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(en) Italy: A-Rivista Anarchica, March 2002, Introducing Collegamenti Wobbly (it)
Nestor McNab <nestor_mcnab@yahoo.co.uk>
Mon, 25 Mar 2002 14:36:17 -0500 (EST)
A - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C E
Introducing Collegamenti Wobbly
An interview with Cosimo Scarinzi from the Collegamenti editorial team:
- Can you summarize for us the origins of Collegamenti?
- As a direct class organization, Collegamenti was born in the 70s out of a
strong, reasonably-structured hypothesis. The comrades who gave life to this
experience wanted to take on the job of critical research on the modalities of
expression of the proletariat's struggles by noting the forms of social
self-organizing which were being developed nationally and internationally. The
editors were in close relation to a network of factory and territorial
collectives, and felt themselves to be a direct expression of these.
If we had to define in simple terms the point of view which characterized us
at that time, we might say "class against old workers' movement" as a dialectic
step towards "class against capital". The end of social-democratic or stalinist
control of the workers' movement was for us a practicable objective and an
ideal project aim.
The cycle of struggle from the early 60s to the late 70s seemed to call for
a method which was often rough, ready and unilateral, but effective. The old
workers' movement could be interpreted as the expression of bourgeois control
of the class and in particular that of the state bourgeoisie and its
corresponding petit-bourgeoisie.
Today, it is easy to see the limitations of that approach which did not
fully embrace the characters of the integration of the lower classes in the
dominant social order, but we should not deny its fruitfulness. In any case, no
Although this particular type of workerism, whose roots are traceable in
direct-action syndicalism, was the great basis and analytic reference point of
the origins of our adventure, we should remember that Collegamenti did try out
an original theoretical synthesis and in part succeeded.
We can indicate three different roots of this elaboration:
1) the anarchist tradition in its class-struggle, communist version, liberated
from ideological hang-ups and rigidity;
2) The German/Dutch Left Communists and, in general, the councilist area, but
without definite ties to it;
3) The school of class composition from which we took our anti-bureaucratic
The magazine was therefore a laboratory which allowed a rich collaboration
between critical Marxist and Anarchist comrades on the level of militant
action, of research and of enquiry.
--- So much for the period up to the end of the 70s, but in the early 80s the
situation changed noticeably. In what ways did these changes affect
--- The 80s and the end of the cycle of struggle from which the magazine was
born, were responsible for the decision to emphasize the changing class
composition, precarious labour and the struggles in the public sector, without
questioning in any substantial way our theoretical reference points, or rather,
with the departure of those comrades who did question them. It was then the
paper decided on the name "Collegamenti Wobbly" [Wobbly Connections], keeping
the subtitle "for direct class organization", in order to make clear the
reference to the experiences of the IWW, the direct action union which grew in
the early years of the century in the USA. Particular attention to the
struggles of precarious workers led us to admire the extraordinary experience
of the mobilization and organization of immigrant workers in the biggest
capitalist country.
The 90s saw us in a difficult situation - the paper was an instrument to which
we were tied by a series of relations: past work, the hope of overcoming the
limits of social conflict which we could actually se. We continued in our
documentation of what the various movements were saying, in our consideration
of the prospects and of the possibilities which seemed to be opening, in our
attempt to gather the anti-system potential in struggles, by concentrating on
certain precise questions:
* the end of the Soviet block and the domination of the western system over
most parts of the world;
* the end, or at least the radical redimensioning, of the role, the importance
and the presence of the old workers' movement;
* the change of gear in production which we are witness to.
The work which has been done in these areas is, in our opinion, interesting but
we have matured in the awareness, if we assume that this is the situation from
where we should proceed, that we must accept that what we need is not to adapt,
but to accept what we are in effect new labour hypotheses. Not new in the sense
of the removal of the results and limitations in the work already carried out,
but in the acceptance of the fact that the job of militant enquiry into social
conflict, while necessary, is not sufficient.
--- What is Collegamenti Wobbly today?
--- Essentially is is a journal of political theory of an explicitly
libertarian brand. What we propose to investigate is power, its ability to
reproduce and to physically adapt to the contradictions which surround it.
We refer to the state machine, to the geopolitical situation, to scientific and
technological inovations, to the organization of production, to the dominant,
the oppressed and anti-system languages and cultures, to the different forms of
class struggle and, not least, to whatever revolutionary prospects there are.
Many of these themes have been the work of the editorial collective for years -
we're not starting from scratch, but what has gradually changed is the general
basis of our work. In fact, the need was felt to take on an explicit dimension
to the project which would allow us to select which subjects, actors and
adversaries we should examine.
It is on this basis that we have found and hope to continue finding new
collaborators and article-writers who are interested in this project which we
believe to be sufficiently relevant to merit the sacrifice of a formal
continuity and the (partial) modification of the name of the magazine.
-Cosimo Scarinzi, from the
Collegamenti editorial team.
Collegamenti Wobbly
"For a libertarian, critical theory"
Bi-annual, February & September
Genoa Office & Administration:
c/o Guido Barroero, vico Condino 1/6, 16156 Genova-Pegli
Tel. 010/565328
E mail: walker10646@msn.com
Turin Office:
c/o Renato Strumia, via Monterosa 104, 10154 Torino
Tel. 3479344825
E mail: collegamenti@hotmail.com
Paris Office:
c/o N. Thirion, rue dOran 34, 75018 Paris
E mail: chdegouttiere@hotmail.com
Price: 7 Euro
Annual subscription (for Italy & abroad): 12 Euro
COLLEGAMENTI WOBBLY is available from militants or on subscription. It is also
on sale in bookshops in main cities in Italy. Distributed by DIEST, via
Cavalcanti 11, Torino.
[Translation by NMcN for A-Infos]
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