaries at Ducuing Hospital.

The fight for the dignity of one of us is the fight for the dignity of all!

Solidarity with the Ducuing strikers!

Against precariousness, For our salaries,

Long live the general strike!

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