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(en) Venezuela, PGA, Proof of the [Chavez] pudding is in the eating
Tue, 2 Nov 2004 08:44:48 +0100 (CET)
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Texts originated from PGA sphere copied for those who still have doubys about
Chavez "revolution" and the measure of compatibility of the PGA with the social
class struggle anarchism... I.S.
... For those who are still discussing whether we should have approved the day
of action in support of the "Pachamerican" popular movements, I think you
must have missed the news below, which for me is answers the debate. When
Marcelo made clear that he was not advocating uncritical support of Chavez,
but of the popular movement which is growing under the Chavez government, the
sceptics apparently took this as some sort of window-dressing. But on the
12th of October (see below) Marcelo and his mates made a demo that ended by
pulling down the statue of Colombus - to which the government (under
pressure from Spain among other things) reacted very violently. From other
echoes I have had from Venezuela, this symbolic action was very effective in
pulling off a certain number of masks. Three comrades are still in prison
and maybe we should spend our energy in solidarity with them! I think they
have shown that they are not some sort of fellow travelers for State
capitalism and that maybe Marcelo and co. have a more subtle and realistic
analysis of social struggle than some may have thought.
Below is a message forwarded from Marcelo, who initially proposed the PGA
statement endorsing the mobilisation for the 12th, asking for our urgent
help in the face of this repression.
It is important to show the Venezuelan government that our support extends
to the whole Bolivarian movement, not just the leaders and public figures.
The time has come to put Chávez' message of "revolution within the
revolution" to the test. Thursday (21) day of action in support of O12
prisoners. Please put pressure on the Venezuelan representatives in your
countries or neighbouring countries
in love and solidarity
Subject: 3 in jail for columbus toppling, more might go too...
> dear comrades...
> the situation here is very sad and yet very inspiring to keep fighting.
> i am writing quickly because we are in the middle of the heat.
> basically, after a wonderful day of dance, drumming, popular trial and
> direct action, the "revolutionary" police of freddy bernal ('revolutionary"
> mayor) repressed the manifestation with teat gas and rubber bullets,
> arresting 5 comrades of whom 3 are still in jail and are going to
> trial.
> we wrote a document that has been signed by more than 150 people (and
> growing) called "we are all responsible", in which we assume the direct
> responsibility (intellectual, organizational and executive) for the action,
> and demand that the 3 comrades are immediately released or that we all go to
> a collective trial, in liberty and not in jail (like the 3 are) for the
> action.
> we need urgent international solidarity in order to put pressure on the
> government to meet our demands.
> i say it is sad because, even though we still support the government's
> initiatives, the right wing sectors are starting to show their manipulation
> over chavez. it is a complex issue and for that reason i urge you to read
> the document that you can find in english at:
> http://www.indymediapr.org/features/venezuela
> you can find more info at:
> http://www.aporrea.org
> ok, dear people...
> here the spirit is high and the desire to deepen our revolution more
> real than ever...
> people are starting to talk (and i am being serious) of the bolivarian
> revolution before and after of the toppling of the columbus statue. the
> debate is open, and the actions are taking the streets.
> the biggest hugs to all
> with pachamerikan love
> m.
> pd: also read our latest comunique called "proximas estatuas a derribar..."
> ("next statues to topple...")
> pd2: they still want to arrest more of us, but are evaluating the political
> cost of putting more people in jail (especially since it can trigger both
> internal and international outrage from autonomous groups). that is why
> international solidarity is so crucial for us!
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