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Vancouver Forum For the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space - Sept 9
Tue, 14 Aug 2001 17:33:41 EDT
A - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C E
NEWS RELEASE: http://www.ecologynews.com/cuenews34.html
Vancouver Outer Space Forum:
for Extraterrestrial Disclosure
and Ban on Space-based Weapons
DATE: Sunday, September 9, 2001 @ 1 PM - 6 PM Pacific Time
Webcast URL: To be announced
VANCOUVER, BC - Crucial issues on preservation of the peaceful uses of outer
space will be discussed at a Vancouver space forum:
· Canada's announced world initiative to ban space-based weapons;
· Advanced Extraterrestrial energy technologies that can be used to solve
critical environmental and world poverty problems;
· Exopolitical debate: Who is responsible for representing Earth in relations
with off-planet civilizations? How can a peaceful interface with off-planet
relations be achieved?
Disclosure Project Director Steven M. Greer, M.D., and two Co-Directors of
the Institute for Cooperation in Space (ICIS), Dr. Carol Rosin, and
Vancouver-based Alfred Webre, JD, MEd will speak at an outer space forum at
Simon Fraser University in Vancouver on Sunday, Sept. 9, on a tour that
includes Seattle, New York and the U.K.
This tour began when the non-profit Disclosure Project held a news conference
at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., on May 9, 2001, where 20
military, scientific and corporate witnesses called for open discussions
about contact with other civilizations in space. A video of this news
conference can be accessed through www.disclosureproject.org.
In Greer's 1999 book Extraterrestrial Contact: The Evidence and Implications
(Crossing Point Inc., 526 pages) he says low-cost, pollution-free energy and
propulsion systems based on Extraterrestrial technologies are available but
are being kept secret by vested interests. Steven Greer's new book
Disclosure (Crossing Point, Inc. 573 pages) contains the testimony of
numerous military, scientific, and corporate witnesses to the
Extraterrestrial presence. See www.disclosureproject.org.
The SFU event will include a video of Disclosure high-level witnesses to
Extraterrestrial-related events. A webcast URL for the event will be
Dr. Carol Rosin, President of the Institute for Cooperation in Space (ICIS),
testifies against spaced-based weapons and for the transformation of the
weapons industry to cooperative space development and exploration.
According to the magazine Military Space, Dr. Rosin "is regarded to be the
original political architect of the move to stop the SDI (Strategic Defense
Initiative) and ASATs (Anti-satellite weapons)".
ICIS Co-Director Alfred Webre will discuss a Canadian Parliamentary brief
asking for a ban on space-based weapons and open discussions on contact with
Extraterrestrial civilizations. On July 26, 2001, Canadian Foreign Minister
John Manley announced that "Canada would be very happy…to launch an
initiative to see an international convention preventing the weaponization of
space." Vancouver-based Alfred Webre initiated the 1977 Carter White House
Extraterrestrial Communication study in Washington, D.C.
Date: Sunday, Sept. 9, 1-6 p.m.
Place: Simon Fraser University, Burnaby campus, Images Theatre, Burnaby, BC
Media contact: For press pass and interview, please call (604) 733-8134
Media email: econews@ecologynews.com
Event Information: Terry Tibando/ Tel: (604) 941-5164 // E-mail:
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