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(en) Colours of Resistance Home http://www.tao.ca/~colours/

From Worker <a-infos-en@ainfos.ca>
Date Sat, 31 May 2003 11:45:25 +0200 (CEST)

A - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C E

Colours of Resistance (COR) is a grassroots network of people who
consciously work to develop anti-racist, multiracial politics in the
movement against global capitalism. We are committed to helping
build an anti-racist, anti-imperialist, multiracial, feminist, queer and
trans liberationist, anti-authoritarian movement against global
capitalism. We are committed to integrating an anti-oppression
framework and analysis into all of our work.

Colours of Resistance is both a thinktank and an actiontank, linking
the issues of global capitalism with their local impacts. For us, this
means working locally on issues such as anti-war, police brutality,
prison abolition, indigenous solidarity, affordable housing,
healthcare and public transportation, environmental justice, racist
immigration policies, and many more. Colours of Resistance acts as
a network for us to share support, ideas, and strategies with one
another across our diverse communities.

Colours of Resistance fights global capitalism with the goal of
eradicating all systems of oppression that capitalism feeds and
needs. We are dedicated to addressing oppressive power dynamics
in our organizing. This means noticing, and changing when
necessary, dynamics that may include whose voices are heard,
which priorities are chosen, what actions are taken, who does the
work, and who gets the credit. As one step towards this, we aim to
have our network organizing collective made up of at least 2/3
people of colour and 2/3 women, and we seek to go beyond mere
tokenism by recognizing the leadership of women of colour in

We recognize that both organizers of colour and white organizers
have roles in our work, and that these roles may be distinct from one
another. For example, resisting white supremacy is not the sole
responsibility of people of colour - white organizers have a
responsibility to confront and challenge racism in white communities
while working in solidarity with organizers of colour. Solidarity does
not mean being paternalistic white 'saviours' but working alongside,
and looking to the leadership of organizers of colour.

Our collective work as a network includes but is not limited to
producing a zine, a website and published articles, sharing ideas
through local meetings and email discussion lists, and facilitating
workshops and events. While we use the internet as a networking
tool, we believe that real resistance comes from real communities
and are committed to rooting our work in community-based

Colours of Resistance first emerged in North America as a response
to our growing feeling of a gap between what has been labelled as
the 'anti-globalization' movement in the 'West' and the day-to-day
organizing efforts in communities of colour to resist the impacts of
global capitalism. We share a common critique of the lack of
power/privilege analysis among predominantly white and
middle-class anti-summit protests in the 'West' and are building a
network of people who understand anti-oppression work as integral
to any progressive movement building.

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